antilop (afrika)

listen to the pronunciation of antilop (afrika)
Turkish - English
{i} gnu
GNU stands for "GNU's not Unix," and refers generally to software distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL)
large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail
(GNU is Not Unix) Project - A project started by Richard Stallman that has turned into the Free Software Foundation (FSF) to develop and promote alternatives to proprietary UNIX implementations GNU software is licensed under the GPL
{i} type of oxlike African antelope
This stands for "GNU's Not Unix" This is a project by the Free Software Foundation to produce a "free" Unix-like environment, in contrast to the commercial (and expensive) Unixes Most of the basic utilities that come with Linux distributions are GNU utilities-- programs originally appearing under commercial Unixes, but recoded under the GPL This fact has led Richard Stallman to insist that Linux be called "GNU/Linux", since only the kernel of Linux is truly "Linux"
GNU's Not Unix, an organization devoted to the creation and support of Open Source software GIMP is an official GNU application
GNU stands for GNU's not UNIX and is thus a recursive acronym (and unlike the animal name, the "G" here is pronounced) At any rate, the GNU project is an effort by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) to make all of the traditional UNIX utilities free for whoever wants them The Free Software Foundation programmers know their stuff, and the quality of the GNU software is on par with the best produced commercially, and often better All of the GNU software can be downloaded for free or obtained on CD-ROM for a small service fee Documentation for all GNU software can be downloaded for free or obtained in book form for a small service fee The Free Software Foundation pays its bills from the collection of service fees and the sale of T-shirts, and exists mostly through volunteer effort It is based in Cambridge, MA
A large antelope native to Africa having curved horns
Stands for "GNU's Not Unix" Refers to software distributed under the GNU Public License
GNU's Not Unix, the Free Software Foundation's project aimed at creating a free system with at least the capabilities of Unix Linux uses GNU utilities extensively
What is the GNU project?
n: 1 GNU stands self-referentially for 'GNU's not UNIX,' a UNIX-compatible software system developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) The philosophy behind GNU is to produce software that is non-proprietary Anyone can download, modify and redistribute GNU software The only restriction is that they cannot limit further redistribution The GNU project was started in 1983 by Richard Stallman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Source: ZDWebopedia) 2 Either of two large African antelopes (Connochaetes gnou or C taurinus) having a drooping mane and beard, a long tufted tail, and curved horns in both sexes Also called wildebeest (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company )
Short for GNU is Not Unix A series of UNIX-based software that is provided free of charge GNU software (and other software that seeks protection) falls under the terms of the GNU General Public License, which protects software from being explointed for commercial use It ensures that there will always be a large body of software freely available
Gnu's not Unix This is a software system, Unix compatible, and developed by the Free Software Foundation It was begun by Richard Stallman, at MIT, in 1983 see GNU Project for details It purpose is the encouragement and development of non-proprietary software Perhaps the most well-known example of this is Linux
Is an acronym for GNU's not Unix GNU's goal is to distribute Unix programs/software free of charge
Recursive acronym, which stands for `GNU is not UNIX' Used in relation to software from the Free Software Foundation, including GNU Emacs, the GNU C compiler, gzip and much more
Free Software foundation development tools used to develop PDA applications The GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users
Gnu's Not Unix
One of two species of large South African antelopes of the genus Catoblephas, having a mane and bushy tail, and curved horns in both sexes
GNU is Not Unix The premier open-source development project, carried out by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation
antilop (afrika)