a redemption with funds raised through the sale of a new issue

listen to the pronunciation of a redemption with funds raised through the sale of a new issue
English - English
a redemption with funds raised through the sale of a new issue


    a re·demp·tion with funds raised through the sale of a new is·sue

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı rîdempşın wîdh fʌndz reyzd thru dhi seyl ıv ı nyu îşu


    /ə rəˈdempsʜən wəᴛʜ ˈfəndz ˈrāzd ˈᴛʜro͞o ᴛʜē ˈsāl əv ə ˈnyo͞o ˈəsʜo͞o/ /ə rɪˈdɛmpʃən wɪð ˈfʌndz ˈreɪzd ˈθruː ðiː ˈseɪl əv ə ˈnjuː ˈɪʃuː/