a stream that flows into a larger stream or other body of water

listen to the pronunciation of a stream that flows into a larger stream or other body of water
English - English
a stream that flows into a larger stream or other body of water


    a stream that flows in·to a larg·er stream or oth·er bo·dy of wa·ter

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı strim dhıt flōz întı ı lärcır strim ır ʌdhır bädi ıv wôtır


    /ə ˈstrēm ᴛʜət ˈflōz əntə ə ˈlärʤər ˈstrēm ər ˈəᴛʜər ˈbädē əv ˈwôtər/ /ə ˈstriːm ðət ˈfloʊz ɪntə ə ˈlɑːrʤɜr ˈstriːm ɜr ˈʌðɜr ˈbɑːdiː əv ˈwɔːtɜr/