
listen to the pronunciation of accident
English - Turkish

O çalışırken bir kaza yaptı. - He had an accident while working.

O çalışırken bir kaza yaptı. - While working, she had an accident.

{i} kaza (kötü olay)
{i} rastlantı

Bu, rastlantı değildi. - This was no accident.

Üçüncü caddede rastlantı sonucu onunla karşılaştım. - I met her by accident on Third Avenue.

(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ilinek

Biz otobüs terminalinde kazara onlarla karşılaştık. - We met them by accident at the bus terminal.

Tom havuçları dilimlerken kazara elini kesti. - Tom accidentally cut his hand when he was slicing carrots.


Karşılaşmamız oldukça raslantıydı. - Our meeting was quite accidental.


Savaş tesadüfen patlak vermedi. - The war didn't break out by accident.

Dün havalanında tesadüfen onunla karşılaştım. - I met him by accident at the airport yesterday.

{i} beklenmedik olay
{i} araz
(Tıp) Arıza, araz, aksidan
{i} (Felsefe) ilinek, araz

Bu kazada beni en çok şaşırtan şey avukatların olay yerine bu kadar çabuk gelmeleri. - What surprised me most about that accident is how fast the lawyers arrived on the scene.

Araba kazası olay yeri korkunç bir manzaraydı. - The scene of the car accident was a horrifying sight.


O, kazara çekiçle parmağına vurdu. - He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer.

Küçük çocuk kazara bardağı kırdı. - The little boy accidentally broke the glass.


Bu keşif tesadüfen yapıldı. - This discovery was made accidentally.

{s} tesadüfi

Onun kabalığı tesadüfi değil bilinçliydi. - His rudeness was conscious, not accidental.

Colombus'un Amerika'yı keşfi tesadüfiydi. - Columbus' discovery of America was accidental.

{s} kazara olan
accident prone
çok kaza yapan
accident insurance
kaza sigortası
accident protection
kazalardan korunma
başına sık sık kaza gelen
accident and emergency
Kaza ve acil
accident preventer
kaza önleyici tertibat
accident preventing
Kaza önleme
accident prone
sürekli kaza yapan
accident, casual event
kaza, gündelik olay
accident; bad luck; misfortune
kaza, kötü şans, talihsizlik
accident and health
(Sigorta) kaza ve sağlık
accident and indemnity
(Sigorta) kaza ve tazminat
accident and sickness benefit
kaza ve hastalık yardımı
accident at sea
deniz kazası
accident benefit
kaza tazminatı
accident cause
(Ticaret) kaza nedeni
accident causes
(Kanun) kaza sebepleri
accident conditions
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaza koşulları
accident data report
(Havacılık) kaza bilgi raporu
accident exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaza ışınlanması
accident free
accident frequency rate
(Ticaret) kaza frekansı
accident incident
(Askeri) kaza olayı
accident investigation board
(Askeri) kaza tetkik kurulu
accident law
kaza hukuku
accident notification
(Askeri) kaza bildirimi
accident of employment
(Sigorta) iş kazası
accident offices association
(Sigorta) kaza büroları birliği
accident prevantation measures
(Tekstil) kazadan koruma ölçüsü
accident prevention
kaza önleme
accident prevention
kazaya karşı korunma
accident prevention measures
kaza önleme tedbirleri
accident prevention programme
(Askeri) kazaları önleme programı
accident prevention techniques
kaza önleme yöntemleri
accident prone
kazaya eğilimli
accident proneness
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kazaya yatkınlık
accident response group
kaza müdahale ekibi

Hayır, yanlışlıkla parmağımı kestim! Ne yapmalıyım? - Oh no, I accidentally sawed off my finger! What should I do?

Tom yanlışlıkla harici hard disklerden birindeki tüm dosyaları sildi. - Tom accidentally deleted all the files on one of his external hard disks.

rastlantı sonucu olan
by accident

Savaş tesadüfen patlak vermedi. - The war didn't break out by accident.

Ben onun hakkında tamamen tesadüfen öğrendim. - I only found out about it purely by accident.

(Muzik) arızalı
(Muzik) tesadüfen gelen diyez
(Kanun) rastlantı kabilinden
yanlışlıkla olan
(Muzik) geçici değiştirme işareti
(Kanun) arid
kaza eseri olan
(Kanun) tesadüfi olarak
(Kanun) kazaen
aviation accident
uçak kazası
fatal accident
ölümcül kaza

En ölümcül kazalar evde olur. - Most fatal accidents happen at home.

have an accident
kaza yapmak
meet an accident
(Kanun) kazaya uğramak
scene of the accident
kaza yeri
scene of the accident
kaza mahali
struck down by an accident
suffer an accident
kurban gitmek
kaza eseri
by accident

Biz otobüs terminalinde kazara onlarla karşılaştık. - We met them by accident at the bus terminal.

Silah kazara ateş aldı. - The gun went off by accident.

cerebral vascular accident
serebrovasküler olay
cerebrovascular accident
serebrovasküler olay
fatal accident
öldürücü kaza
have an accident
kaza geçirmek
industrial accident
iş kazası
marine accident
deniz kazası
occupational accident
iş kazası
radiation accident
radyasyon hasarı
railway accident
demiryolu kazası
severe accident
ağır kaza
traffic accident
trafik kazası
by accident, haply
kaza, tesadüfen tarafından
by accident, randomly
kaza, rastgele tarafından
chain accident
Zincirleme kaza, kaza zinciri

By the time the ambulances carrying the victims of the chain accident arrived at the hospital,half of them had died.

destroyed in an accident etc
kaza vs yok
diving accident
dalış kazası
fallacy of accident
(Felsefe) Özelleştirme Safsatası: Genel ilke veya ifadenin istisnai durumlar için de geçerli olduğunu düşünme hatası, Aristo’un tesbit ettiği on üç orijinal safsatadan birisidir; meselâ, şehir içindeki hız sınırından çıkarak ambulansların yavaş gitmeleri gerektiği sonucuna varmak gibi; morfinin bir uyuşturucu olduğunu belirterak, hastahanelerde kullanımının yasaklanması gerektiğini savunmak gibi
fallacy of converse accident
(Felsefe) Genelleştirme Safsatası: Özel durumlardan, özelliği olan istisnai haller için geçerli olan kurallardan, genel ilkelere ve ifadelere sıçrama yanlısı. Düğünde atılan silâh misafirlerden birisini vurdu. "Bütün silâhlar toplanmalıdır." gibi
freak accident
görünmez kaza
home accident
ev kazası
motor vehicle accident
Motorlu araç kazası
personal accident policy
şahsi kaza poliçesi
(accident) to happen
kaza olmak
(accident) to happen
kaza meydana gelmek
(accident) to occur
kaza meydana gelmek
(accident) to occur
kaza olmak
(accident) to take place
kaza meydana gelmek
(accident) to take place
kaza olmak
{s} tesadüfen meydana gelen
(Tıp) Arızi, aksidental
tesadüfen gelen bemol ya da diyez
{s} (Felsefe) ilineksel
rastlantı sonucu

Bir çift rastlantı sonucu Kaliforniya'da 1400 tane altın sikke buldu. - A couple accidentally discovered a treasure of 1400 gold coins in California.

aircraft accident
(Askeri) UÇAK KAZASI: Bir hava aracının, personel hatası ve malzeme yetersizliği yüzünden, herhangi bir şekilde hasara uğraması, personelin ölmesi veya ağır surette yaralanması
aircraft accident inquiry
(Askeri) uçak kazası incelemesi
by accident
rastlantı sonucu

Üçüncü caddede rastlantı sonucu onunla karşılaştım. - I met her by accident on Third Avenue.

Rastlantı sonucu caddede Bay Smith'le karşılaştım. - I met Mr Smith on the street by accident.

chapter of accident
(deyim) sorunlar silsilesi
chemical accident
(Kimya) kimyasal kaza
chernobyl nuclear accident
çernobil nükleer kazası
detailed accident report
(Askeri) ayrıntılı kaza raporu
did you have an accident
kaza mı geçirdiniz
disability by accident
kazaen maluliyet
each and every accident
(Sigorta) beher kaza başına
electrical accident
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektrik kazası
happy accident
güzel tesadüf
hit and run accident
şoförün kaçtığı kaza
i want to report an accident
bir kaza bildirmek istiyorum
joint nuclear accident coordinating center
(Askeri) müşterek nükleer kaza koordinasyon merkezi
joint nuclear accident coordinating center
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK NÜKLEER KAZA KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ: Gerektiğinde radyoaktif maddelerle ilgili kazalarla bağlantılı olmak üzere, radyolojik yardım kabiliyetleri ve yardım faaliyetlerinin koordinasyonuyla ilgili bilgi alışverişinde bulunmak ve bu bilgileri muhafaza etmek için kurulmuş müşterek Nükleer Savunma ve Enerji Bakanlığı merkez teşkilatı
leave nothing to accident
hiçbir şeyi tesadüfe bırakmamak
loss of coolant accident
(Nükleer Bilimler) (loca) soğutucu kaybı kazası
maximum credible accident
(Nükleer Bilimler) öngörülebilen (düşünülebilen) en büyük kaza, mümkün görülen en önemli kaza
may i have a copy of the accident report
kaza raporunun bir kopyasını alabilir miyim
nuclear accident
(Askeri) NÜKLEER KAZA: Nükleer silahların veya ana parçalarının kaybı, tahribi veya ciddi surette hasara uğratması ile ilgili ve can ve mal için fiili veya muhtemel bir tehlike yaratacak planlanmamış bir olay. Bak. "nuclear weapon (s) accident"
nuclear weapon accident
(Askeri) (DOD) (S) NÜKLEER SİLAH KAZASI (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): Nükleer silahların veya radyolojik nükleer silah parçalarının neden olduğu, aşağıdakilerden herhangi biriyle sonuçlanan beklenmedik bir olay: a. Bir savaşın başlaması için tehlike oluşturabilecek nükleer kapasiteli bir silah sisteminin, ABD kuvvetleri veya ABD. nin desteklediği müttefik kuvvetler tarafından kazaen veya müsaadesiz olarak fırlatılması, ateşlenmesi veya kullanılması, b. Nükleer infilak c. Bir nükleer silahın veya radyolojik nükleer silah parçasının nükleer olmayan nedenlerle infilakı veya yanması d. Radyoaktif kirlilik e. Bir nükleer silaha veya radyolojik nükleer silah parçasına, tehlike nedeniyle elden çıkarılmasında-denize atılması-dahil olmak üzere el konulması, bunların çalınması, kaybedilmesi ve tahrip edilmesi f. Fiili veya ima edilen halk tehlikesi
nuclear weapon accident
(Askeri) (NATO) (S) NÜKLEER SİLAH KAZASI (NATO): Nükleer silahların veya onların parçalarının, insan yaşamı veya mülkiyet için bilfiil veya muhtemel tehlike yaratacak şekilde kaybedilmesinin veya tahrip olmasının veya ciddi şekilde hasara uğramasının kapsandığı herhangi bir önceden planlanmamış durum
occupational accident
(Sigorta) mesleki kaza
preventive accident
önlenebilir kaza
purposive accident
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kasti kaza
radiation accident
(Nükleer Bilimler) radyasyon kazası
responsibility for accident
(Kanun) kaza halinde mesuliyet
road accident
trafik kazası
scene of accident
kaza yeri
scene of accident
olay yeri
shipping accident
(Askeri) vapur sefer kazası
there has been an accident
bir kaza oldu
there's an accident up ahead
İleride bir kaza olmuş
unexpected accident
görünmez kaza
English - English
Unusual appearance or effect - Geoffrey Chaucer

To fulfill all thy likerous talent!.

An unintended pregnancy

It is the very place God meant for thee; .

An instance of incontinence
A property attached to a word, but not essential to it, as gender, number, case
A quality or attribute in distinction from the substance, as sweetness, softness

If they went through their growth-crisis in other faiths and other countries, although the essence of the change would be the same , its accidents would be different.

An unexpected event with negative consequences occurring without the intention of the one suffering the consequences

Of moving accidents by flood and field .

Any chance event
An irregular surface feature with no apparent cause
An unplanned event that results in injury (including death) or occupational illness to person(s) and/or damage to property, exclusive of injury and/or damage caused by action of an enemy or hostile force
An unintended event such as a collision that causes damage or death

My insurance is expensive now, mostly because of those two accidents.

Any property, fact, or relation that is the result of chance or is nonessential

This accident, as I call it, of Athens being situated some miles from the sea, which is rather the consequence of its being a very ancient site, .

A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms
casus; such unforeseen, extraordinary, extraneous interference as is out of the range of ordinary calculation
An accident happens when a vehicle hits a person, an object, or another vehicle, causing injury or damage. She was involved in a serious car accident last week Six passengers were killed in the accident
{n} a property of a thing, that which comes to pass without being foreseen
an unforeseen and unintended event which results in injury or damage
A sudden unintentional event or happening that occurs unexpectedly, which may cause bodily injury or property damage
is that occurrence in a sequence of events that produces unintended injury, death, or property damage   Accident refers to the event, not the result of the event ( see unintentional injury)
An unforeseen, unintended and expected event
means an unintentional, sudden fortuitous and unforeseeable event due exclusively to an external cause of a violent nature and inflicting, directly and independently of all other causes, bodily injury
An unanticipated event, commonly leading to injury, in traffic, the workplace, or a domestic or recreational setting Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that the risk of accidents is often predictable; they are therefore preventable
An event or occurrence which is unforeseen and unintended
is that occurrence in a sequence of events that produces unintended injury, death, or property damage   Accident refers to the event, not the result of the event ( see unintentional injury)
a mishap; especially one causing injury or death
An unexpected event, usually referring to an injury or fatality, although in some accidents it is just property that gets damaged Although some accidents are easier to prevent than others, the financial damage can be limited by taking out accident and sickness insurance, and ensuring that your car, house and other valuable property are properly covered
An event or repeated exposure to conditions that unexpectedly causes injury or damage during the policy period Actual Cash Value (ACV) The fair or reasonable cash price for which the property could be sold in the market in the ordinary course of business, and not at forced sale Actuary
The word "Accident" should not be used when describing a crash between a motor vehicle and a train An "Accident" is an uncontrolled event A "Crash" or a "Collision" is preventable The preferred terms are Crash, Collision and Incident (See the term "CRASH" )
An event classified as Level 4, 5, 6 or 7, i e that involves a release of radioactive material off-site likely to cause public exposure at least of the order of authorized limits or requiring countermeasures to be taken, or causes significant damage to the installation, or results in exposure of workers on-site to such a degree that there is a high probability of early death
An unforeseen event or occurrence which results in injury or property damage
A fortuitous event, unforeseen and unintended
[Health, Life, Property/Casualty] a sudden, unexpected, and unintended event; see also OCCURRENCE
An unplanned event, unexpected and undesigned, which occurs suddenly and at a definite place See also Occurrence
That occurrence in a sequence of events which usually produces unintended injury, death or property damage
an undesired event that results in harm to people, damage to property, loss to process, or harm to the environment
An event or repeated exposure to conditions that unexpectedly causes injury or damage during the policy period
An unexpected, unforeseen event not under the control of an insured and resulting in a loss
An unexpected, unforeseen event not under the control of an insured
An unforeseen, unintended, and unexpected event, which occurs suddenly and at a definite place See Occurrence
anything that happens by chance without an apparent cause
An unplanned event, unexpected and undesigned, which occurs suddenly and at a definite place See also Occurrence (G)
An unexpected, unforeseen event beyond the control of the insured, identifiable in time and place Used in expressions such as "accidental death", or "any one accident" (meaning any one event) Accident is also used to refer to the business which the insurer or reinsurer is transacting An accident book of business means a portfolio of accident policies 1 All classes of business not conventionally handled by property, marine and aviation, or life departments Thus, it includes lines like theft, liability, personal accident, guarantee, motor, engineering, livestock, bonding, credit In the US known as casualty business) 2 Motor excess of loss covers are mostly arranged on an any one accident basis: limit and deductible apply to the reinsured's ultimate net loss in any one loss or series of losses arising from one accident or event See Event
- An unexpected event which happens by chance and is not expected in the normal course of events
Literally, a befalling; an event that takes place without ones foresight or expectation; an undesigned, sudden, and unexpected event; chance; contingency; often, an undesigned and unforeseen occurrence of an afflictive or unfortunate character; a casualty; a mishap; as, to die by an accident
Any accidental property, fact, or relation; an accidental or nonessential; as, beauty is an accident
Unusual appearance or effect
Literally, a befalling; an event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; an undesigned, sudden, and unexpected event; chance; contingency; often, an undesigned and unforeseen occurrence of an afflictive or unfortunate character; a casualty; a mishap; as, to die by an accident
A property or quality of a thing which is not essential to it, as whiteness in paper; an attribute
{i} casualty, misadventure; mishap; failure, incident
If something happens by accident, it happens completely by chance. She discovered the problem by accident = chance
anything that happens by chance without an apparent cause a mishap; especially one causing injury or death
If someone has an accident, something unpleasant happens to them that was not intended, sometimes causing injury or death. 5,000 people die every year because of accidents in the home The police say the killing of the young man was an accident
accident and emergency
The department of a hospital that deals with injuries and medical emergencies
accident blackspot
A region of a highway where there has been several accidents in the past; especially one with signage to make drivers aware
accident of birth
Reference to the fact that various benefits or detriments to the life of a person arise from the circumstances into which that person was born, these being entirely beyond his or her control
accident waiting to happen
A thing or situation which is almost certain to eventually lead to an accident

Someone needs to repair that worn out old bridge, it's an accident waiting to happen!.

Attributive form of accident blackspot

accident-blackspot signage.

susceptible to a greater than normal number of accidents or mishaps
having more than the average number of accidents
accident & emergency
(Tıp, İlaç) The emergency department (ED), sometimes termed the emergency room (ER), emergency ward (EW), accident & emergency (A&E) department or casualty department is a hospital or primary care department that provides initial treatment to patients with a broad spectrum of illnesses and injuries, some of which may be life-threatening and requiring immediate attention. Emergency departments developed during the 20th century in response to an increased need for rapid assessment and management of critical illnesses. In some countries, emergency departments have become important entry points for those without other means of access to medical care
accident and emergency
(Tıp, İlaç) The emergency department (ED), sometimes termed the emergency room (ER), emergency ward (EW), accident & emergency (A&E) department or casualty department is a hospital or primary care department that provides initial treatment to patients with a broad spectrum of illnesses and injuries, some of which may be life-threatening and requiring immediate attention. Emergency departments developed during the 20th century in response to an increased need for rapid assessment and management of critical illnesses. In some countries, emergency departments have become important entry points for those without other means of access to medical care
accident and emergency
The accident and emergency is the room or department in a hospital where people who have severe injuries or sudden illness are taken for emergency treatment. The abbreviation A & E is also used. = A & E, casualty. the room or department in a hospital where people go if they have an accident or suddenly become ill = A & E American Equivalent: emergency room
accident curve
number of accidents, road carnage; graph indication the number of accidents
accident fund
amount of money set aside to cover expenses in the event of an accident
accident insurance
insurance which pays benefits in the event of an accident (car, etc.)
accident insurance
Insurance against bodily injury or death because of accident
accident prone
If you describe someone or something as accident prone, you mean that a lot of accidents or other unpleasant things happen to them. more likely to have accidents than other people
accident prone
inclined to having accidents, tending to get into mishaps
Happening by chance, or unexpectedly; taking place not according to the usual course of things; casual; fortuitous

an accidental visit.

A property which is not essential; a nonessential; anything happening accidentally
A sharp, flat, or natural, occurring not at the commencement of a piece of music as the signature, but before a particular note
In an accidental manner; unexpectedly; by chance; casually; fortuitously

He discovered penicillin largely accidentally.


He accidentally exposed the bacteria to mold spores.

by accident
By chance; unexpectedly; as the result of an unrelated series of events

Thou cam'st not to thy place by accident: It is the very place God meant for thee. – R.C. Trench.

by accident
As the result of some undesigned, unintended, unrelated, natural, or random occurrence; as the unexpected and unforeseen result of formerly unrelated factors

The scholar thinks the quote and the parable were spoken on different occasions and only by accident were brought together here.

by accident
Accidental; as the result of some unforeseen happening or series of events; unexpected; resulting from an event without the foresight, expectation, aid, or design of the person by whose agency it was caused; unintentional

That the injury was by accident is not questioned.

by accident
Accidentally; unintentionally; without meaning to; as the result of an event not expected, aided, or designed by one's will

Sorry. I knocked over the vase by accident.

freak accident
An incident, especially one that is harmful, occurring under highly unusual and unlikely circumstances

Even though I know what happened with my brother was a freak accident, I wish I had made choices that would have led to a different outcome.

hull-loss accident
An aviation accident where the damage to the aircraft is such that it must be written off, or in which the aircraft is totally destroyed

The Marshall University plane crash was an all-fatal, horrific hull-loss accident.

on accident
Accidentally; not intentionally; because of error, misfortune, or lack of caution

I'm sure he backed into the hedge on accident, but the hedge and the car are both a mess now.

road accident
an accident between one or more vehicles, and/or another object
there's been an accident
Indicates that an accident has occurred
a note which lies outside the scale of the key in which a passage of music is written
{a} casual, happening by chance
{a} by chance, unexpectedly, oddly
without intention (especially resulting from heedless action); "with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table"; "accidental poisoning"; "an accidental shooting"
A symbol used to raise or lower the pitch of a note in standard notation The symbol is either a sharp (#), a flat (b), or a natural sign ()
A sharp, flat, or natural not included in the given key
A sign indicating that a particlar note is played sharper or flatter than normal for the key signature of the piece It refers to the bar where it occurs and not to any subsequent bars, unless it is repeated there
A sign used to raise or lower a pitch From highest in pitch to lowest in pitch, the hierarchy of accidentals are
A comprehensive term for a sharp, a double sharp, a flat, a double flat, or a natural Accidentals are used to raise, lower, or return a note to its normal pitch An accidental placed against a note applies also to all subsequent repetitions of that note (if any) in the same measure, unless cancelled by another accidental
The general term refering to the use of the sharp, flat, or natural
a musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature
An animal accidentally living in a cave, and not a normal resident Usually fallen or washed into cave Could be drawn in by cave breathing cf Cavernicole, Troglobite Cave - Biota Ref JJ
the sign that goes in front of a note, raising (#) or lowering (b) that note by half-step(s) Order of sharps and flats
A sharp or flat symbol that designates a chromatic note that a composer adds into a tune See Section 3 14
A symbol used to raise or lower the pitch of a note in standard notation The symbol is either a sharp (#), a flat (b), or a natural sign
A sharped or flatted note not normally found in the scale
Sharp, flat, or natural that is not within the key signature
without advance planning; "they met accidentally"
in an incidental manner; "these magnificent achievements were only incidentally influenced by Oriental models"
without intention; in an unintentional manner; "she hit him unintentionally"
Chernobyl accident
Accident at the Chernobyl (Ukraine) nuclear power station in the Soviet Union, the worst in the history of nuclear power generation. On April 25-26, 1986, technicians attempted a poorly designed experiment, causing the chain reaction in the core to go out of control. The reactor's lid was blown off, and large amounts of radioactive material were released into the atmosphere. A partial meltdown of the core also occurred. A cover-up was attempted, but after Swedish monitoring stations reported abnormally high levels of wind-transported radioactivity, the Soviet government admitted the truth. Beyond 32 immediate deaths, several thousand radiation-induced illnesses and cancer deaths were expected in the long term. The incident set off an international outcry over the dangers posed by radioactive emissions
Robertson; "they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw inhis character" occurring or appearing or singled out by chance; "their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their friendship"; "seek help from casual passers-by"; "a casual meeting"; "a chance occurrence
occurring or appearing or singled out by chance; "their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their friendship"; "seek help from casual passers-by"; "a casual meeting"; "a chance occurrence
Robertson; "they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw inhis character"
Happening by chance, or unexpectedly; taking place not according to the usual course of things; casual; fortuitous; as, an accidental visit
An accidental event happens by chance or as the result of an accident, and is not deliberately intended. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate. deliberate + accidentally ac·ci·den·tal·ly A policeman accidentally killed his two best friends with a single bullet A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally. deliberately. happening without being planned or intended   deliberate
Nonessential; not necessary belonging; incidental; as, are accidental to a play
unintentional; by accident
Those fortuitous effects produced by luminous rays falling on certain objects so that some parts stand forth in abnormal brightness and other parts are cast into a deep shadow
Nonessential; not necessary belonging; incidental
a musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature without intention (especially resulting from heedless action); "with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table"; "accidental poisoning"; "an accidental shooting"
{s} casual, incidental; that happens by chance;unexpected; (Music) not in key signature
Foreign to the key signature or a proper harmony
associated by chance and not an integral part; "poetry is something to which words are the accidental, not by any means the essential form"- Frederick W
{i} effect that is not planned; unanticipated thing or circumstance; (Music) musical note whose pitch does not match the key signature
In an accidental manner; unexpectedly; by chance; unintentionally; casually; fortuitously
incidentally, by chance
In an accidental manner; unexpectedly; by chance; unintentionally; casually; fortuitously; not essentially
plural-noun accident
preparation, prevention and what to do
One of the four priorities identified in the green paper Our Healthier Nation The Government intends to reduce the rate of accidents by one fifth by 2010
The attributes, or qualities, that our senses perceive in the Eucharist, such as taste or smell Accidents are completely different from the substance of what Eucharist is
plural of accident
air force accident
unintentional damage caused to aircraft of the air force
by accident
randomly, not on purpose, by chance
car accident
collision of automobiles
cerebrovascular accident
Lack of blood to the brain, resulting in the sudden loss of speech, language, or the ability to move a body part and, if severe enough, death Also known as stroke
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident
-See stroke
cerebrovascular accident
Also called cerebral vascular accident, apoplexy or stroke An impeded blood supply to some part of the brain, resulting in injury to brain tissue
cerebrovascular accident
Also known as a stroke, a CVA is a rupture or blockage of blood vessels in the cerebrum which disrupts or prevents blood flow to the brain This may produce symptoms such as loss of sensations, motor functions, speech disturbance, visual difficulty, and intellectual or emotional disorders
cerebrovascular accident
stroke; a CVA occurs when an obstruction in one of the blood vessels in the brain limit, or completely stops, the blood flow to different parts of the brain
cerebrovascular accident
(Medicine) any of several problems related to the brain and its blood vessels (such as stroke, hemorrhage, etc.), CVA
cerebrovascular accident
stroke: a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain
cerebrovascular accident
Stroke 263Stroke 263
cerebrovascular accident
Where discharge or other clinical documentation recorded at the time of, or immediately following, an episode of definite loss of limb or cognitive function and which, in the opinion of the attending clinician, was the direct result of a stroke Where post-event investigations show that such an event was not a stroke, the latter verdict is considered dominant
cerebrovascular accident
or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) Sudden impairment of brain function due to hypoxia, which may cause death of brain tissue. Hypertension, atherosclerosis, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, old age, atrial fibrillation, and genetic defects are risk factors. Strokes due to thrombosis (the most common cause), embolism, or arterial spasm, which cause ischemia (reduced blood supply), must be distinguished from those due to hemorrhage (bleeding), which are usually severe and often fatal. Depending on its site in the brain, a stroke's effects may include aphasia, ataxia, local paralysis, and/or disorders of one or more senses. A massive stroke can produce one-sided paralysis, inability to speak, coma, or death within hours or days. Anticoagulants can arrest strokes caused by clots but worsen those caused by bleeding. If the cause is closure of the major artery to the brain, surgery may clear or bypass the obstruction. Rehabilitation and speech therapy should begin within two days to retain and restore as much function as possible, since survivors may live many more years. Transient ischemic attacks ("mini strokes"), with short-term loss of function, result from blockage of blood flow to small areas. They tend to recur and may worsen, leading to multi-infarct dementia or stroke
cerebrovascular accident
A symptom complex resulting from cerebral hemorrhage or from embolism or thrombosis of the cerebral vessels, characterised by alterations in consciousness, seizures, and development of focal neurologic deficits (stroke)
cerebrovascular accident
apoplexy or stroke; an impeded blood supply to the brain
cerebrovascular accident CVA
or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) Sudden impairment of brain function due to hypoxia, which may cause death of brain tissue. Hypertension, atherosclerosis, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, old age, atrial fibrillation, and genetic defects are risk factors. Strokes due to thrombosis (the most common cause), embolism, or arterial spasm, which cause ischemia (reduced blood supply), must be distinguished from those due to hemorrhage (bleeding), which are usually severe and often fatal. Depending on its site in the brain, a stroke's effects may include aphasia, ataxia, local paralysis, and/or disorders of one or more senses. A massive stroke can produce one-sided paralysis, inability to speak, coma, or death within hours or days. Anticoagulants can arrest strokes caused by clots but worsen those caused by bleeding. If the cause is closure of the major artery to the brain, surgery may clear or bypass the obstruction. Rehabilitation and speech therapy should begin within two days to retain and restore as much function as possible, since survivors may live many more years. Transient ischemic attacks ("mini strokes"), with short-term loss of function, result from blockage of blood flow to small areas. They tend to recur and may worsen, leading to multi-infarct dementia or stroke
faked an accident
make it seem as though an accident occurred when it did not
fatal accident
accident resulting in death
fatal accident
an accident that causes someone to die
had an accident
experienced an accident
hit and run accident
automobile accident in which a driver who hits a pedestrian or other car drives off to avoid taking responsibility
nuclear accident
release of radioactive fuel due to an explosion or meltdown in a nuclear reactor
road accident
car accident causing injury or even death
road accident victims compensation fund
public fund which provides monetary compensation to those injured in road accidents
serious accident
accident in which much harm was caused to people or property
site of the accident
place where an accident occurred
staged an accident
intentionally caused a crash, made something look like an accident
traffic accident
terrible accident involving cars and other vehicles and pedestrians
work accident
misadventure which took place while at work
Turkish - English

Definition of accident in Turkish English dictionary

deniz kazası shipwreck; accident
at sea