a peaceful cohabitation between israel and palestine

listen to the pronunciation of a peaceful cohabitation between israel and palestine
English - German
eine friedliche Koexistenz zwischen Israel und Palästina
a peaceful cohabitation between israel and palestine


    a peace·ful co·hab·i·ta·tion be·tween Is·ra·el and Pal·es·tine

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı pisfıl kōhäbıteyşın bitwin îzreyl ınd pälıstayn


    /ə ˈpēsfəl kōˌhabəˈtāsʜən bēˈtwēn ˈəzrāl ənd ˈpaləˌstīn/ /ə ˈpiːsfəl koʊˌhæbəˈteɪʃən biːˈtwiːn ˈɪzreɪl ənd ˈpæləˌstaɪn/