(Askeri) TAMAMLAYICI AKSELEROMETRE, ÇIKIŞ İŞARETLİ AKSELEROMETRE (HV.): Kendi hasar ekseni boyunca ivme kuvvetlerini ölçen ve hızla orantılı bir çıkış işareti veren elektromekanik bir cihaz
Definition of accelerometer in English English dictionary
A device which converts the effects of mechanical motion into an electrical signal that is proportional to the acceleration value of the motion
A device ( a sensor or transducer or pickup) for converting x" to an electrical signal
An inertial device for measuring acceleration, usually in three orthogonal axes (lateral X, longitudinal Y, and vertical Z) ; accelerometers usually consist of a mass, spring, and damper ; accelerometers are usually included in inertial sensors, such as AHRS and INS
An accelerometer is a device which can measure acceleration, the rate of change of velocity with respect to time
Instrument that measures acceleration It is attached to the surface of the object that will experience the acceleration As the object moves, it causes an electric current to flow, which measures the amount of acceleration that is taking place and indicates that amount on the calibrated accelerometer
A device that converts the effects of mechanical motion into an electrical signal that is proportional to the acceleration value of the motion A sensor A transducer
an instrument for measuring acceleration or for detecting and measuring vibrations
A sensor or transducer or pickup for converting acceleration to an electrical signal Two common types are piezoresistive and piezoelectric
A device used to measure vibration; its electrical output indicates its acceleration (see Section 1 4)
A transducer which converts mechanical motion into an electrical signal that is proportional to the acceleration value of the motion technical glossary, technical terms, glossary, technical glossary
Instrument that measures acceleration. Because it is difficult to measure acceleration directly, the device measures the force exerted by restraints placed on a reference mass to hold its position fixed in an accelerating body. The output is usually either a varying electrical voltage or displacement of a moving pointer over a fixed scale. Specially designed accelerometers are used in varied applications: control of industrial vibration test equipment, detection of earthquakes (seismographs), and input to navigational and inertial guidance systems