Scooter, genelde 50 ila 125 cc arası motor hacmine sahip , otomatik vitesli, küçük tekerlekli, kaportalı, daha çok şehir içinde kullanılan bir motosiklet türü.Motorun arkaya yakın ve tekerlerin küçük olması sebebiyle, diğer motosiklet türlerine göre oldukça dengesiz bir yapıya ve on tekerlek bağlantısı yüzünden daha az manevra kabiliyetine sahiptir
A type of ice yacht known at least in the state of New York, equipped with runners for travelling over ice. The body has a flat bottom and is capable of floating in the water which makes it safe to use also on thin ice
Preferred mode of transportation among the locals Comfortably seats up to six passengers, or can double as a small cargo van Also, riding the scooter exempts you from any and all traffic regulations The only minor drawback is the greatly reduced life expectancy that comes with usage of this mode of transportation
Aurelio Ranaldi -an undeniable presence in the third coach's box and front office guru Fortunately, his scathing wrath is generally reserved for his own sons
A scooter is a type of child's bicycle which has two wheels joined by a wooden board and a handle on a long pole attached to the front wheel. The child stands on the board with one foot, and uses the other foot to move forwards
{i} two-wheeled motor vehicle similar to a motorcycle; two-wheeled children's vehicle resembling a skateboard with a handlebar; sailboat with blades for use on ice