(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) İnsanbiçimcilik, antropomorfizm: İnsan şeklinde putlara inanma ve tapma esasına dayanan bir din. Allah'ı insan vasıflarıyla tasavvur eden dinî inançlar da antropomorfizm'in başka kılıkta görünüşleridir
the attribution or ascription to inanimate objects, animals, forces of nature etc, of characteristics believed or assumed by some to belong exclusively to humans
The process of labeling animal behavior using terms that apply to human behavior
The tendency to ascribe human features (such as hands or arms) or other human characteristics to God
Attribution of human characteristics to non-human things Thus, an anthropomorphic religion treats god as a personal being, and anthropomorphic natural theories may suppose that plants, animals, or the earth itself think and feel in the same ways that we do Recommended Reading: Eileen Crist, Images of Animals: Anthropomorphism and Animal Mind (Temple, 2000) {at Amazon com} and Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals, ed by Robert W Mitchell, Nicholas S Thompson, and H Lyn Miles (SUNY, 1996) {at Amazon com} Also see BGHT, ColE, ISM, noesis, CE, and MacE
The tendency to ascribe human features (such as hands or arms) or other human characteristics to God See p 140
embuing machines (especially computers) with human capabilities or responsibilities
( adj anthropomorphic) A Greek term for the attribution of human behavior or characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, natural phenomena, or deity; with regard to deity, anthropomorphism became a point of theological discussion in Judaism, Christianity and Islam See Part 1
a figure of speech where the poet characterizes an abstract thing or object as if it were a person See also personification
An IA behaviour, of learning the from users action, for e g , mail sorting programs, spam blocking programs that learn how to weed out email based on watching the user's action and making inferences
The tendency to refer to machines, such as computers, as if they have human traits, capabilities, or responsibilities
Anthropomorphism is from the Greek [anthropos] meaning human, and [morphe] which means form It is the doctrine of ascribing human form or human attributes to a deity In Christianity it is when people ascribe human features like hands, legs, feet, or other such human characteristics, to God [back]
The representation of a non-human as a human God in the earlier parts of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) is described in human terms, as having a body Sometimes anthropomorphism is extended to animals who are assumed to have human feelings
Attributing human characteristics to something not human; particularly, ascribing human shape and form to a deity
Attributing human characteristics to non-human entities such as animals, inanimate objects, or God Genesis 3: 8 is an anthropomorphic image of God walking in the garden The book of Proverbs contains several anthropomorphic portrayals of Wisdom as a woman
Seeing animals or the world itself as having human characteristics, particularly as having feelings and motives like those of human beings Everything is like us See Pathetic fallacy