a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried

listen to the pronunciation of a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried
English - Turkish

Definition of a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried in English Turkish dictionary

{i} dul kadın

Dul kadın siyah giyinmişti. - The widow was dressed in black.

Cenazede, dul kadın siyah takım elbisesi, şapkası ve eldiveni ile çok ağırbaşlı görünüyordu. - At the funeral, the widow looked very dignified, with her black suit, hat and gloves.

dul bırakmak
Sayfanın tepesinde tek başına kalan
{i} dul

Erkek kardeşimin dul eşi yeniden evlendi. - My brother's widow has married again.

Dul kadın siyah giyinmişti. - The widow was dressed in black.

English - English
a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried


    a wo·man whose hus·band I·s dead es·pe·cial·ly one who has not re·mar·ried

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı wûmın huz hʌzbınd îz ded ıspeşli hwʌn hu hız nät rimerid


    /ə ˈwo͝omən ˈho͞oz ˈhəzbənd əz ˈded əˈspesʜlē ˈhwən ˈho͞o həz ˈnät rēˈmerēd/ /ə ˈwʊmən ˈhuːz ˈhʌzbənd ɪz ˈdɛd əˈspɛʃliː ˈhwʌn ˈhuː həz ˈnɑːt riːˈmɛriːd/