well a well that is supplied with water rising from an underground water-saturated rock layer (aquifer) The water rises from the aquifer under its own pressure
A condition produced when an aquifer is confined by layers of low-permeability and the water level in a well rises above the level of the local water table; if it rises as far as the land surface, it is a flowing artesian well
Of, being, or concerning an aquifer in which water rises to the surface due to pressure from overlying water
Under pressure such that when wells penetrate the aquifer water will rise to the ground surface without the need for pumping
Ground water that is confined beneath a low permeable geologic formation, and is under pressure
(of water) rising to the surface under internal hydrostatic pressure; "an artesian well"; "artesian pressure
Where water moves under pressure through completely flooded cavities Much of Australia is underlain by Artesian strata Geology Ref TW
(of water) rising to the surface under internal hydrostatic pressure; "an artesian well"; "artesian pressure"
Used to describe a well in which the water level stands above the top of the aquifer tapped by the well A flowing artesian well is one in which the water level is above the land surface
A well that penetrates an aquifer containing water under pressure Water in the well will rise above the water level in the aquifer; if the water pressure is great enough, the well will overflow See "Potentiometric surface," "Confined aquifer "
A well where although the water table is below the ground level, geological pressures force the water up to the surface when a borehole is sunk into the water bearing rock (which underlies an impervious rock formation ) Ground water can therefore be obtained without the need for pumping
A well obtaining its water from an artesian or confined aquifer in which the water level in the well rises above the top of the aquifer The water level in a flowing artesian well rises above the land surface