a substance or agent that increases the frequency of cancer in a population

listen to the pronunciation of a substance or agent that increases the frequency of cancer in a population
English - Turkish
English - English
a substance or agent that increases the frequency of cancer in a population


    a sub·stance or a·gent that increases the fre·quen·cy of can·cer in a po·pu·la·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı sʌbstıns ır eycınt dhıt înkrisız dhi frikwınsi ıv känsır în ı päpyıleyşın


    /ə ˈsəbstəns ər ˈāʤənt ᴛʜət ənˈkrēsəz ᴛʜē ˈfrēkwənsē əv ˈkansər ən ə ˌpäpyəˈlāsʜən/ /ə ˈsʌbstəns ɜr ˈeɪʤənt ðət ɪnˈkriːsəz ðiː ˈfriːkwənsiː əv ˈkænsɜr ɪn ə ˌpɑːpjəˈleɪʃən/