Definition of access mode in English English dictionary
(I) A distinct type of data processing operation-- e g read, write, append, or execute--that a subject can potentially perform on an object in a system [RFC2828] (see also access control, automated information system)
When a process creates or opens a file, it specifies the access and share modes of the file The access mode specifies whether the file is for reading, writing or both
A designation that determines the accessibility of the variables in a class by other functions
The method by which the GroupWise® client accesses the post office See also client/server access mode and direct access mode
An access mode is a form of access permitted to a file Each implementation provides separate read, write, and execute/search access modes
The condition in which all access parameters have been met, allowing an access control system to grant access
The locking specified when opening a file: exclusive, readers only, or shared with any
An attribute of a storage pool or a storage volume that specifies whether the server can write to or read from the storage pool or storage volume The access mode can be read/write, read-only, or unavailable Volumes in primary storage pools can also have an access mode of destroyed Volumes in copy storage pools can also have an access mode of offsite
A method VM/ESA uses to control user access to data files Access modes let the user read and write data to a file, or only read data from a file See file mode
An attribute of a storage pool or a storage volume attribute that specifies whether TSM can write to or read from the storage pool or storage volume The access mode can be read/write, read-only, or unavailable Volumes in primary storage pools can also have an access mode of destroyed Volumes in copy storage pools can also have an access mode of offsite
An attribute of a file or directory, which determines what operations a user may perform on the file or directory
(I) A distinct type of data processing operation-- e g , read, write, append, or execute--that a subject can potentially perform on an object in a computer system [RFC2828] (see also access control)
the scope of actions available to the user of a collection There are three modes: read-only - user can only view the collection learn-only - user can view the collection, learn new material and make repetitions full-access - user can freely change the contents of a collection