Definition of anchor bolts in English English dictionary
'L' shaped bolts which are set in the concrete foundation and used to attach the framing of the house to the foundation
Bolts used to anchor structural members to a concrete floor, foundation or other support Usually refers to the bolts at the bottom of all columns and door jambs
½"x18" threaded bolt used to secure the sill plate to the foundation wall (supplied by owner)
(1)'L' shaped bolts which are set in the concrete foundation and used to attach the framing of the house to the foundation (2) Bolts that are attached to a secured source and used to tied in a less secured item
In residential construction, Bolts to secure a wooden sill plate to concrete, or masonry floor or wall In commercial construction, Bolts which fasten columns, girders or other members to concrete or masonry such as bolts used to anchor sills to masonry foundation
'J' shaped bolts set in the concrete foundation and used to attach the framing of the house to the foundation
Any of a variety of rather large J- or L-shaped bolts designed to have a portion embedded in concrete or mortar
Bolt set in concrete or held in place by friction or epoxy that is used to fasten lumber, columns, girders, brackets or hangers to concrete or masonry walls