
listen to the pronunciation of aktinit
Turkish - English
Any of the 14 radioactive elements of the periodic table that are positioned under the lanthanides to which they have similar chemistry
Any of the series of 15 consecutive chemical elements in the periodic table from actinium to lawrencium (atomic numbers 89-103). All are radioactive heavy metals; and only the first four (actinium, thorium, protactinium, and uranium) occur in nature in appreciable quantities. The other 11 (the transuranium elements) are unstable and are produced only artificially. Actinides are transition elements, so their atoms have similar configurations and similar physical and chemical behaviour; the most usual valences are 3 and 4
Turkish - Turkish
Aktinyum, toryum, protaktinyum, tulyum, plûtonyum, amerikyum, küriyum ve berkelyum radyoaktif elementlerinin ortak adı
Atinyum'a benzeyen radyoaktif bir grup elementin ortak adı