a substance that can cause or help to cause cancer

listen to the pronunciation of a substance that can cause or help to cause cancer
English - English
a substance that can cause or help to cause cancer


    a sub·stance that Can cause or help to cause can·cer

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı sʌbstıns dhıt kın kôz ır help tı kôz känsır


    /ə ˈsəbstəns ᴛʜət kən ˈkôz ər ˈhelp tə ˈkôz ˈkansər/ /ə ˈsʌbstəns ðət kən ˈkɔːz ɜr ˈhɛlp tə ˈkɔːz ˈkænsɜr/