
listen to the pronunciation of administrative
English - Turkish
(Hukuk) idari

Lütfen incelemesi için belgeyi idari ofise gönderin. - Please forward the document to the administrative office for review.

Onlar Tom'u idari müdür olarak atadı. - They appointed Tom administrative director.

idareyle ilgili
{s} yönetimle ilgili
administrative accounting
(Ticaret) yönetim muhasebesi
administrative expenses
(Ticaret) genel yönetim giderleri
administrative expenses
(Ticaret) işletme giderleri
administrative expenses
(Ticaret) yönetim giderleri
administrative lead time
(Askeri) idari tedarik işlem süresi
administrative security
yönetsel güvenlik
administrative staff
(Askeri) yönetim kadrosu
administrative tools
(Bilgisayar) yönetimsel araçlar
administrative action
idari işlem
administrative action
idari karar
administrative board
yönetim kurulu
administrative board member
yönetim kurulu üyesi
administrative body
yönetim kurulu
administrative case
idari dava
administrative data processing
idari veri işleme
administrative district
idari bölüm
administrative division
idari bölüm
administrative law
idare hukuku
administrative law
idari hukuk
administrative official
resmi yönetim
administrative policy
yönetim politikası
administrative science
yönetim bilimi
administrative unit
idari birim
Administrative Sanction Decree
(Kanun) İdari Yaptırım Kararı

The environmental protection department gave a penalty to the vessel which was discharging bilge water to see and one days later they gave the administrative Sanction Decree to the ship. The decree was including some imformation about the ship and amount of the money about the penalty.

Administrative leave
İdari İzin
administrative affairs
İdârî işler
administrative agency
idari ajansı
administrative assistant
yönetici asistanı
administrative capital
İdârî başkent
administrative jurisdiction procedures law
(Kanun) İdarî yargılama usulü kanunu
administrative management
idari yönetimi
administrative manager
idari mudur
administrative record
idari kayıt
administrative work
idari işler
administrative ability
(Ticaret) yönetim yetkisi
administrative acceptee
(Askeri) İDARİ KARARLA HİZMETE ALINAN KİMSE: Zeka testi için tespit edilmiş notu elde edememiş olmasına rağmen, asgari not için gerekli kapasiteye sahip olduğu hususunda idari bir kararla hizmete alınan şahıs
administrative aircraft
(Askeri) idari uçak
administrative aircraft
(Askeri) irtibat uçağı
administrative aircraft
(Askeri) kurye uçağı
administrative airlift service
(Askeri) HAVA ULAŞTIRMA VE İKMAL İDARİ HİZMETİ: İç idari işler için teşkilat veya komutanlıklara tahsis edilmiş, normal olarak özel tanıtıcı işareti olan, uçaklarla sağlanan hava ulaştırma ve ikmal hizmeti
administrative alerts
Yönetimsel Uyarılar
administrative and personnel
(Askeri) idari ve personel
administrative area unit
administrative assistants
idari yardımlar
administrative beach survey
(Askeri) plaj mesahası
administrative budget
(Ticaret) yönetim masrafları bütçesi
administrative cases
(Kanun) idari davalar
administrative chain of command
(Askeri) İDARİ KOMUTA ZİNCİRİ: Ayrıca bakınız: "chain of command"; "operational chain of command"
administrative chain of command
(Askeri) İdari komuta zinciri
administrative chief
mülki amir
administrative control
(Askeri) İDARİ KONTROL: Personel idaresi, ikmal hizmet gibi ve diğer teşkilatların harekat görevlerine dahil olmayan diğer konularla ilgili olarak ast ve diğer teşkilatlar üzerinde idare ve yetki kullanılması. Ayrıca bakınız: "control"; "operational command"; "operational control"
administrative control
(Ticaret) idari kontroller
administrative control
(Askeri) idari kontrol
administrative control level
(Çevre) idari kontrol düzeyi
administrative controls
(Çevre) idari kontroller
administrative cost
(Politika, Siyaset) idari gider
administrative cost
(Politika, Siyaset) idari harcama
administrative crypto account
(Askeri) İDARİ KRİPTO HESABI, İDARİ KRİPTO LİSTESİ: Elinde kripto dokümanı bulunanlar için tesis edilmiş bir hesap sistemi. Yalnız referans maksatlarıyla kullanılır; çalışmalarla ilgili bir maksat taşımaz
administrative data processing
idari veri işleme,yönetsel bilgi işlem
administrative decision
(Kanun) idarenin kararı
administrative department
(Ticaret) idari daire
administrative disputes
(Ticaret) idari uyuşmazlık
administrative disputes
(Kanun) idari uyuşmazlıklar
administrative disruption
(Kanun) idari aksaklık
administrative domain
Yönetsel Alan
administrative equipment
(Askeri) İDARİ TEÇHİZAT: İdari işlerde kullanılan teçhizat
administrative escort
(Askeri) İDARİ REFAKAT GEMİSİ: Harekat kontrol makamı ve kıyı konvoyu arasında az zamanlı haberleşme sağlamak için bir platform olarak hizmet gören, bir konvoy komutanı, ve mürettebatını taşıyan donanma kontrolü altında bulunan bir savaş gemisi veya ticari gemi
administrative escort
(Askeri) idari refakat gemisi
administrative estimate
(Askeri) İDARİ DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: Bir komutan veya erkanı tarafından ikmal, ulaştırma, tahliye ve diğer idari konuların gerekli şekilde düzenlenmesi için yapılan inceleme. İdari durum muhakemesinden, idari plan için bir esas olarak faydalanılır
administrative estimate
(Askeri) İdari durum muhakemesi
administrative expense
(Politika, Siyaset) idari gider
administrative expense
(Politika, Siyaset) idari harcama
administrative expenses
idari masraflar
administrative expenses fee
(Sigorta,Ticaret) yönetim gideri kesintisi
administrative flight
(Askeri) idari uçuş
administrative flight
(Askeri) tecrübe uçuşları
administrative function
(Askeri) sevk ve idare görevi
administrative function
(Ticaret) idari fonksiyon
administrative guidelines
(Bilgisayar) yönetimsel tüzükler
administrative impediments
(Ticaret) yönetimsel engeller
administrative impediments
(Ticaret) idari engeller
administrative inquiry
idari soruşturma
administrative inspection
(Askeri) İDARİ DENETLEME: Bir birliğe ait idari kayıt ve işlemlerin, belirli zamanlarda denetlenip incelenmesi
administrative inspector
(Askeri) idari denetleyici
administrative instruction
(Askeri) İdari talimat
administrative instructions
(Askeri) İDARİ YÖNETMELİK/TALİMAT: İdari faaliyetlerin kontrolünde kullanılan bütün günlük emirler ve muharebe emirleri
administrative investigation
idari soruşturma
administrative jurisdiction
(Kanun) idari yargılama hukuku
administrative landing
(Askeri) İDARİ İNDİRME: İdari olarak yüklenmiş araçlardan yapılan boşaltmayla ilgili harekat
administrative law
(Kanun) yönetsel hukuk
administrative lead time
(Askeri) İdari tedarik zamanı
administrative lead time
(Askeri) İDARİ TEDARİK İŞLEM SÜRESİ: Tedarik işlemlerinin başlamasıyla sözleşmenin veya siparişin yapılması arasında geçen zaman. Ayrıca bak: "procurement lead time"
administrative learning
(Ticaret) yönetimde öğrenme aşaması
administrative leave
idari izin
administrative level
yönetim kademesi
administrative loading
(Askeri) İDARİ YÜKLEME: Taktik değerlendirmelere bağlı kalmaksızın öncelikle, asker ve yük kapasitesinden azami düzeyde faydalanmaya önem veren yükleme sistemi. Ayrıca bak: "commercial loading" and "loading"
administrative map
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK DURUM İDARİ HARİTASI: Üzerinde ikmal ve tahliye tesisleri, personel tesisleri, tıbbi tesisler, döküntü ve savaş esirleri toplama noktaları, ikmal ve destek ordugahları, hizmet ve bakım bölgeleri, ana ikmal yolları, trafik akışı, sınırlar gibi idari konuların ve idari durumu göstermek için gerekli olan diğer ayrıntıların grafik şeklinde gösterildiği harita
administrative map
(Askeri) idari harita
administrative march
(Askeri) İDARİ YÜRÜYÜŞ: Ayrıca bak; "administrative movement"
administrative means
(Askeri) idari araçlar
administrative misconduct
(Politika, Siyaset) idari kusur
administrative monopoly
(Ticaret) idari monopol
administrative monopoly
(Ticaret) yönetsel tekel
administrative motor pool
(Askeri) araç hizmet parkı
administrative motor pool
(Askeri) birlik motorlu araç parkı
administrative motor pool
(Askeri) BİRLİK MOTORLU ARAÇ PARKI: Bak; "motor pool"
administrative movement
(Askeri) İDARİ İNTİKAL: Birlik ve araçların hareketini çabuklaştırmak, zaman ve enerjiden kazanmak amacıyla düzenlenen ve hava hariç hiçbir düşman müdahalesinin beklenmediği bir intikal. Buna "administrative march-idari yürüyüş" de denir
administrative net
(Askeri) İDARİ MUHABERE ÇEVRİMİ: Çeşitli karargah ve birliklerle idari haberleşme trafiği için kullanılan telsiz, telli ve birleştirilmiş telli-telsiz haberleşme sistemi
administrative officers
(Eğitim) yönetici personel
administrative order
(Askeri) İDARİ EMİR: İkmal akışı, bakım, tahliye, personel ve diğer idari ayrıntıları kapsayan emir
administrative organization
(Ticaret) idari örgütlenme
administrative personnel
yönetimsel görevli
administrative plan
(Askeri) İDARİ PLAN: Bir birlik harekatının trafik, ikmal, tahliye ve diğer idari teferruatının yönetimi için teklif edilmiş plan. Bu plan; idari durum muhakemesi denilen bir incelemeye dayanmalıdır. İdari emirle uygulanmasına geçilir
administrative proceeding
(Ticaret) idari dava
administrative restriction
(Askeri) GÖZ HAPSİ: Bir komutanın, kendi yetkisini kullanarak, suçlu bir şahsı tevkif etmeksizin, bir garnizon içindeki hareketini, idari bakımdan sınırlaması. Böyle bir sınırlamaya tabi tutulan kimse, bu süre içinde, mensup olduğu birliğin bütün askeri görev ve faaliyetlerine katılır. Bu gibi göz hapis cezalarının ihlali, disiplin cezalarının ihlalinde olduğu gibi, suç teşkil eder
administrative restriction
(Askeri) Göz hapsi
administrative rule making
idari kanun yapma
administrative science
idare ilmi
administrative security
yonetsel guvenlik
administrative segregation
(Askeri) İDARİ TECRİT: Mahpusların; kontrol, koruma, başka mahpuslara veya şahıslara zarar vermelerini önleme veya diğer idari maksatlarla, esas mahpus grubundan ayrılmaları, hücre hapsine alınmaları. Ayrıca bak; "close confinement" ve "disciplinary segregation"
administrative services
administrative shipping
(Askeri) İDARİ DENİZ NAKLİYATI/ULAŞTIRMASI: Yükleme noktasından varış noktasına birlik ve yük taşıyabilen, ancak kuruluşunda bulunmayan personel ve/veya teçhizat (örnek: yükleme ve boşaltma müteahhidi, vinçler, şatlar, tekneler). olmadan yükleme ve boşaltma yapılamayan; ve destek gemileriyle yapılan nakliye. Ayrıca bakınız: "administrative loading", "administrative movement"
administrative shipping
(Askeri) idari deniz nakliyatı
administrative shipping
(Askeri) idari deniz ulaştırması
administrative suit
(Kanun) idari dava
administrative supplies
(Ticaret) idari malzemeler
administrative taxes
(Kanun) idari vergi
administrative tribunal
(Politika, Siyaset) idari divan
administrative unit
(Askeri) İDARİ HİZMET BİRLİĞİ: İdari maksatlarla kurulan ve kullanılan birlik
administrative unit group
(Askeri) idari birim grubu
administrative unit overhead
(Askeri) idari birim başlığı
administrative unit pointer
(Askeri) idari birim işaretleyicisi
administrative use
(Askeri) İDARİ KULLANMA, İDARİ MAKSATLA KULLANMA: Muharebe ve hizmet hareketleriyle veya kıtaların taktik harekat için eğitimleriyle doğrudan doğruya ilgili olmayan bir kullanış
administrative vehicle
(Askeri) HİZMET ARACI: Birlik ve müesseselerde, personel ve malzemenin nakli ile ilgili günlük işlerde kullanılmaya elverişli araç
administrative vehicle
(Askeri) Hizmet aracı
administrative/network management
(Askeri) idari/ağ yönetimi
Accounting, Finance and Administrative Manager
Mâli ve idâri işler müdürü
idareyle ilgili olarak
idari açıdan
district administrative court
(Kanun) bölge idare mahkemesi
dental administrative assistant
diş yönetici asistanı
faculty of economics and administrative sciences
(Eğitim) İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
law on service in administrative procedures
idari prosedürlerin hizmet kanunu
Allied administrative publication; assign alternate parent
(Askeri) Müttefik idari yayınlar; yedek ana birlik tahsisi
accessorial and administrative charges
allied administrative publications
army command and administrative network
attached for administrative purpose only
chief administrative officer; civil affairs operations; counterair operation
(Askeri) baş idari (muharebe) subay; sivil işler harekatı; mukabil hava harekatı
common transit and single administrative document
(Avrupa Birliği) (SAD) Ortak Transit ve Tek İdari Belge (SAD)
joint administrative instruction; joint airdrop inspection
(Askeri) müşterek idari yönerge; müşterek havadan indirme denetlemesi
junior administrative officer
(Ticaret) alt kademe yönetici
least administrative cost
(Ticaret) en düşük idari maliyet
logistic and administrative support
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK VE İDARİ DESTEK: Harekatın aşağıdaki hususlarla meşgul olan yönlerini içine alır: (a) Araştırma, geliştirme, deneme ve değerlendirme, (b) Malzemenin iktisap, depolama, nakil, dağıtım, bakım, tahliye ve kayıt silme işleri, (c) Personel nakil ve tahliyesi, (d) Havadan tıbbi tahliye dahil, tıbbi hizmetler, (e) Muhabere hizmetleri, (f) Tesislerin iktisap veya inşaası, bakımı, işletilmesi ve elden çıkarılması, (g) Diğer lojistik ve idari hizmetler. Planlama, menajman ve sorumlulukların icrası şümulü dahilindedir
medical administrative corps
(Askeri) SIHHİYE İDARİ HİZMET SINIFI: Ordu Sağlık Teşkilatının eski bir sınıfı. Halen bu sınıf kaldırılmış olup yerine (medical service corps) sağlık hizmet sınıfı konmuştur
staff and administrative reserve
(Askeri) MÜŞEKKEL İHTİYAT KARARGAH VE İDARİ KISMI: ABD de; Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatının özel karargaha mensup personelden mürekkep kısmı. Bu kısımdaki personel; belirli hizmet dallarından herhangi birine inhisar etmeyen görev yerlerinde vazife görür ve stratejik veya taktik konular dışındaki faaliyetlerin yönetiminde yetiştirilir
supreme administrative court
(Kanun) yüksek idari mahkeme
English - English
Of or related to administering or administration
Total cash payments for employee salaries, wages, and benefits for the executive and supervisory administrative staff, such as program directors, business managers, and press agents; clerical staff such as secretaries, bookkeepers; and supportive personnel such as maintenance employees, security staff, ushers and box office personnel
{a} pertaining to the executive branch of government, or to administration
Employees undertaking clerical, administrative or managerial duties
of or relating to or responsible for administration
This is the button that gives users access to user administrative functions, such as changing passwords and deleting messages Please see Administrative Features
It refers to the aspects of policies, procedures, security awareness, etc
Administrative work involves organizing and supervising an organization or institution. Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs. relating to the work of managing a company or organization
Pertaining to administration; administering; executive; as, an administrative body, ability, or energy
{s} of or pertaining to administration, managerial, executive
administrative kingship
The government of a country by a sovereign via a formally constituted bureaucracy

To study, therefore, the turbulent processes that led to the development of administrative kingship, to the proto-bureaucratization of the royal court, is to study the medieval state.

administrative leave
A leave of absence under unusual circumstances, especially such leave that is enforced during a disciplinary investigation
administrative accounting
system of bookkeeping, accounting method
administrative agency
administrative agency
An agency, created and funded by the Congress, whose members are appointed by the president and whose function is to administer specific legislation, such as law regulating broadcasting and advertising
administrative agency
A government agency that makes rules and regulations to carry out the law A state's real estate commission develops regulations to complement license law
administrative agency
Governmental body responsible for administering and implementing a particular legislation, such as laws governing workers' compensation These agencies may have rulemaking power and judge-like authority to decide disputes
administrative body
management, group or institution which oversees something
administrative court
court providing judgment without judicial procedures
administrative data processing
data processing in accounting or business management
administrative detainee
person held in prison prior to judicial procedures or without normal judicial proceedings
administrative detention
holding of a person in jail without a trial
administrative director
manager, one who oversees a particular operation or business
administrative discretion
consideration made by a managing authority, decision by an authority
administrative district
a district defined for administrative purposes
administrative divisions
This entry generally gives the numbers, designatory terms, and first-order administrative divisions as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names (BGN) Changes that have been reported but not yet acted on by BGN are noted
administrative divisions
The numbers, designatory terms, and first-order administrative divisions are generally those approved by the US Board on Geographic Names (BGN) Changes that have been reported but not yet acted on by BGN are noted
administrative fine
fine imposed for certain legal transgressions rather than being tried in a court of law
administrative hearing
– A hearing conducted outside the judicial systems, by a child support hearing officer to establish paternity, establish support or to modify a support order
administrative hearing
An adjudicative proceeding under UAPA that takes place before an administrative law judge at the Department's Office of Administrative Hearings
administrative hearing
A hearing held before the Informal Hearing Board or Formal Hearing DOAH to resolve issues of law and/or fact associated with an action of the District
administrative hearing
(1) A trial type hearing conducted by the ALJ that resembles a state district court bench trial (trial without a jury) The APA calls this type of administrative hearing a "contested case hearing " (2) A legislative type hearing on proposed agency rules and regulations
administrative hearing
The process whereby a noncustodial parent's or obligor's objections to an administrative action taken by the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) are heard by an impartial hearing officer upon a timely request A custodial parent may request an administrative hearing if he or she disagrees with the result of a modification review
administrative hearing
a hearing that takes place outside the judicial process before hearing examiners who have been granted judicial authority specifically for the purpose of conducting such hearings
administrative hearing
Hearing conducted by the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) to establish paternity, set a support order, or modify an existing order
administrative hearing
Proceeding before an administrative agency which consists of an argument, a trial, or both Rules governing the proceeding, including rules of evidence, are generally less strict than in civil or criminal trials
administrative hearing
A formal hearing, contesting a governmental agency's intent to issue (or deny) a permit, that takes place before a hearing officer from the agency A hearing can be requested by a permit applicant or other affected individual, once the agency's notice of intent to issue (or deny) has been made public
administrative hearing
A proceeding wherein evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision on the basis of that evidence An Administrative Hearing may take place outside the judicial process, before officials who have been granted judicial authority expressly for the purpose of conducting such hearings
administrative law
the branch of the law which deals with the actions of government vis a vis the public
administrative law
Rules and regulations created or promulgated (not to be confused with pomegranate) by governmental administrative agencies (i e FCC and FAA) other than courts or legislative bodies These administrative agencies derive their power from legislative enactment and are subject to review by a court (often referred to as judicial review) These administrative agencies do all the work the legislative body should have been doing
administrative law
law that is formulated by a government agency responsible for carrying out statute law [OTS]
administrative law
A relatively new branch of law that controls most environmental protection laws Even though Administrative Law is generally highly skewed to allow bureaucrats and elected officials (BEOs) to make all but the most extreme harmful decisions, BEOs regularly refuse to stay within those broad lines and violate even the mildest environmental laws (See Substantial Evidence and Fair Argument)
administrative law
Executive orders, administrative rules and regulations, and enforcement decisions by administrative agencies and special administrative courts
administrative law
Law created by administrative agencies by way of rules, regulations, orders and decisions
administrative law
Law regulating the powers, procedures, and acts of public administration. It applies to all public officials and public agencies. As distinguished from legislative and judicial authority, administrative authority entails the power to issue rules and regulations based on statutes, grant licenses and permits to facilitate the conduct of government business, initiate investigations of and provide remedies for complaints or problems, and issue orders directing parties to conform to governing statutes or rules. An administrative-law judge is a government official with quasi-judicial powers, including the authority to conduct hearings, make findings of fact, and recommend resolution of disputes concerning the agency's actions
administrative law
* The body of regulations, rules, orders and decisions to carry out regulatory powers created by administrative agencies In ordinary use, as contrasted with technical legal use, people often speak of administrative law as "regulation " For example, it is often pointed out that it is easier for regulatory agencies, such as OSHA & the EPA, to update their regulations than it is to get Congress to pass new laws It is said that such regulation "has the force of law " In the technical legal sense regulation is law
administrative law
Synonymous with "natural justice " Administrative law is that body of law which applies for hearings before quasi-judicial or administrative tribunals This would include, as a minimum, the principles of natural justice as embodied in audi alteram partem and nemo judex in sua causa Many quasi-judicial organizations or administrative tribunals supplement the rules of natural justice with their own detailed rules of procedure
administrative law
the body of rules and regulations and orders and decisions created by administrative agencies of government
administrative law
legal positivism
administrative law
Rules and regulations that government agencies develop based on their interpretations of statutory law
administrative law
law concerned with the executive authority and the bodies associated with it
administrative law
The body of regulations, rules, orders and decisions to carry out regulatory powers created by administrative agencies In ordinary use, as contrasted with technical legal use, people often speak of administrative law as "regulation " For example, it is often pointed out that it is easier for regulatory agencies, such as OSHA & the EPA, to update their regulations than it is to get Congress to pass new laws It is said that such regulation "has the force of law " In the technical legal sense regulation is law
administrative manager
director of administrative functions
administrative net
communication system used by administrative bodies
administrative reprimand
official executive rebuke
administrative segregation
Solitary confinement
administrative tribunal
Special court that hears complaints from employees in the secretariats of the International Labor Organization and other intergovernmental organizations
administrative tribunal
Hybrid adjudicating authorities which straddle the line between government and the courts Between routine government policy decision-making bodies and the traditional court forums lies a hybrid, sometimes called a "tribunal" or "administrative tribunal" and not necessarily presided by judges These operate as a government policy-making body at times but also exercise a licensing, certifying, approval or other adjudication authority which is " quasi-judicial" because it directly affects the legal rights of a person Administrative tribunals are often referred to as "Commission", "Authority" or "Board "
administrative unit
unit which deals with administrative duties
administrative unit
a unit with administrative responsibilities
In an administrative manner
by or for an administrator; "this decision was made administratively
from an administrative standpoint, in a managerial manner, executively
by or for an administrator; "this decision was made administratively"
selling administrative and general expenses
operational payments of a business that are tied to the side expenditures and profits of the manufacturing process (Accounting)
Turkish - English

Definition of administrative in Turkish English dictionary

nahiye müdürü administrative head of
a nahiye