anı delilik

listen to the pronunciation of anı delilik
Turkish - English
To investigate something, or solve a problem using brainstorming
An unexpected mental error

A terrible fielding error from Tony Graffanino proved costly. Aaron Rowand collected an RBI double to get them off the mark before Graffanino's brainstorm. Juan Uribe hit a roller to the second baseman, who let the potential inning-ending double-play ball roll under his glove, leaving runners at first and third bases.

the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation
XE "Brainstorm"  - Developing and considering ideas for a program without a specific goal XE "goal"
To participate in a brainstorming session
Process used by designers - and others - to generate new ideas in a team environment using creativity techniques Sometimes called a 'creative workshop'
To raise ideas and suggestions in a small group Brainstorming helps a group consider all possible solutions to a problem before deciding which is the most suitable choice
If you have a brainstorm, you suddenly become unable to think clearly. I can have a brainstorm and be very extravagant
If a group of people brainstorm, they have a meeting in which they all put forward as many ideas and suggestions as they can think of. The women meet twice a month to brainstorm and set business goals for each other We can brainstorm a list of the most influential individuals in the company. + brainstorming brain·storming Hundreds of ideas had been tried and discarded during two years of brainstorming
A sudden thought, particularly one that solves a long-standing problem
{i} bright idea, sudden inspiration; attack of nerves
try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it
When you think of many different ideas, and sort them out later
To attempt to solve a problem by a method in which the members of a group spontaneously propose ideas and solutions A device used to generate a large quantity of ideas, not necessarily creative or original
If you have a brainstorm, you suddenly have a clever idea. `Look,' she said, getting a brainstorm, `Why don't you invite them here?' = brainwave
anı delilik