a northerly wind is a wind that blows from the north

listen to the pronunciation of a northerly wind is a wind that blows from the north
English - Turkish
English - English
a northerly wind is a wind that blows from the north


    a north·er·ly wind I·s a wind that blows from the North

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı nôrdhırli waynd îz ı waynd dhıt blōz fırm dhi nôrth


    /ə ˈnôrᴛʜərlē ˈwīnd əz ə ˈwīnd ᴛʜət ˈblōz fərm ᴛʜē ˈnôrᴛʜ/ /ə ˈnɔːrðɜrliː ˈwaɪnd ɪz ə ˈwaɪnd ðət ˈbloʊz fɜrm ðiː ˈnɔːrθ/