an animal of a breed of cattle with long horns

listen to the pronunciation of an animal of a breed of cattle with long horns
English - Turkish

Definition of an animal of a breed of cattle with long horns in English Turkish dictionary

{i} uzun boynuzlu hayvan
{i} longhorn
English - English
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) longhorn
an animal of a breed of cattle with long horns


    an a·ni·mal of a breed of cat·tle with Long horns

    Turkish pronunciation

    ın änımıl ıv ı brid ıv kätıl wîdh lông hôrnz


    /ən ˈanəməl əv ə ˈbrēd əv ˈkatəl wəᴛʜ ˈlôɴɢ ˈhôrnz/ /ən ˈænəməl əv ə ˈbriːd əv ˈkætəl wɪð ˈlɔːŋ ˈhɔːrnz/