
listen to the pronunciation of antinomianism
English - Turkish
dini kanunlara, dini kurallara karşı olan ahlaki hiçbir kuralı tanımayan
English - English
opposition to the Torah
a religious movement which believes that only the spiritual 'law of Faith' (Romans 3: 27) is essential for salvation; and which is 'against' all other practical 'laws' being taught as being essential for salvation; and refering to them as legalism
Antinomianism was the viewheretical to Puritansthat those possessing saving grace were exempt from the rules of good behavior and from the laws of the community
Literally meaning "opponents of law," the name applies to specific early Christian groups that argued that faith in Christ absolves the believer from obeying the moral law, a libertarian attitude attacked by Paul (Gal 5: 13-6: 10) and the author of 1 and 2 John See heresy
the theological doctrine that by faith and God's grace a Christian is freed from all laws (including the moral standards of the culture)
a belief that there are no norms, that individual persons determine their own ethical stance; freedom from moral law
(from Latin anti + Greek nomos "law") The belief that under the gospel dispensation of grace the moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation
Antinomianism is from the Greek [anti] meaning opposed to, and [nomos] meaning Law In Theological terms it denotes those who oppose God's law Theologians generally hold that there are two types of Antinomians "Explicit" Antinomians are obvious reprobates who disregard the laws of God, and "implicit" Antinomians are professed Christians who falsely construe that they have New-Testament "liberty" from the law of God That is to say, because they believe they are saved by Grace and not works, they surmise that it doesn't matter how they live in transgression of laws [back]
the belief that once a believer is saved, they are not bound to follow moral laws
Antinomy is derived from the two Greek words a)nti/(anti) meaning "over against" and no/moj (nomos) meaning "law " An antinomian is one who denies that there is any objective law or standard of obedience in the New Testament age to which the believer is accountable
Literally, "anti-law " Theologically, it denotes those who oppose or dismiss God's law in the Bible There are two classifications of antinomians Explicit antinomians are the unconverted who display a flagrant disregard for the law of God (Rom 1, 2) Implicit antinomians are professed Christians who hold that God's law is not relevant in the present era They often substitute subjective, arbitrary standards like the so-called "leading of the Spirit" for God's written revelation
a view which is in some fashion against the law
The tenets or practice of Antinomians
{i} Christian doctrine that salvation is obtained by grace and not by good works
a belief that the Law was completely abrogated by Jesus so that it has no meaning for the present day Christian believer which is perceived by most Christians as heretical