(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) En az bir ay süren ve motor gerginliği, kas ağrısı, yorgunluk, dinlenememe, terleme, kalp çarpıntısı, ağızda kuruluk, sık sık işeme, mide ağrısı, kaygı ve endişe duyguları, kendinin veya yakınlarının başına kötü şeyler geleceği beklentisi, sabırsızlık, sinirlilik, sınırda olma duyguları, yoğunlaşma ve uyku sorunları gibi semptomlarla kendini gösteren genel, 'yüzer gezer' bir kaygı
English - English
Definition of anxiety disorder in English English dictionary
a cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which severe anxiety is a salient symptom
a psychological disorder involving the presence of anxiety that is so intense or so frequently present that it causes difficulty or distress for the individual
An emotional state which causes great discomfort in anticipation of real or imagined dangers Physical symptoms can include increased heart rate, sweating, shaking
A depressive illness that makes a consumer feel nervous Assertive Community Treatment (ACT): The treatment staff (Psychiatrist, Nurse, Case Manager, Therapist and/or Supportive Employment and sometimes others), based on the need of the consumer, goes to the consumer to provide treatment
Disorders in which anxiety (persistent feelings of apprehension, tension, or uneasiness) is the predominant disturbance there are five types of anxiety disorders, including: Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by at least six months of a more-or-less constant state of tension or worry not related to any event Panic disorder is characterized by repeated, unprovoked attacks of anxiety or terror lasting up to 10 minutes Phobias are irrational, involuntary and overwhelming fears that lead a person to avoid common objects, events or situations, including social situations and being out in public Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by recurrent, persistent and intrusive thoughts or impulses that the person feels can be controlled by performing repetitive behaviors Post-traumatic stress disorder is severe stress lasting more than one month caused by being part of or witnessing a traumatic event
{i} behavior or chronic condition characterized by persistent worry and extreme anxiety over different activities and events having physical symptoms of palpitations and sweating and feelings of stress
A psychological condition in which an individual experiences excessive anxiety regarding separation from home or from people to whom the individual has a strong emotional attachment
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry about everyday things that is disproportionate to the actual source of worry
an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling of light-headedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months