a magician is a person who entertains people by doing magic tricks

listen to the pronunciation of a magician is a person who entertains people by doing magic tricks
English - Turkish

Definition of a magician is a person who entertains people by doing magic tricks in English Turkish dictionary

{i} sihirbaz

Sihirbaz, kuşu görünür ve görünmez yaptı. - The magician made birds appear and disappear.

Tom çok yakından izledi, ama sihirbazın hilesini çözemedi. - Tom watched very closely, but couldn't figure out the magician's trick.


Büyücü kızı ince havada yüzdürdü. - The magician made the girl float in thin air.

Gerçekten bu adamın bir büyücü olduğuna inanıyor musun? - Do you really believe that this guy is a magician?

{i} gözbağcı, hokkabaz
English - English
a magician is a person who entertains people by doing magic tricks


    a ma·gi·cian I·s a per·son who entertains peo·ple by do·ing mag·ic tricks

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı mıcîşın îz ı pırsın hu entırteynz pipıl bay duîng mäcîk trîks


    /ə məˈʤəsʜən əz ə ˈpərsən ˈho͞o ˌentərˈtānz ˈpēpəl ˈbī ˈdo͞oəɴɢ ˈmaʤək ˈtrəks/ /ə məˈʤɪʃən ɪz ə ˈpɜrsən ˈhuː ˌɛntɜrˈteɪnz ˈpiːpəl ˈbaɪ ˈduːɪŋ ˈmæʤɪk ˈtrɪks/