
listen to the pronunciation of apparent(a)
English - Turkish

Definition of apparent(a) in English Turkish dictionary

{s} aşikâr

İnsanlar hâlâ tamamen bir yerli konuşucu gibi ses çıkarmadığın aşikar olduğunda sadece dil yeteneğiniz üzerine size iltifat etmek eğilimindedir. - People tend to only compliment you on your language ability when it's apparent that you still don't quite sound like a native speaker.

Bunu benim için yapmak istemediğin oldukça aşikar. - It's quite apparent that you don't want to do this for me.


İnsanlar hâlâ tamamen bir yerli konuşucu gibi ses çıkarmadığın aşikar olduğunda sadece dil yeteneğiniz üzerine size iltifat etmek eğilimindedir. - People tend to only compliment you on your language ability when it's apparent that you still don't quite sound like a native speaker.

Bunu benim için yapmak istemediğin oldukça aşikar. - It's quite apparent that you don't want to do this for me.


Belli ki Tom Mary'den hoşlanmıyor. - Apparently, Tom doesn't like Mary.

Belli ki o adam bizi yanıltıyor. - The man is apparently deceiving us.

{s} bariz

Tehlike bariz değildi. - The danger was not apparent.

Tom bariz acı içinde değil. - Tom is in no apparent pain.

{s} görünüşte olan
kolay anlaşılır
{s} anlaşılır
göze çarpan
gözle görünen
apparent density
(Tıp) serbest yoğunluk
apparent horizon
(Askeri,Havacılık) görünen ufuk
apparent magnitude
(Aydınlatma) görünür büyüklük
apparent motion
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) göreli devinim
apparent motion
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) zahiri hareket
apparent porosity
görünür porozite
apparent position
(Askeri) zahiri mevki
apparent power
zahiri güç
apparent precession
(Askeri) görünen sapma
apparent speed
(Askeri) zahiri hız
apparent viscosity
(Tıp) görünen vizkozite
apparent viscosity
görünür viskozite
apparent wander
(Askeri) görünen sapma

Onun seçimi kazanacağı açık. - It is apparent that he will win the election.

Bu açık olmalı ama görünüşe göre değil. - This should be obvious, but apparently it's not.

kolaylıkla görülür
apparent angle of friction
görünen sürtünme açısı
apparent brightness
görünür parlaklık
apparent cohesion
görünür kohezyon
apparent conductivity
görünür iletkenlik
apparent density
görünen yoğunluk
apparent depth
görünen derinlik
apparent diameter
görünür çap
apparent image
görünür görüntü
apparent magnitude
görünürdeki parlaklık
apparent motion
görünürdeki hareket
apparent noon
gerçek öğle
apparent orbit
görünürdeki yörünge
apparent porosity
görünen gözeneklilik
apparent power
görünür güç
apparent sideral time
gerçek yıldız zamanı
apparent solar day
gerçek güneş günü
apparent solar time
gerçek güneş zamanı
apparent specific gravity
zahiri özgül ağırlık
apparent time
zahiri zaman
apparent weight
görünen ağırlık

Tom, görünen o ki çok ikna ediciydi. - Tom was apparently very convincing.

apparent to
{s} besbelli
apparent age
(Jeoloji) görünür yaş
apparent altitude
(Askeri) BELLİ İRTİFA: Bak "rectified altitude"
apparent azimuth
(Askeri) zahiri istikamet açısı
apparent azimuth
(Askeri) ZAHİRİ İSTİKAMET AÇISI: Yeri sesle tespit edilmiş bir hava hedefinin istikamet açısı
apparent candle power
görünür mum gücü
apparent circumferential pitch
görünen dairesel hatve
apparent coefficient
(Gıda) görünür katsayı
apparent cohesion
görünen koheziyon
apparent color
(Tıp) görünür renk
apparent crater
(Çevre) zahiri krater
apparent crater
görünür krater
apparent density
(Nükleer Bilimler) görünür yoğunluk
apparent depth
görünür derinlik
apparent diameter
(Geometri) zahiri çap
apparent dip
(Jeoloji) görünür dalım
apparent dip
(Jeoloji) görünür eğim
apparent efficiency
görünür verimlilik
apparent efficiency
(Tıp) kolon verimi
apparent elastic limit
görünen elastik limit
apparent elevation
(Askeri) ZAHİRİ YÜKSEKLİK AÇISI: Yeri sesle tespit edilmiş bir hava hedefinin yüksekliğine tekabül eden açı
apparent elevation
(Askeri) zahiri yükseklik açısı
apparent horizon
(Askeri) GÖRÜNEN UFUK: Kara veya deniz ile gökyüzünün birleştiği hat
apparent mass
(Havacılık) belli kütle
apparent position
(Askeri) ZAHİRİ MEVKİ: Bir tayyarenin sesinden tahmin edilen mevkii. Zahiri mevki; sesin herhangi bir anda dinleyicinin kulağına gelmek üzere harekete geçtiği noktadır, ve tayyarenin hakiki mevkiinden bir hayli geridedir. Bu hal, sesin başlangıç noktasından kulağa gelinceye kadar geçen zamanda, tayyarenin ilerlemiş olmasından meydana gelir
apparent precession
(Askeri) GÖRÜNEN SAPMA: Herhangi bir uygulanan kuvvet nedeniyle değil de, yeryüzünün dönme etkisine bağlı olarak gyro ekseninin yeryüzüne göre olan görünen sapması
apparent sidereal time
(Astronomi) gerçek yıldız zamanı
apparent solid density
görünür katı yoğunluk
apparent specific gravity
birim ağırlık
apparent specific weight
görünen özgül ağırlık
apparent speed
(Askeri) ZAHİRİ HIZ: Bir hedefin, görüş eksenine dikey olan zahiri hareket hattı üzerinde göründüğü andaki hızı
apparent sun
(Askeri) ZAHİRİ GÜNEŞ: Gözetleyici veya gözlemci tarafından görünen güneş. Buna "true sun" da denir
apparent sun
(Askeri) zahiri güneş
apparent surface
görünür yüzey
apparent surface
açık yüzey
apparent temperature
zahiri sıcaklık
apparent temperature
görünür sıcaklık
apparent thrust
(Havacılık) şaft trastı
apparent velocity
(Çevre) görünür hız
apparent wander
(Askeri) GÖRÜNEN SAPMA: bkz: "apparent precession"
heir apparent
angle of apparent internal friction
görünen iç sürtünme açısı
heir apparent
meşru mirasçı
for no apparent reason
yok yere
local apparent noon
English - English
appearing as such but not necessarily so; "for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent"; "the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies"; "the ostensible truth of their theories"; "his seeming honesty
Appearing to the eye or mind (distinguished from, but not necessarily opposed to, true or real); seeming

This apparent motion is due to the finite velocity of light, and the progressive motion of the observer with the earth, as it performs its yearly course about the sun.

Capable of being seen, or easily seen; open to view; visible to the eye; within sight or view

Hesperus, that led / The starry host, rode brightest, till the moon, / Rising in clouded majesty, at length / Apparent queen unveiled her peerless light, / And o’er the dark her silver mantle threw.

Clear or manifest to the understanding; plain; evident; obvious; known; palpable; indubitable

When I came to Renfield's room I found him lying on the floor on his left side in a glittering pool of blood. When I went to move him, it became at once apparent that he had received some terrible injuries.

apparent brightness
The brightness of a star as measured by an observer, as opposed to its intrinsic brightness when corrected for distance or absorption
apparent brightnesses
plural form of apparent brightness
apparent magnitude
a numerical measure of the brightness of a star, planet etc.; a decrease of 1 unit represents an increase in the light received by a factor of 2.512
easily understood
{a} visible, evident, plain, open, certain
(appeirand air), whereby the succession process has begun for someone following the death of a predecessor but is yet incomplete (not to be confused with heir-apparent)
calculated from received flux: for two stars 1 and 2, m1 - m2 = -2 5 log10(f1/f2)
Not intrinsic, but dependent on the position oor distance of an observer
appearing as such but not necessarily so; "for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent"; "the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies"; "the ostensible truth of their theories"; "his seeming honesty"
Not intrinsic or a characteristic of a body, but depends on the distance of position of the observer
The outer limit line of a vegetation area, such as marsh or mangrove, delineated as shoreline; the shoreline as it would appear to the mariner (5)
readily apparent to the eye; "angry for no apparent reason"; "had no visible means of support"
An heir apparent
An apparent situation, quality, or feeling seems to exist, although you cannot be certain that it does exist. I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress
readily apparent to the eye; "angry for no apparent reason"; "had no visible means of support
Appearing to the eye or mind (distinguished from, but not necessarily opposed to, true or real); seeming; as the apparent motion or diameter of the sun
If you say that something happens for no apparent reason, you cannot understand why it happens. The person may become dizzy for no apparent reason
If something is apparent to you, it is clear and obvious to you. It has been apparent that in other areas standards have held up well = clear
clearly apparent or obvious to the mind or senses; "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"; "evident hostility"; "manifest disapproval"; "patent advantages"; "made his meaning plain"; "it is plain that he is no reactionary"; "in plain view"
{s} obvious; ostensible, pretended
apparent danger
danger which can be seen, danger which is perceptible
apparent motion
An optical illusion in which stationary objects viewed in quick succession or in relation to moving objects appear to be in motion Also called apparent movement
apparent motion
The sense of motion induced by rapidly displaying a series of images of an object to make the object appear to change location or shape Animation techniques take advantage of this perceptual effect
apparent motion
The celestial bodies appear to rise in the east and set in the west, but this is an illusion caused by the rotation of the Earth
apparent motion
an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object; "the cinema relies on apparent motion"; "the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement
apparent motion
(n) The sense of motion induced by rapidly displaying a series of images of an object to make the object appear to change location or shape Animation techniques take advantage of this perceptual effect
apparent motion
The observed motion of a heavenly body across the celestial sphere, assuming the Earth is at the sphere's center and is standing still
apparent power
The product of a circuit's RMS voltage and its RMS current Apparent power is not indicative of the actual power consumed by an apparatus
apparent power
This is the voltage-ampere requirement of a device designed to convert electric energy to a non-electrical form
apparent power
Power value obtained in an ac circuit as the product of current times voltage See VA
apparent power
that power apparently available for use in an AC circuit containing a reactive element It is the product of effective voltage times effective current expressed in volt-amperes It must be multiplied by the power factor to obtain true power available
apparent power
The simple product of voltage and current This does not represent the actual power in an AC circuit because it does not take into account phase shift and harmonic distortion Therefore, instead of being expressed in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW), it is expressed in kilovolt-amperes (kVA) Apparent power is never less than actual power Transformers, wires, and other power distribution equipment must be sized for apparent power
apparent power
  In alternating-current power transmission and distribution, the product of the rms voltage and amperage   Note 1:   When the applied voltage and the current are in phase with one another, the apparent power is equal to the effective power, i e , the real power delivered to or consumed by the load   If the current lags or leads the applied voltage, the apparent power is greater than the effective power   Note 2:   Only effective power, i e , the real power delivered to or consumed by the load, is expressed in watts   Apparent power is properly expressed only in volt-amperes, never watts See diagram under effective power
apparent power
The product of the volts and amperes It comprises both real and reactive power, usually expressed in kilovolt-ampere (kVA) or megavoltamperes (MVA)
apparent power
A value of power for AC circuits that is calculated as the product of RMS current times RMS voltage, without taking the power factor into account
apparent power
-The product of the applied voltage and current in an ac circuit Apparent power, or volt-amps, is not the true power of the circuit because the power factor is not considered in the calculation
apparent power
product of the root-mean-square of voltage times the root-mean-square of current in an alternating-current circuit (Electricity)
apparent power
the mathematical product of voltage and current on ac systems Since voltage and current may not be in phase on ac systems, the apparent power thus calculated may not equal the real power, but may actually exceed it Reactive loads (inductance and/or capacitance) on ac systems will cause the apparent power to be larger than the real power
apparent power
The product of input RMS voltage times input RMS current In AC input, switch-mode power systems, where the input current is distorted, high RMS values result in high apparent power
apparent power
The product of voltage and current in a circuit
apparent power
A term only applicable to Alternating Current (AC) circuits, it is the product of the voltage applied times the current flow The unit of measure is VA, or Voltamperes
apparent power
The product of the effective values of alternating voltage and current
apparent resistance
seeming opposition; manifest resistance
heir apparent
Someone who will definitely inherit, assuming he survives the one from whom he is inheriting
for no apparent reason
due to no obvious reason
heir apparent
The heir apparent to a particular job or position is the person who is expected to have it after the person who has it now. An heir whose right to inheritance is indefeasible by law provided he or she survives an ancestor
heir apparent
heir whose right to receive an inheritance cannot be changed by the birth of another heir as long as he or she outlives that person (Law); person who is expected to inherit the position or status of another
heir apparent
an heir whose right to an inheritance cannot be defeated if that person outlives the ancestor
without any apparent motive
with no rhyme or reason, without any explainable reason
without any apparent reason
with no rhyme or reason, in a peculiar and unexplainable manner