an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once

listen to the pronunciation of an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once
English - Turkish

Definition of an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once in English Turkish dictionary

polygenic disorder
polijenik bozukluğu
English - English
polygenic disorder
an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once


    an in·he·ri·ted dis·ease con·trolled by sev·er·al genes at once

    Turkish pronunciation

    ın înherıtîd dîziz kıntrōld bay sevrıl cinz ät wʌns


    /ən ənˈherətəd dəˈzēz kənˈtrōld ˈbī ˈsevrəl ˈʤēnz ˈat ˈwəns/ /ən ɪnˈhɛrətɪd dɪˈziːz kənˈtroʊld ˈbaɪ ˈsɛvrəl ˈʤiːnz ˈæt ˈwʌns/