(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME UNSURLARI GRUBU: Muhabere ile meşgul bütün unsurları içine alan Muhabere Unsurları Grubu (communications aggregation) gibi açıklayıcı bir ad altında toplanmış ileri geliştirme, imalat geliştirme kategorilerinden meydana gelmiş, birbirleriyle münasebetli, Araştırma ve Geliştirme Programı Unsurlarından bir grup
English - English
Definition of aggregations in English English dictionary
This is combining units to reduce problem dimensions One form of aggregation is to combine basic entities at the data level, such as regions, time periods, and materials The dimensions of the mathematical program, which include numbers of variables and constraints, are generally reduced by aggregation at the entity level Another form of aggregation is the use of surrogates, including the strong form: integer equivalent aggregation
The policy under which all futures positions owned or controlled by one trader or group of traders are combined to determine reporting status and speculative limit compliance
A mass or body of individual units or particles Healthy soil has good aggregation As microorganisms and worms feed, they form polysaccharides which act like glue to hold individual soil particles together, creating groups, or aggregates, of particles This loose formation allows soil to hold both water and air, and does not restrict the growth of roots
Process in corporate financial planning whereby the smaller investment proposals of each of the firm's operational units are aggregated and effectively treated as a whole
Aggregation is a form of abstraction It is a conceptual way of viewing "the whole" while filtering out details about its parts This is sometimes referred to as "seeing the forest for the trees " It recognizes the identity of a "higher level" aggregate object whose characteristics transcend the characteristics of its component parts
The principle under which all futures positions owned or controlled by one trader (or group of traders acting in concert) are combined to determine reporting status and compliance with speculative limits
In CL diagrams, an aggregation is an "is part of" relationship connecting one or more "part classes" to a "container" or "assembly" class For example, in a CL diagram of an athletic club, the employees, members and equipment all could be connected to the club itself via an aggregation (part association) In an aggregation symbol, a diamond points to the assembly class
a circumstance in which higher level information (which may be thought to be subject to a higher level of security clearance) may be inferred from a large number of lower level data items A collection of information items may be required to be classified at a higher security level than any of the individual items that comprise it
The policy under which all futures positions owned or controlled by one trader or a group of traders are combined to determine reporting status and speculative limit compliance
means the set of its parts Each element of such a set is said to be 'part of' the aggregation aggregation is a means that is much simpler to deal with than abstraction because it appeals to observable things at any level of aggregation aggregation is a 1: n association An aggregation simply identifies the sum of its parts in contrast to abstraction which identifies the set of common properties of its instances
A composition technique for implementing component objects whereby a new object can be built by using one or more existing objects that support some or all of the new object's required interfaces
The grouping together of a selected set of like entities to form a single entity For example, grouping sets of adjacent areal units to form larger units, such as grouping ZIP Codes to form PCSAs
Process in corporate financial planning whereby the smaller investment proposals of each of the firm's operational units are added up and in effect treated as a big picture [Harvey] The principle under which all futures positions owned or controlled by one trader (or group of traders acting in concert) are combined to determine reporting status and compliance with speculative limits [CFTC]
A relationship in which an object contains one or more other subordinate objects as part of its state The subordinate objects typically have no independent existence separate from their containing object When the containing object has no further useful existence, neither do the subordinate objects For instance, a gas station object might contain several pump objects These pumps will only exist as long as the station does Aggregation is also referred to as the has-a relationship, to distinguish it from the is-a relationship, which refers to inheritance
Also commonly called a summary, an aggregation is a collection of data calculated from detail transactions An aggregation is usually a sum, count or average of the underlying detail, and often is calculated along several business dimensions , i e total sales by customer by product (back to top)
The OECD Secretariat aggregates time series into regional aggregates using individual country 1995 weights in GDP or expenditure items based on 1995 purchasing power parities (PPPs) See Annex Table: Weighting Scheme for aggregate measures
Combining index relatives from one level to the next higher level The procedure for the International Price Program begins with the aggregation of item level relatives to weight group relatives The weight group relatives are then aggregated to the classification group relatives The classification group relatives are then aggregated to the stratum lower relatives which in turn are aggregated up the tree of stratum upper relatives to the All Import or All Export index level