act of justice

listen to the pronunciation of act of justice
English - Italian
atto di giustizia
English - Russian
акт правосудия
English - Swedish
agera för rättvisa
English - German
Akt der Gerechtigkeit
English - Finnish
English - Lehçe
aktem sprawiedliwości
English - French
acte de justice
English - Dutch
daad van rechtvaardigheid
English - Danish
handle om retfærdighed
English - Greek
πράξη δικαιοσύνης (praxi dikaiosynis)
English - Portuguese
ato de justiça
English - Spanish
acción de justicia
act of justice


    act of Jus·tice

    Turkish pronunciation

    äkt ıv cʌstıs


    /ˈakt əv ˈʤəstəs/ /ˈækt əv ˈʤʌstəs/