alcohol abuse and eating disorders often go together

listen to the pronunciation of alcohol abuse and eating disorders often go together
English - German
Alkoholmissbrauch und Essstörungen gehen oft Hand in Hand
alcohol abuse and eating disorders often go together


    al·co·hol a·buse and eat·ing disorders of·ten go to·geth·er

    Turkish pronunciation

    älkıhäl ıbyus ınd itîng dîsôrdırz ôftın gō tıgedhır


    /ˈalkəˌhäl əˈbyo͞os ənd ˈētəɴɢ dəsˈôrdərz ˈôftən ˈgō təˈgeᴛʜər/ /ˈælkəˌhɑːl əˈbjuːs ənd ˈiːtɪŋ dɪsˈɔːrdɜrz ˈɔːftən ˈɡoʊ təˈɡɛðɜr/