(Askeri) ALBEDO: Pürüzlü bir yüzeyden yansıyan ışığın bu yüzeye düşen ışığa oranı, (Bu terim, özellikle ay ve gezegenlerden yansıyan ışık kastedilerek kullanılır)
Definition of albedo in English English dictionary
The fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body, commonly expressed as percentage
The whitish inner portion of the rind of citrus fruits that is a source of pectin
The fraction of the light that strikes a surface and is reflected back The earth's aggregate albedo is approximately 0 3 There are specific albedos for clouds and ice
the fraction of total light incident on a reflecting surface that is reflected back omnidirectionally
The ratio of the amount of radiation reflected from an object's surface compared to the amount that strikes it This varies according to the texture, color, and expanse of the object's surface and is reported in percentage Surfaces with high albedo include sand and snow, while low albedo rates include forests and freshly turned earth
the fraction of solar radiation that is reflected The solar energy community defines albedo as the fraction of solar radiation that is reflected from the ground, ground cover, and bodies of water on the surface of the earth Astronomers and meteorologists include reflectance by clouds and air To reduce confusion, some solar researchers use the term ground reflectance
is the fraction of light that is reflected by a body or surface, a term used in astronomy to describe thereflective properties of planets, satellites, and asteroids Albedo is differentiated into two types, normal albedo and bond albedo The former, also called normal reflectance, is a measure of a surface's relative brightness when illuminated and observed vertically The normal albedo of snow, for example, is nearly 1 0, whereas that of charcoal is about 0 04 Bond albedo, defined as the fraction of the total incident solar radiation reflected by a planet back to space, is a measure of the planet's energy balance [3: Albedo ]
The ratio of the amount of electromagnetic energy reflected by a surface to the amount of energy incident upon it
Reflectivity When radiation strikes a body, albedo is a measure of the fraction reflected, either back towards the source or anywhere away from the body In climate considerations, albedo refers to the percentage of solar radiation reflected back from the Earth into space (about 30% on average) The albedo of any locale depends upon many factors, including the color and roughness of the terrain, the extent of forest or agriculture cover, and the amount of cloud and snow cover Clouds, ice and snow reflect a greater proportion of radiation than do land and ocean surfaces (Source: Mintzer, 1992)
(pronounced: al-bee-doh) albus = [Latin] white The albedo of an object is a number between 0 and 1 that indicates the fraction of light that is reflected by the object The albedo of the Earth is about 0 3: the Earth and its atmosphere reflect about 30 percent of the sunlight that hit them All other things being equal, a planet looks brighter and is colder if its albedo is higher
A ratio of the intensity of received sunlight to that of the reflected sunlight of a planet or other celestial body Different planets will have a different albedo, due to many factors, and the albedo can change due to the incident angle of measurement The albedo of Earth ranges between 0 and 1 0
A measure of the reflectivity of an object and is expressed as the ratio of the amount of light reflected by an object to that of the amount of light incident upon it A value of 1 represents a perfectly reflecting (white) surface, whilst a value of zero represents a perfectly absorbing (black) surface Some typical albedos are: The Earth - 0 39; The Moon - 0 07; Venus - 0 59
The fraction of the incident light that is reflected by a surface An albedo of zero reflects no light, and an albedo of 1 reflects 100% of the incident light
a measure of the amount of light reflected by a surface; albedo comes from the Greek word, alba for white technical def: the ratio of reflected light from a spherical body relative to that body reflecting 100% of incident light
The percentage of incoming radiation that is reflected by a natural surface such as the ground, ice, snow, water, clouds, or particulates in the atmosphere
the ratio of the amount of light reflected by an object and the amount of incident light; a measure of the reflectivity or intrinsic brightness of an object (a white, perfectly reflecting surface would have an albedo of 1 0; a black perfectly absorbing surface would have an albedo of 0 0)
The reflective quality of a surface, expressed as the ratio of reflected solar radiation to incoming solar radiation
The fraction of the total solar radiation incident on a body that is reflected by it
The albedo of an object is a number between 0 and 1 that indicates the fraction of light that is reflected by the object The albedo of the Earth is about 0 3: the Earth and its atmosphere reflect about 30 percent of the sunlight that hit them All other things being equal, a planet looks brighter and is colder if its albedo is higher
Albedo is the measure of the reflectivity of a planet, measured on a scale from zero to one An albedo of zero describes a planet that absorbs all the light it receives A planet with an albedo of one reflects all the light that shines on it
the fraction of radiation that is reflected from a given surface; values range from 0 (no reflection, all incident radiation absorbed) to 1 (all reflection, no absorption)
(sol) (meas) The ratio of the amount of light reflected by a surface to the light falling onto it F - albedo S - albedo
The fraction of light that a non-luminous body reflects A planet with an albedo of zero would be perfectly black, absorbing all the light that would strike it The lunar albedo is 0 07 (7%); very dark!
Reflectivity; the ratio of reflected light to incident light The fraction of the sunlight which is reflected off a planet
Fraction of light reflected by a body or surface, commonly used in astronomy to describe the reflective properties of planets, natural satellites, and asteroids. "Normal" albedo (the relative brightness of a surface when illuminated and observed from directly above) is often used to determine the surface compositions of satellites and asteroids. The albedo, diameter, and distance of such objects together determine their brightness
{i} ratio of the return of light by an object that is not self-illuminating (Astronomy)
The ratio which the light reflected from an unpolished surface bears to the total light falling upon that surface