alphanumeric character

listen to the pronunciation of alphanumeric character
English - Turkish
alfasayısal karakter
English - English
Consisting of letters, numbers, and often other symbols, such as punctuation marks and mathematical symbols See also alphabetic character
Any numeric digit (a number from 0 to 9), any letter of the alphabet from A to Z, or any special symbol, such as a plus sign (+) or a percent sign (%)
Any letter or number in the computer's character set
A number, symbol, or letter that represents data
alphanumeric characters
characters of letters and numbers
alphanumeric characters
alphanumeric character


    alpha·numeric char·ac·ter

    Turkish pronunciation

    älfınumerîk kerîktır


    /ˌalfəno͞oˈmerək ˈkerəktər/ /ˌælfənuːˈmɛrɪk ˈkɛrɪktɜr/