
listen to the pronunciation of anonymous
English - Turkish

Bu konuda anonim kalmak istiyorum. - I want to remain anonymous in this.

Anonim kalmak istiyorsun. - You want to remain anonymous.

{s} isimsiz

O, kızılhaç'a isimsiz olarak büyük bir miktarda para bağışladı. - He anonymously donated a large sum of money to the Red Cross.

Tom isimsiz bir şekilde sevdiği hayır kurumuna bir milyon dolar yardımda bulundu. - Tom anonymously donated a million dollars to his favorite charity.

adı meçhul
(Ticaret) gizli

Gizli kalmak isterim. - I'd like to remain anonymous.

Sorular uzun sürmeyecek, ve her şey tamamen gizli tutulacak. - The questions will not take long, and everything would be kept completely anonymous.

adı bilinmeyen

Bu şiir adı bilinmeyen bir şair tarafından yazılmıştır. - This poem was written by an anonymous poet.


Adsız Alkolikler'in bir üyesiyim. - I'm a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

yazarı bilinmeyen
(Bilgisayar) adsız kullanıcı
(Mimarlık) anonim adsız
{s} imzasız
{s} yaratıcısı bilinmeyen
imzasız olarak
Özellikle FTP sitelerinde, her Internet kullanıcısının dosya transferi yapabilmesi amaciyla kullanılan kullanıcı adı tanımı. Ad bölümüne anonymous, şifre bölümüne de elektronik posta adresi yazılarak bu alanlara erişilebilir
anonymously imza koymadan
ismi meçhul
(Tıp) Adsız, anomimus
anonymous tip hotline
İsimsiz ihbar hattı
anonymous user
(Bilgisayar) adsız kullanıcı
anonymous ?
anonymous appeal
anonim itiraz
anonymous post
anonim sonrası
anonymous tip
İsimsiz ihbar
anonymous work
anonim eser
anonymous Ftp
Archie: FTP dosyalarını arama yapmak amacıyla üretilmiş bir yazılımlarıdır. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): Tüm dünyada çok yaygın olarak kullanılan Latin harflerini tanımlamaya yarayan bilgisayar kodları standardına verilen ad. Bu standart sayesinde, her tür bilgisayar kolayca metin alışverişi yapabilir
anonymous agreements
(Kanun) isimsiz akitler
anonymous architecture
(Mimarlık) anonim mimarlık
anonymous artery
(Anatomi) anonim arter
anonymous author
isimsiz yazar
anonymous connection
(Bilgisayar) anonim bağlantı
anonymous connections
Anonim Bağlantı
anonymous connections
Topluma Açık Bağlantı
anonymous logon
(Bilgisayar) adsız oturum açma
anonymous stockholders
anonim hissedarlar
anonymous water company
(Ticaret) anonim su şirketi

İsimsiz bir hayırsever bir hayvan barınağı için birkaç yüz bin dolar bağışladı. - An anonymous benefactor bequeathed several hundred thousand dollars to an animal shelter.

Tom isimsiz bir şekilde sevdiği hayır kurumuna bir milyon dolar yardımda bulundu. - Tom anonymously donated a million dollars to his favorite charity.


John Doe anonim bir kişi için takma bir isimdir. - John Doe is a nickname for an anonymous person.

Akıllı bir okuyucu, anonim kaynaklar dahil, okudukları her şeyi tartmak için istekli olmalıdır. - An astute reader should be willing to weigh everything they read, including anonymous sources.

isimsiz bir şekilde

Adsız Alkolikler'in bir üyesiyim. - I'm a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

ismi bilinmeyen yazar
remain anonymous
adı bilinmemek
takma isim
yazarı bilinmeden
does your clinic give anonymous aids tests
kliniğiniz isimsiz aids testi yapıyor mu
remain anonymous
anonim kalmak
English - English
Of unknown name; whose name is withheld

No customer personal data will be retained unless it is rendered anonymous.

Without any name acknowledged of a person responsible, as that of author, contributor, or the like

an anonymous pamphlet; an anonymous subscription.

Lacking individuality
Lacking a name; not named and determined, as an animal not assigned to any species
of unknown authorship
{a} wanting a name, nameless
Appears as a certain mode to Loginto a FTP Server (Anonymous Login) To anonymously log into a FTP Server you do neither have to have a user-id nor a password
Used to describe a thingy that is not directly accessible through a named variable Such a thingy must be indirectly accessible through at least one hard reference When the last hard reference goes away, the anonymous thingy is destroyed without pity
Not truly anonymous - you can still be "found out" - but it means you don't have to have your own account
An anonymous forum is one that does not require the author name or e-mail address to post, this is for your comfort and convenience
the condition of having an indentity that is unknown or concealed To hide an entity's real name, an alias may be used In some applications, anonymous entities may be completely untraceable
Something or someone which is unnamed On the Internet it refers to the ability to access a server or information without reference to the person or entity who is making the request
(I) The condition of having a name that is unknown or concealed (C) An application may require security services that maintain anonymity of users or other system entities, perhaps to preserve their privacy or hide them from attack To hide an entity's real name, an alias may be used For example, a financial institution may assign an account number Parties to a transaction can thus remain relatively anonymous, but can also accept the transaction as legitimate Real names of the parties cannot be easily determined by observers of the transaction, but an authorized third party may be able to map an alias to a real name, such as by presenting the institution with a court order In other applications, anonymous entities may be completely untraceable [RFC2828] (see also alias, attack, privacy, security)
1 (~ method) Created by a method statement, as opposed to having been created and named by a define method or local definition, or having been implicitly defined Compare with bare method 2 (~ class) Created by calling the make function on the class <class>, as opposed to having been created and named by a define class definition 3 (~ generic function) Created by calling the make function on the class <generic-function>, as opposed to having been created and named by a define generic definition
Many Internet sites allow general Internet public to connect to their machines using a generic userid "anonymous" which does not require a password This allows them to search through available files and download files or documents
The means that allow a person to connect to an FTP site, search through available files, and download any file, document or program without having to establish a userID and/or password on the system where the material resides See Also: Anonymous FTP
adj 1 (of a class or function) having no name 2 (of a restart) having a name of nil
A way of logging on to servers as a guest, which gives you limited access to that server Many FTP sites allow you to login anonymously in order to download files Directories or files requiring a secure User ID and Password will not be accessible
associated with a FTP server to which you can connect "anonymously" unlike servers which require a name and password
Data that were collected without identifiers and that were never linked to an individual Coded data are not anonymous [See Coded, Linked, Directly Identifiable, Indirectly Identifiable]
not known or lacking marked individuality; "brown anonymous houses"; "anonymous bureaucrats in the Civil Service"
Generally, used for something which doesn't have the usual associated object For example an anonymous address space is not interested in user address space (that is, no process context) Some common ones are
When someone's name is kept secret
(anonymous FTP) a frequently used account/user id for sites allowing people to log on and download files (shareware, games, utilities, updates, etc ) Typically you would use your e-mail address as the password
Data that were collected without identifiers and that were never linked to an individual Coded data are not anonymous [See Anonymized, Coded, Linked, Directly Identifiable, Indirectly Identifiable]
Nameless; of unknown name; also, of unknown or unavowed authorship; as, an anonymous benefactor; an anonymous pamphlet or letter
not known or lacking marked individuality; "brown anonymous houses"; "anonymous bureaucrats in the Civil Service
having no known name or identity or known source; "anonymous authors"; "anonymous donors"; "an anonymous gift" not known or lacking marked individuality; "brown anonymous houses"; "anonymous bureaucrats in the Civil Service
Without any name acknowledged, as that of author, contributor, or the like: as, an anonymous pamphlet; an anonymous benefactor; an anonymous subscription
Wanting a name; not named and determined, as an animal not assigned to any species
{s} nameless, of an unknown person
Something that is anonymous does not reveal who you are. Of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote. + anonymity ano·nym·ity He claims many more people would support him in the anonymity of a voting booth
disapproval If you describe a place as anonymous, you dislike it because it has no unusual or interesting features and seems unwelcoming. It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa. + anonymity ano·nym·ity the anonymity of the rented room
Of unknown name; whose name is withheld: as, an anonymous author
having no known name or identity or known source; "anonymous authors"; "anonymous donors"; "an anonymous gift"
If you remain anonymous when you do something, you do not let people know that you were the person who did it. You can remain anonymous if you wish An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money. anonymous phone calls. + anonymity ano·nym·ity Both mother and daughter, who have requested anonymity, are doing fine. + anonymously anony·mous·ly The latest photographs were sent anonymously to the magazine's Paris headquarters
{s} authorless
anonymous pipe
A simplex FIFO communication channel that may be used for one-way interprocess communication
anonymous pipes
plural form of anonymous pipe
Anonymous Email
{i} electronic mail message that is sent by a third party in order to preserve the secrecy of the sender's identity
Anonymous Remailer
Internet site that anonymously forwards user email messages to various addresses (by omitting the user's identity before sending the messages)
anonymous FTP
{i} (Internet) widely-used protocol that allows users to access files from an Internet FTP site without requiring user identification
anonymous appeal
{i} application from an unknown person, appeal from an unknown person
anonymous donation
donation which has been made by a nameless donor, donation by an anonymous giver
anonymous ftp
A method of file transfer that allows a user to access and download files from a remote computer by logging on simply as "guest" or "anonymous "
anonymous ftp
Anonymous FTP is a type of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) It allows website visitors to download information from a website without entering a username and password, thus the name "Anonymous FTP" Regular FTP, in contrast, requires a username and password You might need Anonymous FTP if you plan to distribute software, images, PDF documents, or other types of files to your website visitors Back to Top
anonymous ftp
The procedure of connecting to a remote computer, as an anonymous or guest user, in order to transfer public files back to your local computer (See also: FTP and Protocols)
anonymous ftp
Allows a user to retrieve documents, files, programs, and other archived data from anywhere on the Internet without having to establish a userid and password By using the special userid of anonymous, the network user will bypass local security checks and will have access to publicly accessible files on the remote system
anonymous ftp
Archive sites where Internet users can log in and download files and programs without a special username or password Typically, you enter anonymous as a username and your e-mail address as a password
anonymous ftp
Anonymous FTP allows a user to retrieve documents, files, programs, and other archived data from anywhere on the Internet without having to establish a user id and password By using the special user id of "anonymous", the network user will bypass local security checks and will have access to publicly accessible files on the remote system See also: archive site, File Transfer Protocol
anonymous ftp
a common way to make software available; users are allowed to log in as `guest' without a password and copy whatever has been made available
anonymous ftp
File Transfer Protocol allows you to connect to a site, search through available files, and download any file, document, or program without having to establish a user-id and password on the system where the material resides By using the special user-id "anonymous", the network user will circumvent local security checks and have access to publicly accessible files on the remote system Most systems that permit anonymous login require the user's e-mail address as the password
anonymous ftp
Anonymous FTP allows a user to retrieve documents, files, programs, and other archived data from anywhere in the Internet without having to establish a userid and password By using the special userid of "anonymous" the network user will bypass local security checks and will have access to publicly accessible files on the remote system See also: archive site, File Transfer Protocol, World Wide Web [Source: RFC1983]
anonymous ftp
Computers can run an anonymous FTP server, which lets anyone log in to the computer under the username anonymous, and access public resources In general, when you log in as user anonymous, you (or your browser) use your e-mail address for the password string
anonymous ftp
The ability to access a remote computer system on which one does not have an account, via the Internet's File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Users have restricted access rights with anonymous FTP and usually can only list, view, or copy files to or from a public directory on the remote system Many FTP sites do not permit anonymous FTP access in order to maintain security See also FTP
anonymous ftp
Part of the Internet's appeal is the huge number of files available for download Anonymous file transfer protocol (FTP) enables anyone to download files from a properly configured FTP server This allows users without accounts to access files by entering the username anonymous, along with their email address as a password Because anyone can access files that have been set up for anonymous FTP, Webmasters need to be careful to use it only for files meant for public consumption See also: FTP
anonymous ftp
FTP access that is allowed to anyone Users enter anonymous as the user name and can enter anything as a password Many sites request anonymous users to enter their e-mail address as their password
anonymous ftp
By using the word "anonymous" as your user ID and your email address as the password when you login to an FTP site, you can bypass local security checks and gain limited access to public files on the remote computer This type of access is available on most FTP sites, but not all
anonymous ftp
A method of accessing an internet computer with the ftp(file-transfer program) which does not require that you have an account on the target computer system Just log in to the Internet computer with the user name anonymous and use your e-mail address as your password
anonymous ftp
(File Transfer Protocol) - On the Internet , people and companies often place files that can be downloaded; for example software upgrades To transfer the file you must make a connection to their host machine Hosts require a username and password to allow access: often the sites allow you access by logging in using the account name anonymous, thus these sites are called anonymous ftp servers See Also: FTP Go to top
anonymous ftp
See: FTP
anonymous ftp
A method of sharing files on the Internet A variety of software that can provide FTP function is available in most networking software packages Anonymous FTP simply means a computer will allow anyone using the FTP software access to a special directory fo files on its disk drive This service is called Anonymous FTP because the user name used is "anonymous " When asked for a password, simply enter your e-mail address A stand-alone version of SacchDB can be transferred using Anonymous FTP
anonymous ftp
File transfer method using the File Transfer Protocol allowing you to connect to a site, search through available files, and download any file, document, or program without having to use a username and password By using the special username "anonymous", you'll have access to publicly accessible files on the remote system Most systems that permit anonymous login require the user's e-mail address as the password See also FTP
anonymous ftp
Uses the ftp file transfer program and the internet to copy files from other computers to your own It is anonymous because many computer systems allow anyone to log in and transfer files without having accounts(usernames) on the computer You type anonymous as the user name and electronic-mail address as the password
anonymous ftp
Anonymous File Transfer Protocol allows the public to log into an FTP server with a common login (usually "ftp" or "anonymous" and any password (usually the person's e-mail address is used as the password) Anonymous FTP is beneficial for the distribution of large files to the public, avoiding the need to assign large numbers of login and password combinations for FTP access See Also: FTP
anonymous letter
{i} letter written by a nameless author, letter by an unknown person
anonymous post
{i} letter sent on the Internet with its sender's identity hidden
anonymous server
server which allows one to send letters or messages through it in a manner that hides the sender's identity
anonymous testing
testing in which the one being tested remains nameless
anonymous work
creation by an unknown artist
Alcoholics Anonymous
a self-supporting organization of alcoholic people, whose sole purpose is to provide mutual aid to obtain and maintain sobriety and to help others recover from the disease of alcoholism. Abbreviation: AA or A.A
An anonymous person
An assumed or false name; a pseudonym
{a} without a name
Alcoholics Anonymous
Definition: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA is a community program designed to encourage abstinence from alcohol using group support The group is composed of previous alcoholics It involves following 12 Steps that are written in the "Big Book "
Alcoholics Anonymous
One of the earliest forms of addiction treatment in the United States, AA developed the 12-step approach to assisting recovery from alcohol addiction (alcoholism) Several other anonymous groups have adapted the 12-step approach to help people recover from addiction to other drugs (e g , Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Pot Smokers Anonymous)
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA an international organization for alcoholics who want to stop drinking alcohol. Voluntary fellowship of people suffering from alcoholism who seek to become and stay sober through mutual self-help by meeting in local, independent groups to share their common experience. Anonymity, confidentiality, and understanding of alcoholism as a disease free members to speak frankly. Many consider AA to be the most successful method of coping with alcoholism; participation raises the chances of success of other treatments. Its 12 steps to recovery include acknowledgment of the problem, faith in a "higher power" as understood by each individual, self-examination, and a desire to change for the better and to help others recover. Begun in 1935 by two alcoholics, AA has grown to some 2 million members worldwide. Similar organizations for abusers of other substances and for habitual gamblers and debtors are based on its principles
Alcoholics Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism Alcoholics Anonymous is the original Twelve Step recovery program, formed in 1935 by two alcoholics to provide help and support for people looking to stop drinking
Alcoholics Anonymous
{i} organization which provides group meetings and group support for recovering alcoholics
Alcoholics Anonymous
A voluntary fellowship founded in 1935 and concerned with the recovery and continued sobriety of the alcoholic who turns to the organization for help The AA program consists basically of Twelve Suggested Steps designed for the personal recovery from alcoholism, and AA is the major proponent of the disease model of alcoholism Alcoholism: Alcoholism is a primary chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestation The disease is often progressive and fatal It is characterized by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking, most notably denial Each of these symptoms may be continuous or periodic
Alcoholics Anonymous
An organization of alcoholics formed in 1935 that uses certain group methods, such as inspirational-supportive techniques, to help rehabilitate chronic alcoholics
a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role
without giving a name; "she wrote these letters anonymously"
alcoholics anonymous
an international organization that provides a support group for persons trying to overcome alcoholism
A notion which has no name, or which can not be expressed by a single English word
A mere name; a name resting upon no diagnosis or other recognized basis
" A notion which has no name, or which can not be expressed by a single English word
One who is anonymous; also sometimes used for "pseudonym
{i} one who is anonymous; assumed or false name, pseudonym
In an anonymous manner; without a name
namelessly, without a name
without giving a name; "she wrote these letters anonymously
· Anonymous
Something or someone which is unnamed On the Internet it refers to the ability to access a server or information without reference to the person or entity who is making the request
· Anonymous
Generally, used for something which doesn't have the usual associated object For example an anonymous address space is not interested in user address space (that is, no process context) Some common ones are
· Anonymous
The Principals of Letter Writing: "A written composition is setting-forth of some matter in writing, proceeding in a suitable order Or, a written composition is a suitable and fitting treatment of some matter, adapted to the matter itself Or, a written composition is a suitable and fitting written statement about something, either memorized or declared by speech or in writing" (431)
· Anonymous
having no known name or identity or known source; "anonymous authors"; "anonymous donors"; "an anonymous gift"
· Anonymous
Data that were collected without identifiers and that were never linked to an individual Coded data are not anonymous [See Coded, Linked, Directly Identifiable, Indirectly Identifiable]
· Anonymous
When someone's name is kept secret
· Anonymous
The means that allow a person to connect to an FTP site, search through available files, and download any file, document or program without having to establish a userID and/or password on the system where the material resides See Also: Anonymous FTP
· Anonymous
1964 台 灣 史 話 [The history of Taiwan] Táibĕi: 台 灣 省 文 獻 委 員 會
· Anonymous
FTP A file transfer (FTP) service in which any user can copy files by logging on with the name “anonymous ” See also FTP
· Anonymous
not known or lacking marked individuality; "brown anonymous houses"; "anonymous bureaucrats in the Civil Service"
· Anonymous
associated with a FTP server to which you can connect "anonymously" unlike servers which require a name and password
· Anonymous
Used to describe a thingy that is not directly accessible through a named variable Such a thingy must be indirectly accessible through at least one hard reference When the last hard reference goes away, the anonymous thingy is destroyed without pity
· Anonymous
Appears as a certain mode to Loginto a FTP Server (Anonymous Login) To anonymously log into a FTP Server you do neither have to have a user-id nor a password
· Anonymous
Many Internet sites allow general Internet public to connect to their machines using a generic userid "anonymous" which does not require a password This allows them to search through available files and download files or documents
· Anonymous
(anonymous FTP) a frequently used account/user id for sites allowing people to log on and download files (shareware, games, utilities, updates, etc ) Typically you would use your e-mail address as the password
· Anonymous
1 (~ method) Created by a method statement, as opposed to having been created and named by a define method or local definition, or having been implicitly defined Compare with bare method 2 (~ class) Created by calling the make function on the class <class>, as opposed to having been created and named by a define class definition 3 (~ generic function) Created by calling the make function on the class <generic-function>, as opposed to having been created and named by a define generic definition
· Anonymous
FTP A file transfer (FTP) service in which any user can copy files by logging on with the name "anonymous " See also FTP
· Anonymous
A way of logging on to servers as a guest, which gives you limited access to that server Many FTP sites allow you to login anonymously in order to download files Directories or files requiring a secure User ID and Password will not be accessible
· Anonymous
(I) The condition of having a name that is unknown or concealed (C) An application may require security services that maintain anonymity of users or other system entities, perhaps to preserve their privacy or hide them from attack To hide an entity's real name, an alias may be used For example, a financial institution may assign an account number Parties to a transaction can thus remain relatively anonymous, but can also accept the transaction as legitimate Real names of the parties cannot be easily determined by observers of the transaction, but an authorized third party may be able to map an alias to a real name, such as by presenting the institution with a court order In other applications, anonymous entities may be completely untraceable [RFC2828] (see also alias, attack, privacy, security)
· Anonymous
Not truly anonymous - you can still be "found out" - but it means you don't have to have your own account
· Anonymous
adj 1 (of a class or function) having no name 2 (of a restart) having a name of nil
· Anonymous
Used to describe a referent that is not directly accessible through a named variable Such a referent must be indirectly accessible through at least one hard reference When the last hard reference goes away, the anonymous referent is destroyed without pity
· Anonymous
the condition of having an indentity that is unknown or concealed To hide an entity's real name, an alias may be used In some applications, anonymous entities may be completely untraceable See also anonymous login
· Anonymous
Data that were collected without identifiers and that were never linked to an individual Coded data are not anonymous [See Anonymized, Coded, Linked, Directly Identifiable, Indirectly Identifiable]
· Anonymous
An anonymous forum is one that does not require the author name or e-mail address to post, this is for your comfort and convenience