a part of an organic molecule that is attached to a core structure

listen to the pronunciation of a part of an organic molecule that is attached to a core structure
English - English
a part of an organic molecule that is attached to a core structure


    a part of an or·gan·ic mol·e·cule that I·s at·tached to a core struc·ture

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı pärt ıv ın ôrgänîk mälıkyul dhıt îz ıtäçt tı ı kôr strʌkçır


    /ə ˈpärt əv ən ôrˈganək ˈmäləˌkyo͞ol ᴛʜət əz əˈtaʧt tə ə ˈkôr ˈstrəkʧər/ /ə ˈpɑːrt əv ən ɔːrˈɡænɪk ˈmɑːləˌkjuːl ðət ɪz əˈtæʧt tə ə ˈkɔːr ˈstrʌkʧɜr/