a loan word from the ıtalian language

listen to the pronunciation of a loan word from the ıtalian language
English - English

Definition of a loan word from the ıtalian language in English English dictionary

word-self">A word-self">loan word from the Italian language.
a loan word from the ıtalian language


    a loan word from the I·tal·ian lan·guage

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı lōn wırd fırm dhi îtälyın länggwıc


    /ə ˈlōn ˈwərd fərm ᴛʜē əˈtalyən ˈlaɴɢgwəʤ/ /ə ˈloʊn ˈwɜrd fɜrm ðiː ɪˈtæljən ˈlæŋɡwəʤ/