
listen to the pronunciation of active
English - Turkish
{s} faal

Fadıl, Facebook'ta faaldir. - Fadil is active on Facebook.

Bu kafatası ve çizgileri, 17. yüzyılın sonlarında İngiltere'de faaliyet gösteren dünyaca ünlü Kaptan Kidd'e dayanılarak adlandırılmıştır. - This skull and crossbones was named based on the world-famous Captain Kidd who was active in late 17th century Britain.

{s} etkin

O çok yaşlı olmasına rağmen etkindir. - He is active although he is very old.

Tom etkin bir yaşam sürüyor. - Tom lives an active life.


Bayan Klein 80 yaşın üzerinde, ama hâlâ çok aktif. - Mrs Klein is over 80, but she's still very active.

Ben, yeni görevinde aktif bir rol alacağından eminim. - I am sure you will take an active role in your new position.

{s} hareketli

Borsa çok hareketlidir. - The stock market is very active.

eteği belinde
{s} çalışan
faaliyette olmak
(Askeri) FAAL, AKTİF: Gözetlemede, tespit edilebilecek düzeyde enerji yayan hareket veya teçhizat için kullanılan bir sıfat
hareket kuvveti olan
{s} enerjik

Liisa aktif ve enerjik bir genç kadın. - Liisa is an active and energetic young woman.

{s} üretken
{s} dilb. etken
{s} kıvrak
{s} çalışkan
(Tıp) a) Tesirli, etkili, müessir, aktif. b) Radyoaktif
{s} işleyen
yerinde duramayan
{s} etken

Aspirindeki etken madde nedir? - What is the active ingredient in aspirin?

Tylenol'da etken madde nedir? - What is the active ingredient in Tylenol?

paraya çabuk çevrilebilen active officer muvazzaf subay
faiz getiren
(Dilbilim) etken çatı
faaliyet göstermek
(Hukuk) faal / etkin
active army
(Askeri) faal ordu
active bond
(Kanun,Ticaret) faizli tahvil
active file
(Bilgisayar) yürürlükteki dosya
active high
üst seviyede aktif
active homing
active state
(Askeri) faal durum
active status
(Askeri) faal hizmet durumu
active tasks
(Bilgisayar) etkin görevler
active unit
(Askeri) faal birlik
active users
(Bilgisayar) etkin kullanıcılar
active antenna
aktif anten
active area
aktif alan
active centre
aktif merkez
active component
aktif bileşen
active current
aktif akım
active deposit
radyoaktif birikinti
active electrode
aktif elektrot
active energy
aktif enerji
active file
aktif dosya
active filter
aktif filtre
active hydrogen
aktif hidrojen
active immunity
aktif bağışıklık
active lattice
aktif kafes
active level
aktif seviye
active loudspeaker
aktif hoparlör
active manager
aktif yönetici
active mass
aktif kütle
active material
aktif madde
active natural immunity
aktif doğal bağışıklık
active network
aktif şebeke
active nitrogen
aktif azot
active officer
muvazzaf subay
active oxygen
aktif oksijen
active potential
aktif gerilim
active power
aktif güç
active power relay
aktif güç rölesi
active satellite
aktif uydu
active solvent
aktif çözücü
active substance
aktif madde
active surface
aktif yüzey
active transducer
aktif transdüktor
active transport
aktif taşıma
active verb
etken fiil
active verb
etken eylem
active voice
aktif ses
active voice
aktif çatı
active voice
etken çatı
active volcano
etkin yanardağ
active volcano
püsküren yanardağ
active volcano
aktif durumda olan yanardağ
active voltage
aktif gerilim
Active Directory
(Bilgisayar) Active Directory, Microsoft ağlarında kullanılan dizin hizmetidir. Bu veritabanı, kullanıcılar, bigisayarlar, mekanlar, yazıcılar gibi organizasyonun tüm bilgilerini saklar. Bu dizin vasıtasıyla çeşitli yönetimsel kısıtlamalar oluşturulabilir ya da kullanıcıların çalışma ortamları ihtiyaçlar ve standartlar doğrultusunda şekillendirilebilir
active agent
aktif madde
active balance of trade
ticaret dengesi fazlası
active drive
aktif sürücü
active duty
aktif görev
active harrow
aktif harrow
active immunization
(Tıp, İlaç) Vücuda mikrop verilerek bağışıklılaştırma, bağışıklık meydana getirme
active ingredient
Etken bileşen
active line
Etkin hat
active participants
aktif katılımcı
active sentence
(Dilbilim) Etken cümle
active sport life
faal sporculuk
active storage
aktif depolama
active tissue
Fizyolojik olarak metabolik aktivitesi yüksek olan doku
active workforce
faal işgücü
Active Component; aircraft commander; alternating current
(Askeri) Faal Unsur; uçak komutanı; alternatif akım
Active Guard and Reserve
(Askeri) Aktif Koruma Grubu
active age
faal yaş
active age
aktif yaş
active ageing
faal yaşlanma
active air defense
(Askeri) ETKİN HAVA SAVUNMASI (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKA SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir düşman hava taarruzunun etkisini yok etmek veya azaltmak amacıyla düşman uçağının veya roketinin imha edilmesi için girişilen doğrudan savunma hareketi. Bu, uçakların, önleme füzelerinin, hava savunma topçusunun, elektronik karşı önlemlerinin ve mukabil-karşı önlemlerinin ve hava savunma silahı olmayan silahların hava savunma rolünde kullanılması gibi önlemleri kapsar. Ayrıca bakınız: " air defense
active aircraft
(Askeri) FAAL UÇAK: Doğrudan doğruya harekat birliklerine tahsis edilerek veya ikmal, bakım ve tadilat gibi lojistik işlemlerden herhangi biriyle bir tahsis veya yeniden tahsise hazırlanarak devamlı ve faal olarak desteklemek durumunda olan uçak. Ayrıca bakınız: " aircraft
active alkali
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) aktif alkali
active area
(Teknik,Telekom) etkin alan
active army
(Askeri) FAAL ORDU; AKTİF ORDU: Faal Ordu şunlardan meydana gelir: (1) Faal görevdeki Muvazzaf Ordu mensupları, (2) A. B. D Kara Ordusu Milli Muhafız Teşkilatı ile faal durumdaki Kara Ordusu Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatı mensupları (eğitim için çağırılanlar hariç), (3) celp suretiyle A. B. D hizmetinde bulunan Kara Ordusu Milli Muhafız Teşkilatı mensupları ve (4) asli teşkiller dışında Kara Ordusuna tayin, gönüllü veya celp suretiyle alınan bütün personel. Ayrıca bakınız, " regular army
active asset
(Ticaret) aktif varlık
active balance
hesap fazlası
active balance
fazla bakiye
active ballistic missile defense
(Askeri) BALİSTİK FÜZELERE KARŞI AKTİF SAVUNMA: Bir düşman balistik füze taarruzunu önlemek ve etkisini yoketmek veya azaltmak için girişilen direkt savunma hareketi. Bu savunma; balistik karşı füzelerin, elektronik karşı tedbirlerin kullanılmasını içine alır; fakat, yalnız bunlara inhisar etmez
active border
(Bilgisayar) etkin kenarlık
active border
(Bilgisayar) etkin sınır
active button
Etkin Düğme
active call
(Bilgisayar) etkin arama
active cave
(Askeri) aktif mağara
active channel
Etkin Kanal
active clay
(Jeoloji) aktif kil
active colour
(Bilgisayar) etkin renk
active communications satellite
(Askeri) ETKİN HABERLEŞME UYDUSU; AKTİF MUHABERE UYDUSU: İstasyonlar arasında sinyalleri alan, yeniden oluşturan ve gönderen bir uydu. Ayrıca bakınız, " communications satellite
active connections
Etkin Bağlantılar
active control
Etkin Denetim
active countermeasures
aktif saldiri, etkin karsi onlem
active defense
(Askeri) AKTİF; ETKİN SAVUNMA: Bir muharebe sahasının veya mevziin düşman eline geçmesini önlemek için sınırlı ölçüde taarruz muharebesi veya karşı taarruzlar yapmak. Ayrıca bakınız, " passive defense
active demand
(Ticaret) aktif talep
active demand
(Ticaret) fiili talep
active desktop
Etkin Masaüstü
active directory browser
Etkin Dizin Gözatıcısı
active directory services interface
(ADSI) Etkin Dizin Servisleri Arayüzü
active directory viewer
Etkin Dizin Görüntüleyicisi
active duty
(Askeri) FAAL HİZMET; FAAL GÖREV: A. B. D muvazzaf askerlik hizmetinde tam görev süresi. Yedek eğitimi faal görevi buna dahil değildir. Buna " active service " de denir. Bu terimi, fiilen görevde oluş anlamına gelen " duty status " ile karıştırmamalıdır
active duty for special work
(Askeri) özel çalışma için aktif görev
active duty for training
(Askeri) EĞİTİM İÇİN FAAL GÖREV: Harp zamanında veya ülke içindeki acil durumlarda ya da milli güvenliğin gerektirdiği diğer durumlarda silahlı kuvvetlerin ihtiyacını karşılayacak eğitilmiş birlikler ve kalifiye personel sağlamak için kullanılan belirli bir süresi olan faal görev. Görev süresi, eğitim için faal görev dönemi sona erdiğinde faal olmayan bir göreve dönülmesini sağlayacak emirlere bağlıdır. Yıllık eğitim, eğitim için özel görev süreleri, okul dönemi, ustalık öncesi başlangıç dönemi de bunun içine girer
active duty for training; assign digital transmission group; automatic digital t
(Askeri) eğitim için aktif görev; sayısal gönderme grubu tahsisi; otomatik sayısal test aracı
active duty unit identification code
(Askeri) faal görev birliği teşhis kodu
active earth pressure
aktif toprak basıncı
active electronic countermeasures
(Askeri) AKTİF ELEKTRONİK KARŞI TEDBİRLER: Elektronik karşı tedbirlerin, elektronik parazitleme (karıştırma) ve elektronik şaşırtma ile ilgili ana tali bölümü
active element
etkin oge, yururlukteki oge
active end
(Bilgisayar) bitiş ucu
active exercise
(Askeri) FAAL AKTİF EGZERSİZ: Hastanın, lüzumlu hareketleri, başkasının yardımına muhtaç olmadan bizzat yapması suretiyle uygulanan tıbbi egzersiz. Ayrıca bakınız, " exercise
active fault
(Nükleer Bilimler) aktif fay
active fault
(Jeoloji) etkin fay
active fault
(Jeoloji) hareketli fay
active federal service
(Askeri) AKTİF FEDERAL HİZMET: A. B. D Silahlı Kuvvetlerinde faal gönüllü veya subaylık hizmeti. Eyalet kontrolündeki Kara ordusu Milli Muhafız ve Hava Kuvvetleri Milli Muhafız teşkilatı mensubu olarak ifa edilen bir görev bu hizmete dahil değildir
active file
etkin dosya
active focus
(Nükleer Bilimler) aktif odak
active fold
(Çevre) aktif kıvrım
active gas
aktif gaz
active high
ust seviyede aktif
active homing
aktif (etkin) ozgudum
active homing guidance
(Askeri) AKTİF HOMİNG GÜDÜM; AKTİF HEDEF GÜDÜMÜ: Gerek hedefi aydınlatan kaynağın gerekse hedefin aydınlatılmasıyla buradan yansıyan enerjiyi algılayan alıcının aynı füze içinde taşındığı bir yönlendirici güdüm sistemi. Ayrıca bakınız, "guidance"
active hyperlink
Etkin Bağ
active ingredient
aktif bileşen
active ingredient
etkin bileşen
active lattice
(Nükleer Bilimler) aktif örgü
active layer
(Tarım) aktif tabaka
active layer
(Askeri) AKTİF TOPRAK TABAKASI: Her yıl don tutup çözülen tabaka; yazın çözülüp kışın tekrar don tutan toprak tabakası
active layer
(Askeri) aktif toprak tabakası
active link
etkin bağlantı
active list
(Askeri) FİİLİ KADRO: Tam maaş alan ve askeri vazifelerini yapan ve bu vazifelerini yapmaya hazır bulunan subay ve erler
active list
(Askeri) muvazzaflar kadrosu
active list
(Askeri) Fiili kadro
active log format
Etkin Günlük Biçimi
active low
alt seviyede aktif
active macro
(Bilgisayar) etkin makro
active maintenance time
etkin bakim suresi
active margin
üretken (levha ve/veya kıta) kenar(ı)
active margin
(Jeoloji) üretken levha kenarı
active margin
(Jeoloji) üretken kıta kenarı
active margin
(Jeoloji) üretken kenar
active margin
(Jeoloji) aktif kenar
active market
(Ticaret) faal piyasa
active market
(Ticaret) hazır piyasa
active market
(Ticaret) çok hareketli piyasa
active market
(Ticaret) faal pazar
active market
(Ticaret) hareketli piyasa
active market
(Ticaret) hareketli borsa
active market
(Ticaret) aktif piyasa
active material
(Askeri) AKTİF MADDE: Zincirleme fizyon reaksiyonuna girebilme yeteneği olan plütonyum ve uranyumun belirli izotopları gibi maddeler
active matrix
(Bilgisayar) etkin matris
active matter
(Tekstil) aktif madde, etkin madde
active measures
(Askeri) Aktif tedbirler
active menace
aktif  (etkin) tehdit
active method of construction
(Askeri) FAAL İNŞAAT METODU: Bir inşaat usulü. Bu usulde; tiyal tabakasının (permafrost) buzları eritilir ve yapının bulunduğu mahal ile civarındaki kısımlar donmamış vaziyette bulundurulur. Tiyal tabakasının nispeten ince olduğu ve toprağın, kum ve çakıl gibi, donmamış vaziyette tatminkar bir taşıma kuvvetini haiz bulunduğu bölgelerde inşaatın yapılması için gerekli esaslar, erimiş tiyale göre tespit edilir ve tiyal tabakasını erimiş bir halde bulunduracak sıcaklığı muhafaza için hiç bir gayret sarf edilmez
active mine
(Askeri) AKTİF MAYIN: Mayından yayılan bir sinyalin bir hedeften geri yansımasıyla faaliyete geçen mayın
active modem
Etkin Modem
active national guard
(Askeri) FAAL MİLLİ MUHAFIZ TEŞKİLATI: A. B. D. 'ni teşkil eden muhtelif eyaletler ile Puerto Rico ve Columbia eyaleti Milli Muhafız Teşkilatına mensup birlik ve şahıslar. Bunlar, kanunen Federal olarak tanınmış ve kendilerine, teçhizata sahip olma, Federal hizmet dışında, muntazam bir programa bağlı eğitim faaliyetlerine katılma yetkisi verilmiştir
active notam
(Havacılık) aktif notam
active object
(Bilgisayar) etkin nesne
active organic matter
aktif organik madde
active oxygen
etkin oksijen
active page
yürürlükteki sayfa
active partner
faal ortak
active policy
(Ticaret) faal politika
active program
çalışmakta olan program
active rankine state
aktif rankine durumu
active redundancy
etkin artiklik
active reflector
aktif  (etkin) yansitici
active report
(Bilgisayar) etkin rapor
active risk
(Bilgisayar) etkin risk
active risk
(Bilgisayar) aktif risk
active risk
aktif  (etkin) risk
active runway
(Askeri) faal pist
active runway
(Askeri) kullanılan pist
active satellite defense
(Askeri) AKTİF UYDU SAVUNMASI: Düşman uydu imkan ve kabiliyetlerinin yok edilmesi veya etkisinin azaltılması için girişilmiş aktif savunma hareketi. Karşı uydu füzeleri ve uyduları, elektronik karşı tedbirler ve aldatma (spoofing) gibi vasıtaları içine alır. Ayrıca bakınız, "passive satellite defense" ve " satellite defense"
active selection
Etkin seçim
active sensor
(Askeri) aktif algılayıcı
active server pages
(ASP) Etkin Sunucu Sayfaları
active service
(Askeri) FAAL HİZMET: Bakınız, " active duty "
active service
askerlik hizmeti
active service
(Askeri) (DUTY) Muvazzaf, muvazzaflık
active sheets
(Bilgisayar) geçerli sayfalar
active sleep
(Tıp) aktif uyku
active status
(Askeri) FAAL HİZMET DURUMU: İhtiyat asli teşkillerinin; Kara Ordusu gayrı faal Milli Muhafız teşkilatında, ikinci derecede hazır ihtiyat gayrı faal durumunda (Inactive Status List of the Standby Reserve) veya üçüncü derecede hazır ihtiyatlar (Retired Reserve) arasında bulunmayan bir mensubun durumu
active stock
(Ticaret) çok işlem gören hisse
active stock
(Ticaret) aktif hisse senedi
active stock
(Ticaret) hareketli hisse senedi
English - English
In action; actually proceeding; working; in force; — opposed to quiescent, dormant, or extinct

specifically, of a volcano Being an active volcano.

Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting; — opposed to passive, that receives; as, certain active principles; the powers of the mind
(gay sexual slang) (of a homosexual man) enjoying a role in anal sex in which he penetrates, rather than being penetrated by his partner
Quick in physical movement; of an agile and vigorous body; nimble; as, an active child or animal
Requiring or implying action or exertion; — opposed to sedentary or to tranquil; as, active employment or service; active scenes
A person or thing that is acting or capable of acting
Applied to verbs which assert that the subject acts upon or affects something else; transitive
Brisk; lively; as, an active demand for corn
Implying or producing rapid action

an active remedy.

Given to action; constantly engaged in action; energetic; diligent; busy; — opposed to dull, sluggish, indolent, or inert; as, an active man of business; active mind; active zeal
(gay sexual slang) such a role in anal sex
Applied to a form of the verb; — opposed to passive. See active voice
Given to action rather than contemplation; practical; operative; — opposed to speculative or theoretical; as, an active rather than a speculative statesman
Applied to all verbs that express action as distinct from mere existence or state
{a} that acts, quick, nimble, lively, brisk
Given to action; constantly engaged in action; energetic; diligent; busy; opposed to dull, sluggish, indolent, or inert; as, an active man of business; active mind; active zeal
expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions"
Applications are being accepted until the closing date at which time the advertisement will be removed from The Bulletin Online
a person devoted to the active life
engaged in full-time work; "active duty"; "though past retirement age he is still active in his profession"
Someone who is active moves around a lot or does a lot of things. Having an active youngster about the house can be quite wearing. a long and active life
volcanos erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos"
`running' in `running water' expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions" exerting influence or producing an effect; "an active ingredient" of the sun; characterized by a high level activity in sunspots and flares and radio emissions characterized by energetic bodily activity; "tennis is an active sport"; "a very physical dance performance" in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition" taking part in an activity; "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations" being in physical motion; "active fish in the aquarium" engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces
any person who is not a judge and who is licensed to practice law in the State of Idaho and is engaged in the active practice of law in this state
When referring to the sun, the term means "changing" Solar activity is the changing appearance of the sun
volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos" expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs (e
As in an active rather than passive circuit Generally denotes a circuit that operates from an electrical power source such as the AC line or batteries For example, active circuits include amplifiers, receivers and CD players In contrast, passive circuits like most speakers and headphones require no source of electrical power but rely solely upon the electrical audio signal for operation
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb; "`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice"
In grammar, the active or the active voice means the forms of a verb which are used when the subject refers to a person or thing that does something. For example, in `I saw her yesterday', the verb is in the active. Compare passive. the active the active form of a verb, for example 'destroyed' in the sentence 'Enemy planes destroyed the village.' passive
{i} active voice, verb in the active voice (Grammar)
in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition"
Given to action; constantly engaged in action; energetic; diligent; busy; - opposed to dull, sluggish, indolent, or inert; as, an active man of business; active mind; active zeal
See Active voice, under Voice
Given to action rather than contemplation; practical; operative; - opposed to speculative or theoretical; as, an active rather than a speculative statesman
Given to action rather than contemplation; practical; operative; opposed to speculative or theoretical; as, an active rather than a speculative statesman
Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting; - opposed to passive, that receives; as, certain active principles; the powers of the mind
If you say that a person or animal is active in a particular place or at a particular time, you mean that they are performing their usual activities or performing a particular activity. Guerrilla groups are active in the province
`to run') and participial adjectives (e
A window is active when it is on the top of the desktop display and its title bar is highlighted
expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs (e g `to run') and participial adjectives (e g `running' in `running water')
current or front-most, when referring to Macintosh windows; the active window has horizontal lines in the title bar, and this window may be tiled (overlapped) in front of inactive windows
A common status code that is used in several SIS2000+ applications This code is used to describe courses that are offered in the current scheduling run, students who are enrolled in the current scheduling run, or faculty members who are teaching courses in the current scheduling run, etc
Adjective used to describe a micronation or micronational organisation whose constituents demonstrate continual and unflagging activity (q v ) See also inactive, dormant, and extinct
Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting; opposed to passive, that receives; as, certain active principles; the powers of the mind
exerting influence or producing an effect; "an active ingredient"
Individuals in a #channel could be active or not Some are bots/eggdrops and are not there to chat While others leave their computer/PC on while away from the keyboard Therefore, if one is active they are chatting
(of e g volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos"
asserting that the person or thing represented by the grammatical subject performs the action represented by the verb In the last sentence, the subject "person or thing" performs the action "perform", so the sentence is in the active voice In the last sentence, the subject "subject" performs the action "perform", so the sentence is also in the active voice (Repeat the last sentence ad infinitum )
In action; actually proceeding; working; in force; - opposed to quiescent, dormant, or extinct
of the sun; characterized by a high level activity in sunspots and flares and radio emissions
If someone is active in an organization, cause, or campaign, they do things for it rather than just giving it their support. a chance for fathers to play a more active role in childcare passive + actively ac·tive·ly They actively campaigned for the vote
Applied to a form of the verb; opposed to passive
characterized by energetic bodily activity; "tennis is an active sport"; "a very physical dance performance"
characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action"
A status that indicates that a program, job, policy, or scan is running For example, when a scheduled scan executes, it is considered active
Solar activity levels with at least one geophysical event or several larger radio events per day
expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs e
An active substance has a chemical or biological effect on things. The active ingredient in some of the mouthwashes was simply detergent
An active volcano has erupted recently or is expected to erupt quite soon. molten lava from an active volcano. ¡Ù extinct
engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces"
If you have an active mind or imagination, you are always thinking of new things. the tragedy of an active mind trapped by failing physical health. = lively
- a site that has been accepted into a webring in the WebRing com system and has not been suspended An active site is displayed on the Webring List (Hub) page
a person devoted to the active life characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action"
tending to become more severe or wider in scope; "active tuberculosis"
engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces
being in physical motion; "active fish in the aquarium"
Implying or producing rapid action; as, an active disease; an active remedy
full of activity or engaged in continuous activity; "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account"
disposed to take action or effectuate change; "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations"; "an active antagonism"; "he was active in drawing attention to their grievances"
active citizen
A louse. (1811 Dictionary of Vulgar Tongue)
active citizens
plural form of active citizen
active couple
In set dances with more than one couple dancing, the active couple is the couple doing the more complicated movement during any given portion of the dance. In many dances, the role of active couple passes from one couple to another. In many quadrilles, certain figures will have two active couples at any one time; in long set dances, quite often every other couple or every third couple is the active couple
active couples
plural form of active couple
active dry yeast
A form of yeast in which yeast cells in dehydrated granules are alive but dormant because of the lack of moisture
active duty
A state in which person in the military performs military duties on a full-time basis, as opposed to reserve, where one only occasionally performs military duties

Sandie, the naval officer, left work because she had been called to active duty.

active fault
A geologic fault which has exhibited seismic activity within a geologically recent time period
active front
The boundary between two different air masses, or a portion thereof, which produces appreciable cloudiness and precipitation and is usually accompanied by significant shifts in wind direction
active fronts
plural form of active front
active galaxy
A galaxy where a significant fraction of the energy output is not emitted by the normal components of a galaxy
active ingredient
The specific compound in a natural or man-made mixture that is responsible for the mixture's activity
active ingredients
plural form of active ingredient
active listening
The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying, involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the speaker's remarks

Active listening involves all of the senses, not just hearing.

active matrices
plural form of active matrix
active matrix
A form of liquid crystal display with a grid of transistors and capacitors that can hold a charge for a limited period of time, contrasted with passive matrix
active power
The real component of the power of an alternating current circuit; the product of the voltage and that part of the current that is in phase with the voltage
active vocabulary
The collection of words and phrases that someone commonly uses in speech and writing
active voice
the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action

The ball was kicked by Fred. would, in active voice, be Fred kicked the ball..

active volcano
A volcano that currently vents lava or gases etc, or has the capability of doing so
Active Directory
(Bilgisayar) Active Directory (AD) is an implementation of LDAP directory services by Microsoft for use primarily in Windows environments. Its main purpose is to provide central authentication and authorization services for Windows based computers. Active Directory also allows administrators to assign policies, deploy software, and apply critical updates to an entire organization. Active Directory stores information and settings relating to an organization in a central, organized, accessible database. Active Directory networks can vary from a small installation with a few hundred objects, to a large installation with millions of objects
active immunization
(Tıp, İlaç) Active immunization is where an actual microbe is taken in by a person. Antibodies are created by the recipient and are stored permanently
Active Channel
Internet data channel used for receiving updated information transmissions through Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE)
Active Desktop
option to display components of Internet sites directly on a personal computer (such as HTML and JAVA APPLET items)
Active Server Pages
(Internet) scripting environment that enables programmers to combine HTML and reuseable ActiveX components with scripts to create dynamic Web pages (designed for use on Microsoft Web servers), ASP
active account
account currently being used or currently valid
active agent
chemical agent capable of activity
active air defense
air defense by the use aircraft or missiles or artillery or electronic countermeasures
active application
An application which is currently running and is in the foreground The active application is the one you are currently able to work in
active application
The application subsystem currently in an extended recovery facility (XRF) session with a terminal user See alternate application
active application
an application that is currently running and in the foreground
active application
The application associated with keyboard events, the one the user is currently working in Menus are visible on-screen only for the active application, and only the active application can have the current key window
active army
regular army, army forces on active duty
active birth
childbirth during which the mother is encouraged to be an active participant
active cell
current cell in an electronic spreadsheet
active cell
The cell or cells displayed with the heavy border around it It is an indictor that the cell or cells are selected and will be affected by any changes made by the user
active cell
The active cell contains the insertion point and is identified by a dark border around the cell Its address is shown in the formula bar Any action you perform is performed on the active cell
active cell
the current or selected cell (in the above image, cell C6)
active cell
the cell in use in a spreadsheet
active cell
The currently selected cell on a worksheet, indicated by the cell pointer
active cell
The cell in which you are currently working Will have a darker border around it and it's reference will be in the name box
active cell
The worksheet cell with a dark border; text or numbers you type appear in this cell and in the formula bar
active cell
When using a spreadsheet, the cell you are working on is known as the active cell The active cell usually has a dark border
active cell
A cell that is available for use by the OS This implies that the cell's processors, memory and I/O (if the cell is attached to an I/O chassis) are all available for use by the OS An active cell is: A slot that is present and populated Power enabled Assigned to a partition Has been released from boot is blocked
active citizen
a citizen who takes an active role in the community (as in crime prevention and neighborhood watch)
active content
information on a website that is updated or changes regularly i.e. as new information is received or in response to user operations
active defence
defense of an area using all possible military means
active drive
controlling mechanism within a computer
active duty
military duty in which one is actively serving on a military base
active duty
Active duty means the same as active service
active forces
forces that are functioning
active galactic nucleus
Small region at the centre of a galaxy that emits a prodigious amount of energy in the form of radio, optical, X-ray, or gamma radiation or high-speed particle jets. Many classes of "active galaxies" have been identified; they appear similar in many respects to quasars. Astronomers suspect that the observed energy is generated as matter accretes onto a supermassive black hole with a mass millions or even billions of times that of the Sun. The accreting matter can outshine the rest of the galaxy as it is heated in very high-speed collisions outside the black hole's event horizon. It is believed that many galaxies harbour these central black holes and that they might have been quasars in their early history, although they now appear to be dormant unless orbiting matter is accreting onto the black hole
active immunity
Immunity resulting from the development of antibodies in response to the presence of an antigen, as from vaccination or exposure to an infectious disease
active immunity
A type of acquired immunity whereby resistance to a disease is built up by either having the disease or receiving a vaccine against it
active immunity
immunity naturally produced by the body's own immune system in response to stimulation by foreign antigens Contrast with passive immunity
active immunity
Immunity produced by the body in response to stimulation by a disease-causing organism or a vaccine
active immunity
a form of acquired immunity in which the body produces its own antibodies against disease-causing antigens
active immunity
Resistance developed in response to stimulus by an antigen (infecting agent or vaccine) and usually characterized by the presence of antibody produced by the host See also host Compare passive immunity
active immunity
Immunity produced by the person’s own immune system This type of immunity can be brought about by a natural infection or by a vaccine It is usually long lasting (Compare with passive immunity )
active ingredient
(Ticaret) The material or chemical in a batch or formula responsible for producing the desired result and giving the product its main characteristic. Other substances enhance or buffer the active ingredient, and may be classified as inert
active ingredient
ingredient which is responsible for the action of a product (cleaning action, therapeutic action of medication, etc.)
active list
list of military reserve officers
active matrix screen
Updates rapidly and provides resolution similar to that of a monitor
active matrix screen
A type of LCD screen used on portable computers, in which there is a separate circuit for each pixel, allowing each pixel to be activated completely independently It also allows the pixels to be addressed more quickly than a passive matrix display does
active matrix screen
A computer display, found in notebook computers, that uses a liquid crystal display Each dot, or pixel, on the screen is represented by a separate transistor, resulting in a sharper, brighter image
active matrix screen
a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers; there is a separate circuit for each pixel
active matrix screen
Provide a more responsive image at a wide range of viewing angles (http: //whatis com/activema htm)
active matrix screen
An LCD laptop display which uses an individual transistor for each pixel displayed These screens have good contrast, wide angle of vision and do not show streaking or shadowing as on cheaper passive matrix screens
active participant
participant who contributes to an event, participant who takes part in activities
active participle
participle in active form (Grammar)
active person
busy individual, industrious person
active placebo
a placebo used in experimental tests of a drug that has noticeable side effects; "an active placebo mimics the side effects of the experimental drug
active program
program currently running on a computer
active reserve service
actively serving in the military reserve force
active service
Someone who is on active service is taking part in a war as a member of the armed forces. In April 1944 he was killed on active service. the work that soldiers do in a war
active service
regular military service, military service as an active soldier (as opposed to a reserve soldier)
active site
The area of an anzyme that accepts a substrate and catalyzes its reaction with another
active site
the part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs
active site
Region of an enzyme where substrates bind
active site
The part of an enzyme at which catalysis of the substrate occurs
active site
Location on a catalyst surface where reaction takes place
active site
The portion of a protein where a ligand binds
active site
A data-processing center with systems participating in Remote Site Recovery in which the systems perform production work
active site
A site on an ice nucleus that forms ice at a lower supersaturation or a smaller supercooling than elsewhere, resulting from a local impurity or defect giving a region of local strain and deformation in the atomic arrangement of the nucleus, matching it more closely to the arrangement of molecules in ice, and a lower energy requirement for nucleation
active star
computer network architecture in which information arrives to a central junction and is transferred from there to the destination computer
active trade balance
trade balance (difference between the value of all imports and the value of all exports) which shows constant action
active transport
The movement of a chemical substance through a gradient of concentration or electrical potential in the direction opposite to normal diffusion, requiring the expenditure of energy: active transport across a cell membrane
active transport
{i} (Chemistry, Biochemistry) molecular movement, transport of ions or nutrients or other molecules across cell membranes from low to high concentrations that necessitates consumption of energy
active transport
The transport, requireing energy, of a molecule across a membrane against a concentration gradient
active transport
the movement of a substance into or out of a cell using energy, usually against to a concentration gradient
active transport
An energy expending mechanism by which a cell moves a chemical across the cell membrane from a point of lower concentration to a point of higher concentration, against the diffusion (concentration) gradient
active transport
use of energy to move a substance against a concentration gradient
active transport
transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient; requires an expenditure of energy
active transport
is the movement of a substance across a biological membrane with the help of energy input (ATP) and specific transport proteins
active transport
An energy-expending mechanism by which a cell moves a chemical across the cell membrane from a point of lower concentration to a point of higher concentration, against the diffusion gradient
active trust
a trust in which the trustee has affirmative duties to perform, requiring the exercise of sound personal discretion
active trust
One that imposes upon the trustee the duty of taking active measures in the execution of trust, such as where property is conveyed to the trustee with directions to sell and distribute the proceeds among creditors of the grantor (For contrast, see: dry trust )
active trust
A trust regarding which the trustee has some active duty to perform; opposed to bare, naked, or passive trust
active trust
a trust in which the trustee must perform certain duties
active trust
- A trust that imposes on the trustee the duty of being active in the execution of the trust and performing management and administrative duties
active vaccination
{i} injection of a live virus or bacteria to cause the body to create antibodies
active verb form
form in which the verb is showing the subject of the verb as acting (Grammar)
active voice
(aktiv): used about a verb phrase not marked for the passive voice Typically (but not necessarily), the subject of an active verb phrase is the 'doer of an action' Examples of sentences with verbs in the active voice: Sheila wrote a letter Peter saw a reindeer They have left There is no morphological marker of the active voice
active voice
verb form indicating that the subjects acts upon an object (Grammar)
active voice
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb; "`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice
active voice
the subject of the verb carries out some action (e g , He hit the ball )
active voice
mode of expression in which the subject performs the action expressed by the verb Ex : The boy threw the ball
active voice
A sentence style in which the subject performs the action Usually preferable to passive voice unless the passive is specifically called for Active Voice example: The lightning struck the tree Passive Voice example: The tree was struck by lightning See for more information: 11 Rules of Writing Rule 10 Guide to Grammar and Style Passive vs Active Voice
active voice
(contrast with Passive voice) The preferable form for most writing 'The nurse used universal precautions' as opposed to "Universal
active voice
Sentences in English may be in active or passive form The active form makes the one who is performing the action in the sentence (termed the agent in semantics) the grammatical subject This serves to focus attention on the agent Example: "John ate the pizza" The alternative, the passive voice, makes the thing acted on into the grammatical subject, thus focussing attention on that thing, rather than on the agent Example: "The pizza was eaten by John " Many writers appear to believe that use of the passive seems more formal and dignified, and consequently it is over-used in technical writing For example, they might write "The following experiments were performed" when it would be clearer to say "We [i e the authors] performed the following experiments " Contrast mood, tense, and aspect
active voice
Active voice means the subject in the sentence does what the verb describes For example, the following sentence has the subject "Kyle" performing the action of the verb: Kyle hit the ball over the fence
active voice
The subject of the sentence performs the action This is a more direct and preferred style of writing in most cases, but not all (example: The boy grabbed his books and went to school) See also, Passive Voice
active volcano
mountain with periodic volcanic eruptions
active window
current window in a graphical operating environment
Microsoft’s alternative to Java Writes web page instructions specifically for the Windows platform Generally faster and more robust than Java, but not cross-platform
A system developed by Microsoft that allows web sites a greater level of interactivity than those using only HTML Web sites built using ActiveX can include such features as exact placement of images on the screen and the kinds of highly complex forms, databases or forums that HTML alone cannot currently support
Microsoft's combination of (1) HTML-based successor to their legacy DLLs, and (2) entry into the scripting competition The are commonly called "controls" and carry an OCX file extension See also: scripts
Microsoft's answer to Java Currently works only with Windows95 and Windows NT
A programming language standard developed by Microsoft which permits complex and graphical customer applications to be written and then accessed from a web browser An example might be a form for calculating interest on a loan A competitor to Java
Since most web pages are static documents with little interactivity, Microsoft created a programming language, called ActiveX, to remedy this situation ActiveX "controls" promise to make the web-surfing experience comparable to that of highly produced CD-ROMS, where you can listen to music, watch animation and video clips, and interact with the program
optically active
exhibiting optical activity
capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid
{a} nimbly, in a nimble manner
{n} quickness, nimbleness
in an active manner; "he participated actively in the war"
the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"
the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age"
In an active manner; nimbly; briskly; energetically; also, by one's own action; voluntarily, not passively
In an active signification; as, a word used actively
in an active manner; "he participated actively in the war
In an active manner
in an active manner, energetically, vigorously, busily
the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age
The state or quality of being active
{i} state of being active, business, energy, liveliness
The quality of being active; nimbleness; quickness of motion; activity
A mailing list of those names who have made a purchase recently
plural of active
1 Members whose subscriptions have not yet expired 2 Listed customers who have made purchases within a year
Customers who have made purchases within a prescribed time period, usually one year; subscribers whose subscriptions have not expired
be active
be in a state of action; "she is always moving
be active
be busy, be energetic, be lively