
listen to the pronunciation of absolute
English - Turkish

Diktatörün tüm yardımcıları ile ilgili mutlak sadakatı vardı. - The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his aides.

Tüm çalışanlarımdan mutlak sadakat istiyorum. - I require absolute loyalty of my employees.

{s} mutlâk

Tom Mary'ye mutlak gerçeği söyledi. - Tom told Mary the absolute truth.

Tüm çalışanlarımdan mutlak sadakat istiyorum. - I require absolute loyalty of my employees.

{s} salt
{s} tam, eksiksiz: His trust in them was absolute. Onlara olan güveni tamdı
{s} kesin

Aşağı baktım ve kesinlikle söyleyecek hiçbir şeyim yoktu. - I looked down and had absolutely nothing to say.

Öyle yapmak kesinlikle imkansızdır. - It is absolutely impossible to do so.

{s} tam

Tamamen hareketsiz dur. - Stay absolutely still.

Bu hikaye kulağa acayip gelebilir ama tamamen gerçektir. - This story may sound strange, but it's absolutely true.

{s} sınırsız
{s} pol. mutlak, saltık, sınırsız: absolute monarchy mutlak
{s} katışıksız

O katışıksız bir aptal. - He's an absolute fool.

(Dilbilim) yalın
(Tıp) absolut
(Felsefe) koşulsuz
(Felsefe) göreli olmayan

Tüm gün katiyen bir şey yemedim. - I ate absolutely nothing the whole day.

Tüm çalışanlarımdan mutlak sadakat istiyorum. - I require absolute loyalty of my employees.

{s} kayıtsız şartsız

Her şekilde, kesinlikle mükemmelsin. - You're absolutely perfect, in every way.

gram soyut
sisel değer ölçülerine bağlı olmayan absolute ceiling hav azami yükseliş haddi absolute pitch bir notanın frekansı
(Tıp) a) Mutlak, saf, susuz, b) Tam, esas, sınırsız, bağımsız
bir sesin pe

O sadece kesinlikle inanılmazdı. - It was just absolutely unbelievable.

Bu tam olarak aynı şey, sadece tamamen farklı. - It is exactly the same thing, just absolutely different.

toplam miktar

Mutlaka Ferrara ve Ravenna'ya bir gezi yapmanı öneririm. - I suggest you to go absolutely on a trip to Ferrara and Ravenna.

O olsaydı mutlaka heyecanlanırdık. - We'd be absolutely thrilled if that happened.


Bir grup insanın bizimle birlikte su kayağına gideceğini düşünmüştüm. Fakat kesinlikle başka hiç kimse gelmedi. - I thought a bunch of people would go water skiing with us, but absolutely no one else showed up.

Ben kesinlikle size katılıyorum. - I agree with you absolutely.

absolute accuracy
(Havacılık) kesin doğruluk
absolute age
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mutlak yaş
absolute altimeter
(Askeri) mutlak altimetre
absolute assembler
(Bilgisayar) mutlak
absolute assembler
(Bilgisayar) çevirici
absolute ceiling
(Askeri) en yüksek tavan
absolute ceiling
(Askeri) son tavan
absolute ceiling
(Askeri) azami tavan
absolute code
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) makine dilindeki kod
absolute dud
(Askeri) patlamayan bomba
absolute entropy
(Otomotiv) mutlak entropi
absolute filter
(Askeri) mutlak filtre
absolute humidity
(Tekstil) havanın mutlak nemi
absolute humidity
(Tekstil) mutlak rutubet
absolute humidity
(Tekstil) mutlak nem oranı
absolute instruction
makine dilindeki komut
absolute instruction
mutlak komut
absolute knowledge
mutlak bilgi
absolute liability
mutlak sorumluluk
absolute magnitude
mutlak büyüklük
absolute maximum
(Matematik) mutlak maksimum
absolute minimum
(Matematik) mutlak minimum
absolute minority
(Politika, Siyaset) mutlak azınlık
absolute poverty
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) mutlak yoksulluk
absolute risk
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mutlak risk
absolute volume
(İnşaat) mutlak hacim
absolute accommodation
bir gözün diğerinden bağımsız yaptığı tam uyum
absolute address
mutlak adres
absolute adjustment
tam uyum
absolute alcohol
saf alkol
absolute alcohol
mutlak alkol
absolute ceiling
azami yükseliş seviyesi
absolute ceiling
azami yükseliş haddi
absolute deviation
mutlak sapma
absolute forest land
yalnız ağaç dikimine uygun arazi
absolute frequency
maksimum frekans
absolute humidity
mutlak nem
absolute loader
salt yükleyici
absolute majority
salt çoğunluk
absolute monarchy
kayıtsız şartsız monarşi
absolute nonsense
tam bir saçmalık
absolute pitch
nota frekansı
absolute power output
mutlak güç çıktısı
absolute scale
mutlak ölçü
absolute temperature
mutlak sıcaklık
absolute unit
saltık birim
absolute unit
mutlak birim
absolute value
mutlak değer
absolute zero
mutlak sıfır

Mutlak sıfır, mümkün olan en düşük sıcaklıktır. - Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature.

absolute zero
mutlak sıfır noktası
absolute pressure
(Gıda,Matbaacılık, Basımcılık,Teknik) mutlak basınç
absolute pressure
mutlak basinc
absolute atomic weight
atom ağırlığı
absolute coding
mutlak kodlama
absolute constant
Mutlak sabit
absolute density
mutlak yoğunluk
absolute discretion
mutlak takdir
absolute electrometer
mutlak elektrometre, saltık elektrikölçer
absolute file
mutlak dosya
absolute filter
(Mühendislik) Belirli bir mikron büyüklüğün üzerindeki parçacıkların tamamını tutan filtre
absolute humidity
mutlak nem, saltık nem
absolute love
mutlak sevgi
absolute mess
mutlak karışıklık
absolute monarchies
Mutlak monarşiler
absolute monarchy
(Politika Siyaset) Salt monarşi
absolute monarchy
absolute monarchy
mutlak monarşi
absolute norm
Mutlak norm
absolute permittivity
mutlak geçirgenlik
absolute potential
mutlak potansiyel
absolute pressure
(Mühendislik) bir akışkanın mükemmel vakuma göre, her hangi bir noktasında bulunan basınç
absolute pressure
(Mühendislik) ölçü aracından (manometre) okunan değere 1 atm eklenerek elde edilen basınç
absolute pressure
(Mühendislik) referans basıncının mutlak sıfır olması durumundaki basınç değeri
absolute pressure gauge
mutlak manometre
absolute right
mutlak doğru
absolute roughness
(Mühendislik) Bir borunun iç yüzeyindeki mikroskopik pürüzlülüklerin ortalama derinliği; mutlak pürüzlülük
absolute ruler
mutlak hükümdar
absolute storage address
mutlak depolama adresi
absolute temperature scale
(Mühendislik) Kelvin ölçeği olarak bilinen, Lord Kelvin'in termodinamik ıskalası ile ölçeklendirilen sıcaklık dereceleri; diğer tüm sıcaklık ölçekleri bu ölçeğe göre derecelendirilir; Kelvin ölçeklendirmesi, ideal gaz molekülünün ortalama kinetik enerjisi temeline dayanır; mutlak ölçeklendirmede sıfır noktası, gazdaki moleküler hareketin olmadığı sıcaklıktır; bu sıcaklık ölçeklendirmesine göre, donma noktası -273, kaynama noktası ise +273 derece Kelvin'dir; doğada ideal gaz bulmak mümkün olmadığından, pratikte bu derecelendirmeler hidrojen, helyum, argon, oksijen ve nitrojen gibi gazlarla yapılır ve Kelvin ölçeği genellikle fizik bilimleri ve dinamik meteorolojide kullanılır
absolute threshold
(Tıp, İlaç) Mutlak eşik
absolute truth
mutlak gerçeği
absolute unit
mutlak birim, saltık birim
absolute value
gerçel bir sayının işaretine bakılmaksızın sahip olduğu sayısal değeridir
absolute value function
Mutlak değer fonksiyonu
absolute ventilation efficiency
(Mühendislik) Maksimum havalandırma verimi; bir havalandırma işleminin ortamdaki kirliliği azaltma düzeyi yada yetkinliği
absolute viscosity
mutlak viskozite, saltık akışmazlık
absolute adjective
(Dilbilim) yalın sıfat
absolute alcohol
saf ispirto
absolute alcohol
arı alkol
absolute altimeter
(Askeri) MUTLAK ALTİMETRE: Bir kara parçası üzerindeki bir hava aracının gerçek dikey yüksekliğini ölçmek üzere tasarlanmış telsiz veya benzeri cihaz
absolute altitude
(Askeri) MUTLAK YÜKSEKLİK; MUTLAK İRTİFA: Bir hava aracının üzerinde uçtuğu yüzeyden veya yeryüzünden yüksekliği. Ayrıca bakınız: "altitude"
absolute authority
mutlak otorite
absolute bliss
(Tıp) mutlak mutluluk
absolute bliss
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mutlak şefaat
absolute blockade
(Askeri) mutlak abluka
absolute case
(Dilbilim) yalın durum
absolute ceiling
(Askeri) SON TAVAN, AZAMİ TAVAN, (EN YÜKSEK TAVAN): Bir tayyarenin, standart hava şartları altında düz uçuş yapabileceği, deniz seviyesinden en yüksek irtifa; azami yükseliş haddi
absolute chronology
mutlak kronoloji
absolute coil
(Nükleer Bilimler) mutlak bobin
absolute colorimetric is default for proofing
Varsayılan Kesin Renkölçer
absolute colorimetric is default for proofing
Sağlama Denetimi
absolute counting
(Nükleer Bilimler) mutlak sayım
absolute density
salt yoğunluk
absolute deviation
(Askeri) MUTLAK İNHİRAF, KESİN SAPMA: Hedefin ortasıyla merminin vurduğu veya patladığı nokta arasındaki en kısa mesafe
absolute device
mutlak aygıt
absolute dryness of the yarn
(Tekstil) elyafın mutlak kuru ağırlığı
absolute dud
(Askeri) PATLAMAYAN BOMBA: Bir hedefe atıldığında veya ulaştığında patlamayan nükleer silah
absolute error
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mutlak hata
absolute error
(Askeri) MUTLAK HATA: Bir grup halindeki atımların vuruş noktaları veya paralanma merkeziyle, bu grup içinden bir atımın vuruş noktası veya paralanma noktası arasındaki en kısa mesafe
absolute error
(Bilgisayar) salt hata
absolute error of measurement
mutlak olcum hatasi
absolute fact
salt gerçek
absolute filter
(Askeri) MUTLAK FİLTRE: Belirtilen mikron büyüklüğünden daha büyük katı parçacıkları %100 tutan filtre
absolute form
(Dilbilim) yalın biçim
absolute height
(Mimarlık) rakım mutlak yükseklik
absolute instruction
makina dilindeki komut, mutlak komut
absolute instrument
mutlak ölçü aleti
absolute interest
(Kanun) tam ve sınırsız mülkiyet
absolute links
(Bilgisayar) mutlak bağlantılar
absolute links
(Bilgisayar) mutlak bağlaçlar
absolute monarchy
(Politika, Siyaset) mutlak monarşim
absolute monopoly
(Ticaret) mutlak tekel
absolute motion
(Fizik) mutlak hareket
absolute obedience
(Askeri) Mutlak itaat
absolute owner
(Kanun) asli zilyet
absolute paths
salt yörünge
absolute paths
mutlak yörünge
absolute permeability
mutlak geçirimlilik
absolute porosity
(Jeoloji) mutlak porozite
absolute positioned object
mutlak konumlu nesne
absolute positioning
mutlak konumlama
absolute precision
mutlak kesinlik
absolute price
mutlak fiyat
absolute priority
mutlak öncelik
absolute quarantine
(Askeri) TAM KARANTİNA; MUTLAK TECRİT: Bulaşıcı bir hastalık taşıyan insan veya hayvanların tecrit edilmeleri veya bulaşıcı hastalığa tutulmuş şahısları ihtiva eden bir teşkilin, diğer birlik ve şahıslarla temas ettirilmemesi. Bu şekil tecritte bütün işler ve temaslar kesilir; kısmi tecritte ise, bazı işler, bazı sınırlamalar dahilinde devam eder. Ayrıca bakınız: "working quarantine"
absolute quarantine
absolute readout
(Nükleer Bilimler) mutlak okuma
absolute reality
mutlak gerçeklik
absolute record
(Bilgisayar) mutlak kaydet
absolute reference
Mutlak referans
absolute rotary encoder
(Tekstil) mutlak değerli döner sensör
absolute share
(Ticaret) mutlak pay
absolute signal
(Nükleer Bilimler) mutlak sinyal
absolute stability of a  system
bir dizgenin mutlak kararliligi
absolute system
(Nükleer Bilimler) mutlak sistem
absolute system of electrical units
elektrik birimlerinin mutlak sistemi
absolute title
(Ticaret) mutlak mülkiyet hakkı
absolute units
(Fizik) temel kütle
absolute unity
(Fizik) saltık birim
absolute unity
(Fizik) mutlak birim
absolute vacuum
salt boşluk
absolute value
(Matematik) karmaşık sayının modülü
absolute value
salt değer
absolute weight
(Kimya) mutlak tartı
absolute zero
(Askeri) MUTLAK SIFIR: Her türlü termik etki veya sıcaklık etkisinin ortadan kalktığı teorik hava sıcaklığı; ortalama -273.16°C, -459.69°F, 0°K ve 0°R; ısıda mutlak sıfır noktası (-273°C)
absolute zero
saltık sıfır
absolute zero
mutlâk sıfır noktası ( 273 c)

Mutlaka Ferrara ve Ravenna'ya bir gezi yapmanı öneririm. - I suggest you to go absolutely on a trip to Ferrara and Ravenna.

O olsaydı mutlaka heyecanlanırdık. - We'd be absolutely thrilled if that happened.

tamamıyla (cevap olarak)
mutlak surette
(Kanun) kesin olarak
kesinlikle (cevap olarak)
mutlaka (cevap olarak)
be absolute
kesin olmak

Bu tamamen gereksizdi. - That was absolutely unnecessary.

Bu hikaye kulağa acayip gelebilir ama tamamen gerçektir. - This story may sound strange, but it's absolutely true.

the absolute

Diktatörün tüm yardımcıları ile ilgili mutlak sadakatı vardı. - The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his aides.

Tom Mary'ye mutlak gerçeği söyledi. - Tom told Mary the absolute truth.

(äb'sılutli) (nitelediği sözcükten önce gelince) çok, bayağı: You're absolutely right! Çok haklısın! We're absolutely famished! Çok
the Absolute
the Absolute
English - English
that which is totally unconditioned, unrestricted, pure, perfect, or complete
the ultimate basis of reality

Philosophers differ in how they treat their Absolutes.

Authoritative; peremptory
Pure; unmixed; as, absolute alcohol
In a plane, the two imaginary circular points at infinity; in space of three dimensions, the imaginary circle at infinity
Not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence in government; as, the case absolute. (See ablative absolute.)
Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional; as, absolute authority, monarchy, sovereignty, an absolute promise or command

he more absolute the ruler, the more absolute the revolution will be which replaces him.

Complete in itself; perfect; consummate; faultless

absolute beauty.

That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental

moral absolutes.

Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; — opposed to relative and comparative; as, absolute motion; absolute time or space

Absolute rights and duties are such as pertain to man in a state of nature as contradistinguished from relative rights and duties, or such as pertain to him in his social relations.

Capable of being thought or conceived by itself alone; unconditioned; non-relative

Note: It is in dispute among philosophers whether the term, in this sense, is not applied to a mere logical fiction or abstraction, or whether the absolute, as thus defined, can be known, as a reality, by the human intellect.

Positive; clear; certain; not doubtful
Loosed from, or unconnected by, dependence on any other being; self-existent; self-sufficing

Note: In this sense God is called the Absolute by the theist. The term is also applied by the pantheist to the universe, or the total of all existence, as only capable of relations in its parts to each other and to the whole, and as dependent for its existence and its phenomena on its mutually depending forces and their laws.

{a} not limited, arbitrary, complete
Not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence in government; as, the case absolute
(non-vented pressure) There is no need to compensate for barometric changes in test when monitoring an open body of water, or a pressurized water column In the open body of water, the affects of the change in barometric pressure are insignificant, relative to the accuracy recorded by a high quality pressure transducer When monitoring a pressurized water column, changes to outside atmospheric pressure will usually be of no significance to the test Low cost, low accuracy transducers will be affected and should be vented
Absolute rules and principles are believed to be true, right, or relevant in all situations. There are no absolute rules. ¡Ù relative
A value for the backup copy group mode indicating that a file is considered for incremental backup even if the file has not changed since the last backup See also mode Contrast with modified
Absolute means total and complete. It's not really suited to absolute beginners A sick person needs absolute confidence and trust in a doctor. = complete
1 Pertaining to a measurement relative to a universal constant or natural datum, as absolute coordinate system, absolute altitude, absolute temperature
without conditions or limitations; "a total ban"
emphasis You use absolute to emphasize something that you are saying. About 12 inches wide is the absolute minimum you should consider I think it's absolute nonsense. = complete
Absolute rules and principles are believed to be true, right, or relevant in all situations. There are no absolute rules. relative
when used to modify pathnames or URLs, it means a full and complete specification (as opposed to a relative one)
Absolute music Music which is inspired by itself rather than extra musical implications such as the stories legends of "program" music
Value that won't change when other factors change, such as a constant in a mathematical equation Something that is free from imperfection Unconditional, without restriction, such as the power of a dictator An exact amount
An absolute is a rule or principle that is believed to be true, right, or relevant in all situations. see also decree absolute. something that is considered to be true or right in all situations
That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental (referring to Adjective Definition 4)
Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; - opposed to relative and ; as, absolute motion; absolute time or space
an alcohol extract of a concentrate to remove waxes and most odorless materials, producing an alcohol - soluble liquid or semi-liquid oil It is the most concentrated form of perfumery material
Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; opposed to relative and comparative; as, absolute motion; absolute time or space
adj 1 (of a time) representing a specific point in time 2 (of a pathname) representing a specific position in a directory hierarchy See relative
Absolute is used to say that something is definite and will not change even if circumstances change. They had given an absolute assurance that it would be kept secret
The unmanifest Self; the underlying substance, source, or field of Existence, Consciousness and Bliss
The first of the three degrees of comparison
A concentrated semi-solid aromatic material, usually obtained by alcohol extraction
A copy group mode value that indicates a file is considered for incremental backup even though the file has not changed since the last time it was backed up See mode Contrast with modified
expressing finality with no implication of possible change; "an absolute (or unequivocal) quarantee to respect the nation's authority"; "inability to make a conclusive (or unequivocal) refusal
Complete and without conditions For example, a bankrupt, usually after nine months receives an Absolute Order of Discharge, which means all of his debts, with certain exceptions, are wiped out
Generally an alcohol method of extraction from concrete for producing an alcohol-soluble liquid or semi-liquid oil
not capable of being violated or infringed; "infrangible human rights"
An absolute ruler has complete power and authority over his or her country. He ruled with absolute power
calculated for a standard distance of 10 pc: m - M = 5 log10(d/10) where d is the distance of the star in parsecs; for two stars 1 and 2, M1 - M2 = -2 5 log10(L1/L2)
any belief, doctrine, concept or idea that is regarded as complete unto itself and therefore subject to no exterior circumstance or condition
An amount that is expressed in absolute terms is expressed as a fixed amount rather than referring to variable factors such as what you earn or the effects of inflation. In absolute terms British wages remain low by European standards. real
See Ablative absolute, under Ablative
not limited by law; "an absolute monarch"
Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional; as, absolute authority, monarchy, sovereignty, an absolute promise or command; absolute power; an absolute monarch
Used primarily in auctions indicating the minimum amount necessary to purchase a property For example: If the absolute price shown on an auction property is $1,000 any bid of $1,000 00 or more buys the property See also "Reserve" [ Return to Term Table ]
Adjective used to describe measurements in terms of fundamentally defined units
perfect or complete or pure; "absolute loyalty"; "absolute silence"; "absolute truth"; "absolute alcohol"
{i} something definite, something absolute
refers to a feedback device such as a resolver or an absolute encoder that provides unique position information for each discrete shaft location; unlike an incremental feedback device which requires a known reference point, an absolute feedback device retains position information when power to the system is momentarily lost
Genus: Condition of validity Differentia: Unconditional / always true
something that is conceived to be absolute; something that does not depends on anything else and is beyond human control; "no mortal being can influence the absolute"
In the study of logic, something observed similarly by most observers, or something agreed upon, or which has the same value each time measured Something not in dispute, unarguable, and independent of other state As opposed to contextual
Complete in itself; perfect; consummate; faultless; as, absolute perfection; absolute beauty
complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers; "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit"; "a downright lie"; "out-and-out mayhem"; "an out-and-out lie"; "a rank outsider"; "many right-down vices"; "got the job through sheer persistence"; "sheer stupidity"
Glossary of Common MSDS Terms B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z A ABSOLUTE: Chemical substance that is relatively free of impurities
The micron rating of a filter It indicates that any particle larger than a specific size will be trapped within the filter
Intrinsic or characteristic to the body, not dependent on distance or position of the observer or the body
A URL or web/WAP address in which the entire address is written
Used in reference to micron rating of cartridge filters Refers to an exact size of particles that will not pass through, and all particles larger than that size are trapped within the filter Hence, a one micron absolute filter is one that will trap all particles larger than one micron
{s} complete, perfect; pure; unlimited; definite, positive; not relative
absolute advantage
The capability to produce more of a given product using less of a given resource than a competing entity
absolute advantages
plural form of absolute advantage
absolute alcohol
Reasonably pure ethyl alcohol that contains at most 1% of water
absolute altimeter
A type of altimeter which measures vertical distance to the surface below, using radio, radar, sonic, laser, or capacitive technology
absolute altimeters
plural form of absolute altimeter
absolute complement
The set that contains exactly those elements belonging to the universal set but not to a given set
absolute complements
plural form of absolute complement
absolute deviation
The difference (without regard to sign) between a given value and a variate value
absolute deviation
The shortest distance between the center of the target and the point where the projectile hit or burst
absolute deviations
plural form of absolute deviation
absolute drought
A period of drought where there has been no precipitation for at least 15 days
absolute droughts
plural form of absolute drought
absolute error
Error of a sight consisting of its error in relation to a master service sight with which it is tested, including the known error of the master service sight
absolute error
Shortest distance between the center of impact or the center of burst of a group of shots, and the point of impact or burst of a single shot within the group
absolute errors
plural form of absolute error
absolute humidity
the mass of water vapour in a given volume of air
absolute humidity
Meteorology: In a system of moist air, the ratio of the mass of water vapor present to the volume occupied by the mixture, that is, the density of the water vapor component. Absolute humidity is usually expressed in grams of water vapor per cubic meter or, in engineering practice, in grains per cubic foot. Because this measure of atmospheric humidity is not conservative with respect to adiabatic expansion or compression, it is not commonly used by meteorologists. (Also called ''vapor concentration and vapor density). See relative humidity
absolute instrument
An instrument whose calibration can be determined by means of physical measurements on the instrument
absolute instruments
plural form of absolute instrument
absolute magnitude
the apparent magnitude that a star etc. would have if viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs
absolute majority
A number of votes totalling over 50 per cent, such as the total number of votes or seats obtained by a party that beats the combined opposition
absolute mean
The mean of the absolute magnitude of a function that has both positive and negative values
absolute monarchies
plural form of absolute monarchy
absolute monarchy
The rule of such a monarch, as a form of government
absolute monarchy
A state over which a sole monarch has absolute and unlimited power
absolute pitch
perfect pitch
absolute power
Complete authority to act in an area, not restrained by supervision or review
absolute space
The Newtonian concept of an unchanging and unchangeable reference system of spatial (and temporal) coordinates that is the same for all observers
absolute space-time
The Newtonian concept of an unchanging and unchangeable reference system of time and spatial coordinates that is the same for all observers
absolute superlative
In Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan; the form of an adjective formed by adding the suffixes -issimo, -isimo, -íssimo, -érrimo, -imo, or -íssim to the adjective (with any final vowel dropped) to express a superlative that cannot be exceeded, having the sense “as ... as possible”
absolute superlative
In Greek: one of the degrees of comparison in an adjective which stresses an exceptional property without making a direct comparison, its closest equivalent in English being a most important letter, a very high mountain or absolutely pure water. It is formed by adding the suffix -τατος (declined) to the adjective’s nominative, neuter singular
absolute superlatives
plural form of absolute superlative
absolute temperature
thermodynamic temperature
absolute time
The Newtonian concept of an unchanging and unchangeable reference system of time (and spatial) coordinates that is the same for all observers
absolute value
For a real number, its numerical value without regard to its sign; formally, -1 times the number if the number is negative, and the number unmodified if it is zero or positive
absolute value
For a complex number, the square root of the sum of the squares of its real and imaginary parts
absolute zero
The coldest possible temperature, zero on the Kelvin scale, or approximately −273.15 °C, −459.67 °F
absolute zero
A person or thing of absolutely no consequence
absolute zeros
plural form of absolute zero
absolute inability
(Nükleer Mühendislik) Total depravity (also called absolute inability, radical corruption, or total corruption) is a theological doctrine derived from the Augustinian concept of original sin. It is the teaching that, as a consequence of the Fall of Man, every person born into the world is enslaved to the service of sin and, apart from the efficacious or prevenient grace of God, is utterly unable to choose to follow God, refrain from evil, or accept the gift of salvation as it is offered
Absolute Advantage
(İdari Yönetim) The ability to produce something more efficiently than any other country can
absolute advantage
(Ekonomi) The ability of an individual or group to carry out a particular economic activity more efficiently than another individual or group
absolute advantage
(Ekonomi) In economics, principle of absolute advantage refers to the ability of a party (an individual, or firm, or country) to produce more of a good or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources
absolute constant
A constant that has the same value wherever it occurs in mathematics
absolute statement
A claim or opinion which is presented as a fact
absolute threshold
(Tıp, İlaç) A term often used in neuroscience and experimental research. An absolute threshold is the smallest detectable level of a stimulus. For example, in an experiment on sound detention, researchers may present a sound with varying levels of volume. The smallest level that a participant is able to hear is the absolute threshold
absolute advantage
total advantage, ability of one company to produce a good at lower costs than any other business in the same industry (Economics)
absolute alcohol
Ethyl alcohol containing no more than one percent water
absolute alcohol
pure ethyl alcohol (containing no more than 1% water)
absolute alcohol
ethyl alcohol constituted by no more than one percent water
absolute assignment
check which may not be changed or cancelled
absolute ceiling
The maximum altitude above sea level at which an aircraft or missile can maintain horizontal flight under standard atmospheric conditions
absolute cell reference
reference to an absolute address of a cell in an electronic spreadsheet
absolute construction
(Grammar) noun phrase that comprises of a noun and some type of modifier (ususally a participle)
absolute control
complete control, supreme authority
absolute cost advantage
{i} competitive advantage that a company has over another which is achieves by means that result in lower average costs (such as: cheaper inputs, cheaper source of raw materials, waste minimization)
absolute discretion
{i} complete prudence
absolute humidity
The amount of water vapor present in a unit volume of air, usually expressed in kilograms per cubic meter
absolute humidity
maximal amount of water vapor that the air can absorb
absolute insolvency
lack of any ability to pay off debts
absolute justice
complete justice, ultimate justice
absolute magnitude
The apparent magnitude that a star would possess it if were placed at a distance of 10 parsecs from Earth In this way, absolute magnitude provides a direct comparison of the brightness of stars
absolute magnitude
the brightness of an object that would be measured by an observer if the object was 10 parsecs away It is a measure of the object's luminosity
absolute magnitude
Magnitude an astronomical object would have if it were at a distance of 10 parsecs
absolute magnitude
Apparent magnitude is a scale which measures how bright stars appear to be However, a more distant star could actually be brighter than a closer one, and yet because of the difference in distances, the brighter star may appear dimmer The system of absolute magnitude is defined such that the value is that which a star would give, if it were at a distance of 10 parsecs This measure is one of the actual brightness of a star The absolute magnitude with the apparent magnitude can be used to calculate the distance to a star
absolute magnitude
The magnitude of a celestial object as if it were 10 parsecs away
absolute magnitude
the stellar magnitude any meteor would have if placed in the observer's zenith at a height of 100 km
absolute magnitude
The magnitude a star would have if it were 10 parsecs away from the Sun
absolute magnitude
The apparent magnitude a star would have if it were at a distance of 10 parsecs (pc)
absolute magnitude
The apparent magnitude a star would have if it were placed at a standard distance of 10 parsecs from Earth
absolute magnitude
The intrinsic magnitude of a celestial body computed as if viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs, or 32.6 light-years
absolute magnitude
A scale for measuring the actual brightness of a celestial object without accounting for the distance of the object Absolute magnitude measures how bright an object would appear if it were exactly 10 parsecs (about 33 light years) away from Earth On this scale, the Sun has an absolute magnitude of +4 8 while it has an apparent magnitude of -26 7 because it is so close
absolute magnitude
(astronomy) the magnitude that a star would have if it were viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs (32
absolute magnitude
A measure of the actual brightness of a star: how bright it would be if viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs
absolute magnitude
The apparent brightness a star would have if placed at a distance of 10 parsecs from the earth Filter: This is usually a disk of coloured glass or film that sits in front of the telescope eyepiece or objective It transmits only certain wavelengths of light while rejecting others ( It is important to remember that a solar filter must always be placed in front of the objective )
absolute magnitude
(M) A measure of true luminosity of an object, defined as how bright it would appear if it were at a standard distance from earth (32 6 light-years)
absolute magnitude
The apparent magnitude a celestial body would have if placed at a distance of 10 pc (32 6 ly) from the Sun
absolute magnitude
(astronomy) the magnitude that a star would have if it were viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs (32 62 light years) from the earth
absolute majority
One-half plus one of the total valid votes cast in an election
absolute majority
more than half of the votes in an election
absolute majority
Fifty percent plus one of the formal vote Generally applies in single member electorates
absolute majority
(elections) more than half of the votes
absolute majority
More than half the total votes of all those eligible to vote; in a house of Parliament, one more than half the votes of the total number of members of the house, whether they are present or not, as opposed to a simple majority
absolute majority
Fifty percent plus one of all those eligible to vote Absolute rather than simple majorities are required for some types of congressional votes
absolute majority
If a political party wins an absolute majority, they obtain more seats or votes than the total number of seats or votes gained by their opponents in an election. when a party or person wins more than half of the total votes in an election
absolute monarchy
government by one king who has supreme power over a nation
absolute music
Instrumental music based upon abstract principles of music theory and form
absolute music
Music without associations outside of itself, in contrast to program music
absolute music
Music without associations outside of itself, in contrast to program music e g , Bach's fugues
absolute music
Music written for its own sake, with no direct reference to anything outside itself It has no words and does not depict a story
absolute music
Music that is not dependent on a program or dramatic text; pure music (opposite of program music )
absolute music
Music that makes no intentional reference to a non-musical source, such as a literary work, visual image, historical event, etc The term was coined in the Romantic Period to make a distinction between "pure" music and program music (music that tells a story) The distinction is often hazy, however For example, though Beethoven's Fifth Symphony has no overt program, Beethoven himself described the opening measures as describing "fate knocking at the door "
absolute music
Instrumental music that is free of any explicit verbal reference or program
absolute music
instrumental music based on abstract principles of music theory and form
absolute music
Music without extramusical associations, as opposed to program music
absolute order
final court order, ultimate court order
absolute ownership
exclusive buying rights, complete control
absolute pitch
perfect pitch, perfect hearing
absolute pitch
The ability to identify the pitch of any tone without the aid of a reference
absolute pitch
That sense which some people possess of the actual pitch of any note heard Absolute pitch is really an innate form of memory: the possessor retains in his or her mind (consciously or unconsciously) the pitch of some instrument to which he or she has been accustomed and instinctively relates to that pitch every sound heard Many good musicians possess this faculty; as many others do not
absolute pitch
Comparatively rare ability to identify any musical note, or to produce orally any named note
absolute pitch
The ability to recognize a pitch designated by name with help from any external source Commonly referred to as perfect pitch
absolute pitch
the ability to identify the pitch of a tone
absolute priority rule
principle that creditor's demands outweigh shareholder's demands for payment in the event of a company's liquidation (Economics)
absolute right
right or privilege that cannot be undermined or damaged
absolute space
physical space independent of what occupies it
absolute temperature
temperature measured from absolute zero, where all motion stops
absolute temperature
The temperature of a body referred to the absolute zero, at which point the volume of an ideal gas is theoretically zero (absolute zero = - 459 67°F / - 273 15°C)
absolute temperature
The Kelvin and Rankine temperature scales are absolute temperature scales They use absolute zero (theoretically no molecular movement) as the zero point Conversely, the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales are relative They use the freezing point of water (0°C in Celsius and 32°F in Fahrenheit) as the reference points The absolute temperature scales are used to convert from standard cubic feet per minute to actual cubic feet per minute
absolute temperature
The temperature of matter calculated from absolute zero Thermometer temperature to which is added 273°C or 459 6°F Sometimes called the Kelvin scale
absolute temperature
The temperature of a body referred to the absolute zero, at which point the volume of an ideal gas theoretically becomes zero (Fahrenheit scale is minus 459 67°F / Celsius scale is minus 273 15°C) (010)
absolute temperature
Temperature based on an absolute scale
absolute temperature
Temperature measured or calculated on an absolute scale
absolute temperature
is the temperature of a body referred to the absolute zero, at which point the volume of an ideal gas theoretically becomes zero On the Fahrenheit scale this is minus 459 67°F; on the Celsius scale it is minus 273 15°C Engineering values of minus 460°F and minus 273°C are used herein
absolute temperature
Temperature measured from absolute zero
absolute temperature
temperature as measured using a scale in which the hypothetical lowest possible temperature is marked as zero (Thermodynamics)
absolute temperature
temperature measured on the absolute scale
absolute temperature
A temperature expressed on the thermodynamic scale, measured from Absolute Zero, or 0 Kelvin (K), also equivalent to -273 15C or -459 67F
absolute temperature
Temperature measured from absolute zero In the Fahrenheit scale it is gauge temperature plus 460 degrees and is called Rankine temperature; in the Centigrade scale it is gauge temperature plus 273 degrees and is called Kelvin temperature
absolute temperature
Temperature based on an absolute scale See thermodynamic temperature
absolute temperature
the temperature of a body or substance using the Kelvin temperature scale It is calculated by adding 273 15 to the Celsius temperature of the body
absolute temperature
A temperature scale that starts with zero at absolute zero temperature
absolute term
component that is free from coercions (Mathematics)
absolute threshold
The lowest level at which a stimulus can be detected 50% of the time
absolute threshold
a hypothetical minimum amount of physical energy that an individual can detect for each kind of sensory stimulation; operationally defined as the level at which a stimulus is first detected 50% of the time during many attempts to detect the stimulus
absolute threshold
the lowest level of stimulation that a person can detect
absolute threshold
The smallest intensity of a stimulus that must be present for the stimulus to be detected
absolute threshold
The smallest magnitude of a stimulus that can be detected half the time (p 107)
absolute threshold
{i} (Psychology) lowest level of a stimulus that one can detect, minimum point at which a stimulus is strong enough to produce an effect
absolute threshold
= eigengrau, the threshold in the dark $\Delta L_{0}$
absolute time
Time relative to the time base of 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds of 15
absolute time
A point on a time scale For DTS, absolute time refers to the UTC standard
absolute time
A point on a time scale
absolute time
Geologic time expressed in years before the present
absolute time
The combination of time of day and date information
absolute title
unique right, complete privilege (Legal)
absolute title
This cannot exist at the same time in different persons or in different governments To be "absolute" it must be exclusive, or, at least, excluse all others not compatible with it Johnson v M'Intosh, 6 Wheat 588 (1823), Marshall, Chief Justice
absolute title
This is one of the four classes of title that the Land Registry can give to freehold or leasehold land It is the best of the four, and proves without doubt who owns the land
absolute title
1 The right of ownership of a mortgage deed, which gives the right, in certain specified circumstances, to demand repayment in full, of the outstanding debt than the due date 2 A clause in a deed or contract, which provides for the early termination of an exciting interest in land, in certain specified circumstances, thereby advancing the future interest
absolute title
an unconditional title for which no other person has a better right to the land
absolute title
The right of ownership of a legal estate in registered land, it thereby being guaranteed by the state that no one has a better title
absolute truth
full and complete truth, something that is true regardless of belief
absolute value
the absolute value represents the distance that a positive or negative number is from zero, when numbers are arrayed on a line with negative numbers to the left of zero and positive numbers to the right of zero The absolute value of a positive number is the number itself, whereas the absolute value of a negative number is the opposite (positive) number (Batchelet 1976)
absolute value
The absolute value of any real number "a", denoted by | a | , is the distance on a number line from 0 to the coordinate point "a" In general terms
absolute value
– Value of a positive number or the product of (result of multiplying) a negative number and –1
absolute value
Measure of the magnitude of a real number, complex number, or vector. Geometrically, the absolute value represents (absolute) displacement from the origin (or zero) and is therefore always nonnegative. If a real number a is positive or zero, its absolute value is itself; if a is negative, its absolute value is -a. A complex number z is typically represented by an ordered pair (a, b) in the complex plane. Thus, the absolute value (or modulus) of z is defined as the real number SquareRoot(a^2 + b^2), which corresponds to z's distance from the origin of the complex plane. Vectors, like arrows, have both magnitude and direction, and their algebraic representation follows from placing their "tail" at the origin of a multidimensional space and extracting the corresponding coordinates, or components, of their "point." The absolute value (magnitude) of a vector is then given by the square root of the sum of the squares of its components. For example, a three-dimensional vector v, given by (a, b, c), has absolute value SquareRoot(a^2/n+/nb^2/n+/nc^2). Absolute value is symbolized by vertical bars, as in x, z, or v, and obeys certain fundamental properties, such as a b = a b and a + b a + b
absolute value
value of a number expressed as a positive number (i.e. -23 has an absolute value of 23)
absolute value
Suppose you want to know how much different from 0° the outside temperature is, and you do not care whether the temperature is colder or warmer than 0° Mathematically, you are asking "What is the absolute value of the temperature?" Whether the outside temperature is 15° or -15°, the number of degrees from 0° is exactly the same In symbols, we use straight lines to show absolute value The absolute value of 5 is written | 5 | | 5 | = | -5 | = 5 Graphing calculators often use abs for absolute value To enter an absolute value on the Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator, press (2nd) - CATALOG abs ( abs (25) = abs (-25) = 25 Caution! Be careful about the difference between absolute value and parentheses These are not the same thing!
absolute value
The positive value Drop negative if present
absolute value
The numerical value which ignores the algebraic (+ or -) sign
absolute value
The numeric value of a real number regardless of its algebraic sign (positive or negative)
absolute value
The absolute value of a number is its distance from 0 on a number line It can be thought of as the value of a number when its sign is ignored For example, -3 and 3 both have an absolute value of 3
absolute value
The distance of a number from zero The positive value
absolute value
Absolute value of a number is the number itself if the number is non-negative, otherwise it is the opposite of the number (See also non-negative number and opposite number ) | x | = { x if x > = 0 -x if x < 0 Examples: Read as: | 3 | = 3 absolute value of 3 is 3 | -4 | = 4 absolute value of -4 is 4 | - 2 | = 2 absolute value of 2 is 2
Turkish - English

Definition of absolute in Turkish English dictionary

(Tıp) absolute