Definition of absorptivity in English English dictionary
The constant a in the Beer's law relation A = abc, where A is the absorbance, b the path length, and c the concentration of solution. Also known as absorptive power. Formerly known as absorbency index; absorption constant; extinction coefficient
The fraction of radiation absorbed by a surface to the total radiation incident on the surface
In a solar thermal system, the ratio of solar energy striking the absorber that is absorbed by the absorber to that of solar energy striking a black body (perfect absorber) at the same temperature The absorptivity of a material is numerically equal to its emissivity
Percentage of infrared energy amount absorbed by a substrate, as compared with total amount of incident infrared energy
The fraction of incident radiation that is absorbed by matter Absorptivity may be a function of wavelength and/or direction, and is related to the emissivity of the region by Kirchhoff's law The absorptivity is identically equal to unity for blackbodies and is independent of wavelength for gray bodies
the proportion of incident electromagnetic radiant power absorbed by a surface, expressed as a fraction or percentage