Bir arkadaş bulan bir hazine bulur.
- Who finds a friend, finds a treasure.
Tom hazine aramayı durdurdu ve eve gitti.
- Tom stopped looking for the treasure and went back home.
Eski bir çöp yığını şu anda arkeolojik bir hazinedir.
- It is an ancient midden, presently an archaeological treasury.
Hazine bonolarının fiyatları düştü
- Prices for Treasury bonds fell.
Bu top o çocuğun servetidir.
- This ball is that boy's treasure.
Burada gömülü bir hazine yok.
- There's no buried treasure here.
Gömülü hazineyi hâlâ arıyor musun?
- Are you still hunting for buried treasure?
Maliye Bakanlığında bir işi var.
- He has a job in the Treasury Department.
Hello, Treasure, he said without turning round. For a second she hesitated, standing in the soft light of the lamp, the deep blue of the rug making a background for her, the black fur collar of her coat framing the vivid beauty of her face.
Her teeth are bright and pearly and her hair is black as jet.
The rose-buds, withered as they were, were still treasured under his cuirass, and nearest to his heart.
I've bedewed it with tears, and embalmed it with sighs.