a very few

listen to the pronunciation of a very few
English - Turkish

Definition of a very few in English Turkish dictionary

a few
{s} birkaç

Sadece birkaç kişi beni anladı. - Only a few people understood me.

Yalnızca birkaç kişi vaktinde geldi. - Only a few people showed up on time.

a few
bir kaç

Biz neredeyse bir kaçkez yakalandık. - We almost got caught a few times.

Biz Tom'u ziyaret ederken geçen ay bir kaç gün Boston'daydık. - We were in Boston last month for a few days visiting Tom.

a few
bir niçe
a few

Go büyük ihtimalle benim ülkemdeki en popüler Japon oyunu olsa da o bile bazı üniversite öğrencileri dışında pek bilinmiyor. - Although Go is probably the most popular Japanese game in my country, at most only a few university students know it.

Teknik Oturum Gündeminde birkaç kişi daha sonra gün içindeki bazı oturumlara katılmak istediklerinden söz ettiler. - A few people mentioned they would like to attend some sessions later in the day on the Technical Session Agenda.

very few
çok az

Çok az sayıda İngilizce kitabım var. - I have very few books in English.

Çok az sayıda samimi arkadaşı var. - She has very few close friends.

a few
(sıfat) birkaç
a few
beş on
a few
üç beş three or four
English - English

Definition of a very few in English English dictionary

a few
{s} small number of, one or two
a few
more than one but indefinitely small in number; "a few roses"; "a couple of roses"
very few
extremely few, very little
a very few


    a ve·ry few

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı veri fyu


    /ə ˈverē ˈfyo͞o/ /ə ˈvɛriː ˈfjuː/


    ... Very few people know about Googlebot. ...
    ... very, very few African-American students, in some, there might have been no African-American ...