(Askeri) YERE TESPİT, DEMİRLEME, ANKRAJ: Ağır cisimleri bir yere tespit edebilme şekilleri. Raylar üzerinde bulunan bir topa ait vagon, geri tepme tesirine karşı, ankraja sahip bulunmalıdır
(Askeri) FİLO İLERİ DEMİRLEME YERİ: Bir harekat alanı içinde veya yakınında bulunan, çok sayıda deniz araçları, seyyar destek birlikleri ve yardımcı araçlar için emin bir demirleme yeri
(Askeri) KONTEYNER DEMİRLEME YERİ: Konteynerlerden gemilere yüklerin nakledilmesi için uygun tesisleri bulunan muhafazalı bir demirleme yeri (liman değil)
(Askeri) ACİL DEMİRLEME YERİ: Deniz tekneleri, seyyar destek birlikleri, yardımcı gemiler veya ticaret gemileri için sınırlı bir savunma teşkilatına sahip bir demirleme yeri. bkz: "assembly anchorage", "holding anchorage", "working anchorage"
(Askeri) BEKLEME DEMİR YERİ/DAĞILMA DEMİR YERİ: Aşağıdaki sebeplerden dolayı gemilerin beklediği bir yer. a) gemilerin gönderildiği toplanma ve boşaltma demir yeri veya liman dolu ise, b) müteakip yolculuğa çıkılmakta iken düşman tehdidi veya diğer sebeplerden dolayı gecikme varsa, c) nükleer bir taarruzun etkilerinden kaçınmak için bir limandan etrafa dağılınmışsa. Bak. "assembly anchorage, emergency anchorage, working anchorage"
(Askeri) GÜVENLİ DEMİRLEME YERİ: Ticari gemilerin deniz ulaştırma kontrol sistemi yürürlüğe girinceye kadar, düşman taarruzlarından korundukları ve devam emri gelinceye kadar bekledikleri demirleme yeri
A harbor, river, or offshore area that can accommodate a ship at anchor, either for quarantine, queuing, or discharge.US FM 55-15 TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE DATA; 9 June 1886
Most nights will be spent in an anchorage; these are calm bays where one can swim, snorkel, water-ski, relax, read a book, etc Very often it is possible to visit a beach bar and listen or dance to some local music
Receptor(s) of responsive force(s) delivered as a result of the activation of an orthodontic or orthopedic appliance; by definition, displacement or deformation of anchorage is generally undesirable
2 5-3 cable SE of the pier is a good anchorage in 14-18 m in depth Sea bottom: sandy and shells The anchorage is well sheltered from winds from SW through W to N Anchorage is prohibited between the parallels 28º29'34"N and 28º27'93"N and 013º50'5"W and the shore due to the existence of submarine cables
place for vessels to anchor a city in south central Alaska; "Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska"
A harbor, river, or offshore area that can accommodate a ship at anchor, either for quarantine, queuing, or discharge
place for vessels to anchor a city in south central Alaska; "Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska" a fee for anchoring
Something which holds like an anchor; a hold; as, the anchorages of the Brooklyn Bridge
An anchorage is a place where a boat can anchor safely. The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia The vessel yesterday reached anchorage off Dubai. the largest city in Alaska, US, which is a port and a centre of the oil and gas industries. Seaport, largest city (pop., 2000: 260,283), and chief commercial centre of Alaska, U.S. It lies at the head of Cook Inlet near the base of the Kenai Peninsula. It was founded in 1914 as a construction camp for the building of a railroad to Fairbanks. It became a key aviation and defense centre in World War II and is now a regular stop on air routes from the U.S. to East Asia. Anchorage experienced rapid population growth in the late 20th century. In 1964 a severe earthquake caused a number of deaths and extensive property damage
{i} place for anchoring; act of anchoring; state of being anchored; something to which an object is fastened; something reliable