apply for leave

listen to the pronunciation of apply for leave
English - Portuguese
pedido de licença
English - Spanish
solicitar la excedencia
English - Finnish
hakea lupaa
English - Russian
обратиться за разрешением
English - Lehçe
podanie o urlop
English - Dutch
English - Italian
chiedere un permesso di
English - Greek
υποβάλουν αίτηση για άδεια (ypovaloyn aitisi ga adeia)
English - French
demander l'autorisation
English - German
Bewerben verlassen
um Urlaub ansuchen
English - Danish
ansøge om tjenestefrihed
English - Swedish
ansöka om tjänstledighet
apply for leave


    ap·ply for leave

    Turkish pronunciation

    ıplay fôr liv


    /əˈplī ˈfôr ˈlēv/ /əˈplaɪ ˈfɔːr ˈliːv/