a space where automobiles are not allowed to park

listen to the pronunciation of a space where automobiles are not allowed to park
English - English
no-parking zone
a space where automobiles are not allowed to park


    a space where automobiles are not al·lowed to park

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı speys hwer ôtımōbilz ır nät ılaud tı pärk


    /ə ˈspās ˈhwer ˈôtəmōˌbēlz ər ˈnät əˈloud tə ˈpärk/ /ə ˈspeɪs ˈhwɛr ˈɔːtəmoʊˌbiːlz ɜr ˈnɑːt əˈlaʊd tə ˈpɑːrk/