When property identified in a will cannot be given to the beneficiary because it no longer belonged to the deceased at the time of death For example, the particular gift may have been destroyed, sold or given away between the time of the will and the time of death Compare this with " abatement"
The sale or other disposition by the Testator, during his or her lifetime, of the subject matter of a specific legacy
Disposal by a testator in his or her lifetime of a specific property bequethed in his or her will so the bequest is revoked (See testator)
The revocation or taking away of a grant donation, legacy, or the like. Where a legacy of a specific item in a will is no longer owned by the deceased testator at the date of death, the legacy ademes
{i} case in which property listed in a will cannot be given to a beneficiary because it did not belong to the deceased at the time of death (Law)
() From Latin adēmptiō (“a taking away”), from adēmptus, perfect passive participle of adimō (“take away”), from ad (“to, towards, at”) + emō (“buy; obtain, take”).