a person whose profession is binding pages together to form a book

listen to the pronunciation of a person whose profession is binding pages together to form a book
English - Turkish
English - English
a person whose profession is binding pages together to form a book


    a per·son whose pro·fes·sion I·s bind·ing pages to·geth·er to form a book

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı pırsın huz prıfeşın îz bayndîng peycız tıgedhır tı fôrm ı bûk


    /ə ˈpərsən ˈho͞oz prəˈfesʜən əz ˈbīndəɴɢ ˈpāʤəz təˈgeᴛʜər tə ˈfôrm ə ˈbo͝ok/ /ə ˈpɜrsən ˈhuːz prəˈfɛʃən ɪz ˈbaɪndɪŋ ˈpeɪʤəz təˈɡɛðɜr tə ˈfɔːrm ə ˈbʊk/