a tool for making holes that works by electricity

listen to the pronunciation of a tool for making holes that works by electricity
English - English
power drill
a tool for making holes that works by electricity


    a tool for mak·ing holes that works by e·lec·tric·i·ty

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı tul fôr meykîng hōlz dhıt wırks bay îlektrîsıti


    /ə ˈto͞ol ˈfôr ˈmākəɴɢ ˈhōlz ᴛʜət ˈwərks ˈbī əˌlekˈtrəsətē/ /ə ˈtuːl ˈfɔːr ˈmeɪkɪŋ ˈhoʊlz ðət ˈwɜrks ˈbaɪ ɪˌlɛkˈtrɪsətiː/