Bay Tanabe işsiz kaldı.
- Herr Tanabe wurde arbeitslos.
İşsizlik problemleri tabii ki önemli olsa da, çevre sorunları da oldukça önemlidir.
- Auch wenn das Arbeitslosenproblem selbstverständlich wichtig ist, ist das Umweltproblem auch sehr wichtig.
İşsiz sayısı tüm zamanların en yükseğindedir.
- The number of jobless is at an all time high.
Japonya'da işsizlik oranı Eylül 2015'te yüzde 3.4 idi.
- The jobless rate in Japan was 3.4 percent in September 2015.
1897'de binlerce kişi işsizdi.
- By 1897, thousands of people were out of work.
Babam bir yıldır işsiz.
- My father has been out of work for a year.
How long has John been out of job?.
Tom is out of work at this time.
- Tom ist zurzeit arbeitslos.
My father has been out of work for a year.
- Mein Vater ist schon ein Jahr arbeitslos.
The jobless rate in Japan was 3.4 percent in September 2015.
- Im September 2015 betrug die Arbeitslosenquote in Japan 3,4 Prozent.
The number of jobless is at an all time high.
- Die Anzahl der Arbeitslosen ist auf einem Allzeithoch.