a solid-state device that allows electricity to flow in only one direction

listen to the pronunciation of a solid-state device that allows electricity to flow in only one direction
English - English

Definition of a solid-state device that allows electricity to flow in only one direction in English English dictionary

A solid-state device that allows electricity to flow in only one direction
a solid-state device that allows electricity to flow in only one direction


    a sol·id-state de-vice that allows e-lec-tric-i-ty to flow in on-ly one di-rec-tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı sälıdsteyt dîvays dhıt ılauz îlektrîsıti tı flō în ōnli hwʌn dayrekşîn


    /ə ˈsälədˈstāt dəˈvīs ᴛʜət əˈlouz əˌlekˈtrəsətē tə ˈflō ən ˈōnlē ˈhwən dīˈreksʜən/ /ə ˈsɑːlədˈsteɪt dɪˈvaɪs ðət əˈlaʊz ɪˌlɛkˈtrɪsətiː tə ˈfloʊ ɪn ˈoʊnliː ˈhwʌn daɪˈrɛkʃɪn/