alveolar bones

listen to the pronunciation of alveolar bones
English - Turkish

Definition of alveolar bones in English Turkish dictionary

alveolar bone
(Anatomi) Alt veya üst çenede dişlerin dizili olduğu kemik
English - English
plural form of alveolar bone
alveolar bone
A ridge on the surface of a teeth-bearing bone, such as maxilla and mandible in humans, that contains the tooth sockets
alveolar bone
The bone that surrounds and supports the roots of the teeth
alveolar bone
bone which develops around the roots of the teeth to hold them firmly in place See gomphosis If the teeth are extracted, the alveolar bone resorbs away Alveolar bone consists of both trabecula and cortical types of bone
alveolar bone
Compact bone that lines the tooth socket (alveolus)
alveolar bone
{i} part of bone in the maxilla or the mandible into which the teeth are set
alveolar bone
the jaw bone that anchors the roots of teeth
alveolar bone
the bone surrounding the roots of teeth
alveolar bones


    al·ve·o·lar bones

    Turkish pronunciation

    älviılır bōnz


    /alˈvēələr ˈbōnz/ /ælˈviːəlɜr ˈboʊnz/