als auch

listen to the pronunciation of als auch
German - Turkish
hem de
sowohl als auch
her ikisi de
English - Turkish

Definition of als auch in English Turkish dictionary

bağlaç ve
daha sonra

Elinden geleni yap ve daha sonra üzülme. - Give it your all, and you won't be sorry later.

Sen ilerle ve ben sana daha sonra yetişirim. - You walk on and I will catch up with you later.

-bundan dolayı

Dima bir gecede 25 adamla yattı ve sonra onları öldürdü. - Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them.

İzlandaca bir cümlenin İngilizce bir çevirisi varsa ve İngilizce cümlenin Svahilice bir çevirisi varsa, daha sonra bu, dolaylı olarak İzlandaca cümle için Svahilice bir çeviri sağlayacaktır. - If an Icelandic sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Icelandic sentence.


Köpeğimi ne sıklıkta ve ne kadar beslemeliyim? - How often and how much should I feed my dog?

İyi sağlık düzgün beslenme ve ölçülü egzersizden ibarettir. - Good health consists of proper eating and moderate exercise.

ve bu yüzden

Biz trafikte yarım saat kadar durdurulduk ve bu yüzden geç vardık. - We were held up for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.

O gerçekten şirin ve bu yüzden onunla çalışmayı seviyorum - He's really cute, and so I like working with him.


Dört kollu adam bankayı soydu ve 4 milyon dolar ile kaçtı. - Four armed men held up the bank and escaped with $4 million.

Altı yaşında o, daktiloyu kullanmayı öğrendi ve öğretmenine el ile yazmayı öğrenmesine gerek kalmadığını söyledi. - At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand.

conj. ve
Hem de nasıl and so forth ve saire
(bağlaç) ve, ile, de
ile And howl
bağ. ve; ile: mice and men fareler ve insanlar. knife and fork bıçakla çatal. He looked and ran away. Baktı ve kaçtı
German - English
Used to indicate addition

Five and six are eleven.

Used to connect two homogeneous (similar) words or phrases

Boys and girls come out to play.

Used at the end of a list to indicate the last item

bread, butter and cheese.

To; used to connect two finite verbs

Call and see whether John is coming over.

{c} joining sentences and words
Used to indicate causation
You use and to introduce a question which follows logically from what someone has just said. `He used to be so handsome.' --- `And now?'
You use and to interrupt yourself in order to make a comment on what you are saying. As Downing claims, and as we noted above, reading is best established when the child has an intimate knowledge of the language
In order to; used instead of the infinitival to, especially after try, come, go
emphasis You use and to link two words or phrases that are the same in order to emphasize the degree of something, or to suggest that something continues or increases over a period of time. Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older We talked for hours and hours He lay down on the floor and cried and cried
It is sometimes, in old songs, a mere expletive
You use and to link two statements when the second statement continues the point that has been made in the first statement. You could only really tell the effects of the disease in the long term, and five years wasn't long enough
You use and to indicate that two numbers are to be added together. What does two and two make? = plus
It is used to conjoin a word with a word, a clause with a clause, or a sentence with a sentence
You use and at the beginning of a sentence to introduce something else that you want to add to what you have just said. Some people think that starting a sentence with and is ungrammatical, but it is now quite common in both spoken and written English. Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places. And business travelers are the ones who go to those locations
And is used before a fraction that comes after a whole number. McCain spent five and a half years in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam. fourteen and a quarter per cent
You use and in numbers larger than one hundred, after the words `hundred' or `thousand' and before other numbers. three thousand and twenty-six pounds. A logical operator that returns a true value only if both operands are true. andante
And is used by broadcasters and people making announcements to change a topic or to start talking about a topic they have just mentioned. And now the drought in Sudan
'Bezahlung nach Klicks' wird auch als 'Abrechnung nach Klicks' bezeichnet.
'Pay per click" is also referred to as 'cost per click'
Als Alternative zur persönlichen Vorsprache können Sie uns auch faxen.
Alternatively to making an appointment you can fax us
Beim Konferenzdolmetschen kann sowohl die simultane als auch die konsekutive Dol
In conference interpreting both the simultaneous and the consecutive interpreting modes may be used, and simultaneous interpreting is also possible in a negotiating situation
Der Küchentisch dient auch als mein Schreibtisch.
The kitchen table doubles as my desk
Die Innenstadt bietet auf engstem Raum sowohl historische als auch moderne Gebäu
In a small compass the inner city includes both historic and modern buildings
Die Schule wurde im Krieg auch als Krankenhaus verwendet.
The school doubled as a hospital during the war
Die Spieler verhielten sich untadelig, sowohl auf dem Spielfeld als auch abseits
The players conducted themselves impeccably, both on and off the field
Diese Substanz wird manchmal auch als Tetrazen bezeichnet.
This substance also appears sometimes under the name of tetracene
Dieses Wort kann sowohl wörtlich als auch in übertragener Bedeutung verwendet we
This word can be used both literally and figuratively
Divertikulose sowohl des Dünndarmes als auch des Dickdarmes mit Perforation und
diverticular disease of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess
Kumpel (auch als Anrede)
bruh (also used as a form of address)
Kumpel (auch als Anrede)
Mein Wohnzimmer dient (mir) auch als Büro.
My living room doubles as a home office
Wir akzeptieren sowohl Barzahlung als auch Kreditkarten.
We accept cash as well as credit cards
auch als etwas dienen
to double as something
auch als … bekannt
also known as /aka/
auch als … bekannt
ein Modell, das sowohl die Geburtenhäufigkeit als auch die Sterblichkeit in der
a model that accounts for both fertility and mortality in overall population
sowohl Hochschulabsolventen als auch Quereinsteiger einstellen
to recruit both graduates and career changers
sowohl nach dem Gehör als auch nach Noten spielen können
to be able to play both by ear and by reading
sowohl … als auch als auch>
as well … as
sowohl … als auch als auch>
both … and …
säubern als Ritual / auch
to lustrate