
listen to the pronunciation of adr
English - Turkish
(Askeri) accident data recorder; aircraft damage repair; armament delivery recording kaza bilgi kaydı; uçak hasar onarım; silah teslimat kaydı
English - English
Audio Dialogue Replacement
Ain't Doin' Right
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Automated Dialog Replacement
method of conflict resolution which involves intervention by a third party mediator and strives to find an agreeable solution for both sides of the conflict
American Depository Receipt
This acronym stands for "American Depository Receipt " It may also stand for "Advance Determination Ruling," which is a decision made upon application to the IRS It is used, for example, to determine if a multinational policy decision complies with IRS rules
American Depositary Receipt - a security issued by a U S bank in place of the foreign shares held in trust by that bank, thereby facilitating the trading of foreign shares in U S markets
American Depository Receipt, which is a mechanism through which foreign shares are traded in the USA Shares are registered into a nominee's name The issues transferable ADR’s in respect of the underlying holding Foreign-owned companies are required to list on the US stock market through ADR’s They trade in the same way as any other listed share, and several of South African companies have ADR listings in the US
American Depositary Receipt Negotiable registered certificate issued on the US market and evidencing title to non-US equity paper ADRs are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and quoted in USD Holders of ADRs essentially enjoy the same ownership and membership rights as shareholders
Abbreviation for alternative dispute resolution
American Depositary Receipts Certificates representing shares in a foreign corporation that a U S bank issues The ADRs themselves can be traded on the U S stock market They are a convenient means for U S investors to trade shares in non-U S companies
American Depositary Receipt Americans are funny about directly holding foreign shares and prefer instead to trade a receipt from a US bank that holds the underlying shares Although normally the ratio is 1: 1 (i e 1 ADR = 1 share), sometimes it isn't BT, for instance, can be traded as an ADR in the USA
American Depositary Receipt
Abbreviation for American Depositary Receipt
Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods other than going to court to solve problems among people, including counseling, mediation and arbitration
Alternative Dispute Resolution (see also EDR and IDR)
If there is a problem with the sound, an unexpected breeze, somebody drops something, or the mic just didn't pick up the sound as desired, the actor is called in to redo his or her lines It is recorded as close to what is on film as possible, such as if it was in an empty room, or in a car, provisions must be made to capture the line as you would hear it in its environment
International Agreement on Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road ADR Australian Design Rules [Australia]
Certification of vehicles for use under international arrangements for the carriage of dangerous goods
American Depository Receipt The shares of non-US companies trade on US exchanges as ADRs
American Depositary Receipt (ADR's) A security issued by a U S bank in place of the foreign shares held in trust by that bank, thereby facilitating the trading of foreign shares in U S markets
See: American Depository Receipt
Adverse Drug Reaction
American Depository Receipt A certificate trading on the NYSE representing a certain number of shares in a non-U S company
Alternate Dispute Resolution
The Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator, which keeps the detectors cold
Turkish - English
(Askeri) accident data recorder; aircraft damage repair; armament delivery recording kaza bilgi kaydı; uçak hasar onarım; silah teslimat kaydı
uzak ıp adr
(Bilgisayar) remote ip addr