Bizim hücrelerde kromozomlar genetik materyalimizin bütününü içerir.
- The chromosomes in our cells contain the whole of our genetic material.
Bir insanın kaç tane kromozomu vardır?
- How many chromosomes does a human being have?
(for, by the way, this blouze had left her place in the country, for a bastard).
That dried-up lady snob lived behind lace curtains all her life. She's of no more importance than a chromo.
Though, on the whole, a moral, quiet place – there being only two houses of ill-fame on both sides of the river, and not a nymph of the pave to be seen anywhere – yet during the long dark nights of winter, considerable mischief used to be committed by the more reckless of the young .
that's what they call her the lady of the night - Donna Summer - Lady Of The Night.
Trust me, that stem siren had it coming.