alan (kişi)

listen to the pronunciation of alan (kişi)
Turkish - English
One who is willing to participate in, or buy, something

I'm selling handmade postcards - any takers?.

A person or thing that takes or receives, often more than he or she gives

I don't want to be a relationship with you anymore - you are too much of a taker.

One who takes something

The study could not confirm the real percentage of drug takers in the country.

{n} one who takes, one who uses or assumes
A person who takes or attempts to take wildlife
If there are no takers for something such as an investment or a challenge, nobody is willing to accept it. Over 100 buyers or investors were approached, but there were no takers
one who accepts an offer
The buyer of an option contract
one who takes; person or thing that takes or receives (sometimes used to emphasize that this person takes rather than gives)
{i} one who takes
one who takes a bet or wager one who accepts an offer
one who takes a bet or wager
The official in a Gaufqwi match Takers are responsible for marking the target gerbil and calling penalties in the case of rules violations
One who takes or receives; one who catches or apprehends
borsada halka satılmayan yeni senetleri alan kişi
ipotek alan kişi
(Ticaret) mortgagee
en fazla radyasyon alan kişi
(Çevre) maximally exposed individual
esir alan kişi
köle alan kişi
alan (kişi)